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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 13

Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 13

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 uODCiltlOO 0 Business January I I I -ff- 9H 1 ii r. i vS it 1 1 A tte, a i-4' tC ia IvEPOllT OF THE CONDITION OF THB REPORT CF THE OF THK hfj-ort OF tee CONDITION OF THB F.VTTORT OF T.E CONriTTCN CF TK3 COSMOPCLITAN NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK, COMMERCIAL NATIONAL cf Al-rfuhoiiy county. Ints ivenla, at the RPeOr'lCS 1 -wt---D TUB CONDITION OF THE FORI PITT NATIONAL BANK, at in the state of Pennsylvania, at tno isi of business Jn v. 2f, in ami 2C Owi draft.

scired unv ct.nd J15 27 i'. bonis to ulatk.n 00 wi S. bonds. I'l. i's, t- 35.273 SO PiM-int' I'iOusp.

fnrmtuip and fix- i. a Loans and tSituiw i -i uv.tu.iln. anil 41 i BANK ennsylvaiila, at H2 30 t.463n: 3m one 1T.5S1 8,203 72 7e 12 S. fj sccur i homli to i I'. Luu-is U0 VwiHiutrs en I.

S. tornis stocks. tc 1, u-o ture -j it dfh on ham1! i 709 lu fr va lianJis 6i3 22 Invfsiinc'it secvrUiis vU. ftorkt. bonds, etc I7.SC7.PSS T8 ilristigc 07 or fttate 44,577 41 intereai on lastinei 17 arts 2.2.'0 48 'total 61 I.IA3IMTIF.3.

TapHai stock jnli in AC uiriu f'md 03 NOV. IT, 1903, i.r22,827.77 JAN. 22, "MAR. 28, 3 904. JUNK S.

1504, tJ'SPT. ISO i. NOV. 10, 139t. JAN.

11, 1305. MAR. 14, 1903. 32,108,213.83 32,349,344.79 S2.S4 $2,590,654.69 6.997.90 55,060,6 2 9.29 3,341,671.89 3,5 8 2 ,5 4 3.69 MAY :3. 19C3, AUG.

25, 'NOV. JAN. 19, 1906. 4i Vrtr.i; I jfd profltH, loan fe.tpenses nnl tfivfs paid rndi uir-atd rtentrve fvr t.ixts 130, ii' t.J 1,316 CO Total 61 trust funds Jve9td UUiS'l'i 11 Amount of trust funds utiinvtstil. S4 to Tot) tl4.343,F.'9 fcitatc of ivrsii: Ivanla, ro jnt.y of ea.

I. 1'. trctisuifr of a.uve-namcd fonipjny, snear tlat tha tibove Kratcmrnt true, to the bst of my Kr.oTvleds( ana bniif. JMlEiS 1C DUFF, Tieas-ner. f.ibscr'f.

and sworn l.Rfurw ru tfais 1st day of February. iiut. I). B. OAKS, Noury OorrtU-AUnt: J.

AINTTLR, JK-, I. l.TON. F. C. PERXIXS, Director.

HEPOUT OF TflE COXDITION OF THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK I'lttabursh, la tho n.ate of Pennsylvania, it tne clotn of buwlix-ss Janiiury rs, K06: RESOUKCE3. P.or securities, 2.144.23 4 23 j.oariH a'i'i discounts OvrrdrafM. and iinVri7rd' 1.7-5 61 to Bfcuro circulation l.OOG.O.i') 00 2O0.C) 00 S.O.Oi'O i V. S. bonds to etcuro U.

S. deposits lnkfr.p hnus frori uatlr-na! banks (not trvarva afc.utsl VJ rss i tue from tt! banks bankers 31.419 47 Disa from approved reserve agrjits 1.723.22a 31 Cheeks and other cetsii Itewa 73,042 St Exchanfrwj flarir.2 S33.SS3 41 CO 2,4 2'ote of other rations! bank Fraetloi.m paper r-ur- rvney, nicktis ar.3 cen; Lawful ninny re.ire in bank, viz: Specie 1 fiote? 33. 4 70 00 270, U'X' 00 1,332.166 drptton fund with V. S. SO Capital and Surplus 32,200,000.00 Assets 7,000,000.00 Fifth and Liberty Avenues, Pittsburgh, Pa.

urer (5 ptr cent of Total REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THJ3 and cents 5x2 87 Ls.wful money reserve in baks, PANK OF WESTERN i $150,405 pj HHIIU.trtU CHIHh Ul "UtiiMi.ii lfjal-teuder notes 64.000 00 PFNNYLVANIA su5io ruitllO i UVHiilrt Redemption fund with U. S. trean- at Plltshura-h. In tbe iiste of Pennsylvania, at i urer (5 per cent cf circulation) SH.733 CO the close of business. January 2-3, 1306: RESOURCES.

J5.228.SC0 if St Jf 99 LlAtJii.Uii.9, I Capital stock paid 300 S.irrliis fund l.O)c,000 Pij vndivjdr-d pronts, expenses end I taxti paid 79 National bank cotes 0-3 Due to other national banka 60,822 84 Pv to state banks and bankers 63, 04 76 Due to trust companies and savings barks 122,223 1 4 Dividends unpaid 205 00 Individual deposits subject to check 1,235,724 65 Demand certificates of deposit 81, 204 70 Certified checks 20,235 68 Cashier's checks 1,46.4 7 United States deposits 15,000 00 2,220. 93 41 Total $3,:: 250 03 State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, as. H. M. cashier of tha above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statc- meet Is true, to the best of my knowledge gx4 t.

-t i i L-trilCL. JU XiALTLn. Vi.I-lV,. Subscribed end sworn to befire me tbi 1st day of February, O. S.

RICHARDSON. Notary PuiP. Correct Attest: HI'Gt? YOUNG. JUSTUS MPLEKT, W. T.

TOtD, REPORT OF THE CONDITION I1 THU MELLON NATIONAL BANK, at PltUburgh. In the State of I niu r.l.,cA rti 1 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 521, W0 32 Overdrafts, secured and 42 11 V. S. bond ta secure U.

S. bonds to secure U. S. derH-Sits. tec, 000 00 Premiums on U.

S. borids K.i,0':2 Rends, securities, etc l.D'tS 3.6 i Other real ette ownetl 1 Due front national banks tnot re- servo agents) set Vi ti Eue from state banks and hankers 3 5 Due from approved reserr agents 3. Checks and other cchh items 14,4.4 0) Exchanges for clesring hjuse Notes of other national hnks 21.000 CO Fractional iaper currency, nickels and cents l.C? ft Lawful tuoiiey rvserve la bank, vix. Hpeclfl KM, 030 00 Legal-tender notes 626,000 00 i0.0 CO Rodomptlon fund with XT. 6- treas It la tiin iat9 of rer.rsylvan!.

at the olosa tubiacs JHii-iai-y 25, Lons and discounts rafts. aecurd and i V. S. bond? to eeeure iMrrttlatJon Premiums cn V. bonds Furniture and fisn rt Duo from national bank" 'rot reserve agents! $12.

4) Cu" fr.mi approved reerv-s 27 63 500.V) Hiriits Cl-prka and rasU Items 51S Kcts of oihtr national DatiK'S lit Fractional paper cunency. Riolvla cents l.Si5 73 ful monpy itscri'e In bank, vis: Specie Legal-tender 17.8-"-' 117.0"' C) 330,03 54 i oo Pdcniptlon fund with XT. P. tr-a-j urer (3 per ceni of Total 24 LIAPIHTIES. faptta! stock paid In 600,0 05 Surplus fund Unlivldtid profits, less expense rr.d taes paid Xa'lonal bank notes outstaiidlrs.

Due to national banks 26, 32? 23 Due to Mats banks and banker? fl.3j2 37 P'jc to trust rnmpanlM navinsts banks 23,4:3 00 Individ ant deposits, subject to check 7r7 36 Tim ewrtificateg of droiU 4.S.-3 34 Certified checks 234 67 Caahict'S checks outstanding 2 .652 S3 i 01,621 i CO Total 1.827.Io4 24 State of, couny cf Ajiefc-heny. se; I 1. D. J. P.iebards-.

cannier of the above- named lank. solemnly swear that the above and beljfef. D. J. P.IO;-i 4P.PSON", Cashier.

Subscribed and sv.m befwre rne, this 1st dav of February. "WILLIS L. CORNELL, N'oiary Fuhlla Correct Attest F. Tf. T.T'KI2.:'tE.

S. DAVIS, A. L. RICHMOND. Directors.

REPORT OF THE'rONDilJON OP THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL BANK at Pittsburgh, in tho state ct Pennsylvania, st the close of business Monday, January 2s, REfiOT-RCEa. Loans and dlscnunts Overdrafts, secured and ur.ecur S13.U2 40 1.374 bl vu.000 00 12, Ml 25 P. S. bonds to secure Premium on I. S.

nonds Ft'ck8, eecuritlea. etc Rat-king house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Dae from national banks (not reserve sirenis) Due frost approved reserve Exchanges for clearing hous Bills of other national banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in bank, iz. fcipecte 8101,700 00 legal tender notes lOi.OOO 15,000 00 125.226 21 87,656 S3 37.9SS 34 4S.3i11 es 55 625 54,315 00 14? 60 if 206,730 00 00 Redemption fund with V. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation; Total INABILITIES.

Capital stock paid In Sarptus fund OS 20.000 00 100.000 00 Undivided profits, loss expenses and taxes paid bank notes outstanding Due to other national tanks (not approved reserve agents) 7.S-SS 62 Due to trust companies end savin? banks 2 074 33 Dividends unpaid 2i0 Individual uepcslU subject to check 15 Certified checks 5, 4 iZ 24 30,133 30 00 Cashier's checks outstand ing 5,07 OS 1,127.438 7i Total $1,657,622 08 State of Pennsylvania, cc.uiiijr of Allegheny, ss: S. G. Mallupe. cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the above Is true to the best of rr.y kno'lede and belief. S.

O. GALLLPE. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of February, 1906. J.

F. M'KESNA, Notary Public. Correct Attest J. C. REILLY.

W. C. M'ELDOWNEY, I R. WHITAKER, Directors. IlF.p61rTOFT iTe COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK at Pittsburgh, tn th state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business Monday.

January 23, RESOURCES. Leans and discounts $5.332. overdrafts, secured and tn.secu-ed. 4.413 6i tr. 8.

bonds to secure circtiiation. 100.000 00 5-tcel-s. securities, etc 832.451 7 banking house, furniture and fixtures 1.112 500 00 Other real estate owned 00 Due from rational bTtul's (r-ot reserve agents 447.113 46 Due from state banks end f-7 Due from approved reserve T7.V0O7 SO Cheeks and other cash items 82.433 64 Exchange for clearing house 178 fn7 97 Lilis of other national banks SI. 020 00 Fractional paper currency, niche's and cents 90 La-vfui money rerrve in bank, Specie nt fie Legal tenciar nwtes OJ S33.300 06 Redemption f-ind V. S.

t.eas-uror t5 per cent cf I Total 3,50.364 SO LIABILITIES Csrhal stock paid in 600 000 03 Surpius fund 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and tuxes paid 173. 43S C9 Naiionat bank notes outstanding- 00 Duo to other national banks tr.ot approved reserve agents) 2.1S0.0CS 52 1 me to stile banks and hi 87 Due to companies and saving banks 2,0,152 AO Dividends unpaid 40 00 individual deposits e.ubject to check. fd Certified checks SO. 441 v2 Cashier's checks outstanding 73 Keserved lor taxea 00 Tital re Etate of Pennsylvania, county Allegheny, I. V.

C. Lowne, cashier of be ahova nai.ei benk. do olemniy that the above Ukteinent is true, to the bet of my knovldgB and belief. W. C.

LOWRIK. Jashier. Subscribed and svorn to before me thi 1st day cf I'ebrusry. litv. CHRIiTX PATNC.

Notary Public Ccrrect Attc3t: E. TL JENNINGS', J. C. rilAPLIN. c.

n. Directors. OF THE CONDITION OF TK83 THIRD NATIONAL BANK st Ihttsbure-h. hi the sto.t of pfcnnsvivan. I at the close Cf busLtess January 2, Leans and tf'sco'ints 5l.IPS.573 t.corararts.

sturei enn V. b. bonds to secure premiums on U. S. bends Hock, securities, Banking house, furniture and fixtures real estate own-d pu from national tanks not reserve Ttiie roii 1 state banks and barkers.

Due from approved serve Checks and other cash items Kschanges for house of oter banks 2.25-. 530, 0U0 Sii.teO 1W.04S 7 om -r 70.7i4 87.01 1.S 5.87S 3.210 Fractional peper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In Lank. vis. Specie i0 27 0 IegsJ-tender notes 21,000 CO 71,247 33.000 und HU E. trees- 1 uisr pr cone of B-is from V.

S. Treasurer, cl-r than 5 per cent icdemc'lin i 51 LIAEILITIES. CapiUU stock l-i fund Lnolvioed pmf.ta. Iss 4 paid National bank noie? cuts Due to other nation! tanks approved reserve agents) M.lf'4 84 i r.if. -i hj.j I Due to state backs and i ankers IE 12 "Due tc Cruet co.opaalea etid savings banks it Due.

to approved reserve agents 23-'. Dirii-ndu unpaid Individual depc-iita, su-- jeot to check checks cvit3tnd- fcV Nctc- and til's i 00 i Si 00 C-J 13 oo -A '-9 7J. oC 12 2 90 i57 st 00 ((j oo if 0t! 73 0 Due from ratijrai (not niv uiii.sK 1162,74 Iue slate bdnks an t-ankrr 57,391 I'ue fs-oin approval rtservc afic-Tits iO 603,353 47 and lt.r, other rash for 4.nio 27.WS f)2 C'r 444 47 of oshtr rational banks Fmetional papr currncy, lil' ltcls auu cntjf Latvfa! Monry terfe la bank, viz. Specie ijt fc-al-ttndr nides Redemption funJ ith IT, K. urcr to por cent clrru'at! SiS.SiS CO 13.O0 00 treas- Total 01 Cap'tal paid tn 200.

0' oo fjroliis 130,000 00 Un Ivilf-i profits, less exj.Twen and paid W.J67 27 bai'k notes outstanding 00 Duo to other national henka (not approved re- srve 12S.S53 30 Due to stAta banns nd bankers 23.SS7 SI P'tio ta trust at rav'nes banks 244. 251 33 ucic.Mtu uo- i 'rv to rui 1.110,11162 I Demand certificates of (Utx.fil 12.6'if J2 Ceitlfied checks 7S Cawlimr's checks outstanding 7t.6''i' 2,03.72 70 Total 07 State of Pennsylvania, citnly cf Allegheny, js: H. TV. Blekel, castxler cf the above named bank, do PO't-mnly sncar the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. H.

Vv. P1CKKU Cashier. subscribed and worn to before nid thla let dav of February, C. A. HECKMAV.

7otaiT Public. Correct A I est: P. RAT LEV. JA? F. "vv.

G. McCAXDLESn, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THB UNION NATIONAL BANK at Pittsburgh, in the atate cf Pennsylvania, at the close of butrtes January IsOS: ItESOUR'-ES. Ian and dlscottnta 33 0 erdraftn. secured and unsecured.

l.Oid 21 IT. s. bcndtf to secure 00 V. S. bonds to securn IT.

H. deposits IIO.CC'O CO Bonds, securities, etc Banking house, furnttur and fixtures 1,000.317 71 OthT real estate ownd 3,427 22 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) 222, SG3 42 7,149 46 tiii 5.587 00 23 00 770 SS Due from Mate banks and Due from approved reserve agenta. Checks 3nd other cash items Excharfets for clearing- house Notes of other national banks Fractional paper currency, nickels tf.l 'VIK. Lawful money reserve In bank, vis: Speclp, gold. silver, $17,910 $322,910 00 Legal-tender notes 363,777 00 00 25,000 00 Redemption fund L.

S. treas-urer (S per cent of Total 71 LIABILITIES. Capital Ktock paid in fiPO.OOO 01 Surplus fund 4.700.000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxea paid 243.1Co 47 National bank notes 60 Due to other national bunks 107,430 60 Due to state banka and bankers Ei.fS'S 25 Due to trust companies and savings banks "84.737 47 Dividends unpaid 420 00 Individual deposits subject 10 check 175 Certified checks 63,533 31 Cashier's cheeks out standing "-uwi deposit wnilctt 0,3 130,000 00 6, SAC, 401 74 Tolfll "I State of Pennsylvania, county of ss: R. S. Smith, president of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement 13 true to the best of rny knowledge and belief.

R- S- SMITH. President. Subscribed and g-svorn before me this 1st day of February, V3. U. T.

3IORRI3, Notary Public. Crrrect Atl est IT. DARLINGTON, II. LEK AbON, J. D.

LION. Dirsetors REPORT OF TI? CONDITION oFtH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM at Pittsburgh, in the state or Pennsylvania, at the close of bus'noss. Is0: REfciOURCES. I Loans and discounts 7S9.410 03 I Oi erdrafts. secured and 073 31 V.

S. bond4! to secure circulation premiums on U. S. "oonas Banking house, furniture and fix- tuies Due from approve! reserve Xof" '-'her national Fractional paper currency. nick-Is anl cents Lawful money reserve in bank, vi: Spec'e $52.

40 Legal-tender notes 7.0M 0.1 100, 0v3 00 91? PS 40,003 CO S2.330 76 2.IM J32 43 39, 240 "0 Redemption fund with U. R. trems-urer i3 Cpr cent of circulation) Total $1,038 23S 52 LiAniL-i i ir.r. Capital stock paid tn 100.00U 00 Surplus lund i 00, Quo (o UndivlJed profits, less esp-nses ana taxes pa 1-1 '0, 330 Pi National bank notes outstanaing 100,000 00 unpaid pv ft-t Individual depesita subject to check, 98.307 gi Trial. $1.08 53 gtate of Pennsylvania, connty of A llegheny.a: 1, C.

F. Beech, cashier of the ai e-named bank, do solemnly sn-ear that the above statement Is trus, to the bet of try knowledge and be'def. RE Cashier. Suhscr'be-i ana to nfiote me, this 1st i Febraarv V' ALBERT O. "WALTER.


In the etate of Pennsylvania, at the closes of business, January 23. J50C: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $3, 4 JO, 27 Overdrafts, secured and U. f. bonds to sejur Premium on 17.

bonds Stocks, securities etc. Other real tstata and mortgages owned Due. nation 'ii banks inot reserve agents) 15 Due from stat'j Lanka and bankers C3.1-X: Due from approved aenU IS 6V.Ot0 2u 2,503 CK) 723.571 7i I and otber cash items .54 i Exohares for cleenair rr.ana ti of national banks 00 rctlona" Paper curreroy. niCKfls and cents 77 10 Lav'ul money reserve In bank. vis.

Jtnfie to Lsai tender 7C.i.: Hedemptlon w'th U. 3. treas-I urer 1.3 pe. cent eirwoiation) Total L1AEILITIE3 Capital ft'ick paid in 3 Wj Surnlus fund Undivided r.rctlts. its p.penss and taxes bitr-k notes outstanding Due to tiatiinal banks 8 f4 Dt l-i state bnks sr.i rs 2-2 821 Due to trust ar.d av incs bar.v J.OOS 11 ur valu Individual oecosit 1 1-ct to chr-t-k v'J- 7 r-7 20 Demand of Ce- checks Cashier cheeks ruteta.ta- ir; 7 i 1 i I I 04 'j 1 It fi nr.

3 I :) ti-vnej fmnt national i S'TCO HCt tt J)i In in i't'ii! Ddc from nnv M'O euh item Kx-h'i 'liJLr li'iuse Hdls banks c'lrrn nickels Lawful lnoli-sy reserve In banks, vit. Si f-rit- 4fr. Lreal lender notes Redemption v. i'h 1. H.

treasurer i3 per cent of mi l. H. trri.tif man 3 per c-nl fund 25.1,,'; 'Jl 4,2 7: 122.K4 1 70 S7 y(4 1" 6r.4'"i5 f) 2r- CO Cum) 00 Total 402,173 a' T.lAHII.iTIK;?. Capital st'k jh.1'1 in Jl.f-00.000 Vl f.tjrului? t'f. iiti'--i i.Tie iMt-s ami NX-it i-tVi 61.2"7 SS l-afk n- to otlser national I f- -rv 47 Itie fj vt.t ftnii'ti ar.d i.t!iHfi Ji.WS 45 T'li-r t' trvst i JTT.tW 1) u'HJii'l 242 t) I.i'Mud' sub- vot 'k 1.7:fl.6'J riickd out- vmos 'AS73 6' 63 i i'.

for ed S'yi-- rer.T'tiy;van:a, of AUigheny, m. r.ii'-.f? ni ra air.4 iufc. d. o4ftnnly wear that i It truf, to U.4 best of my know r1' nd bull- f. LI XT AY.

Cx'hior. a ad a worn to before me, thta lt ta of t. i. NT. FICKCISEN, Notary Public.

Corr" Atfst: (1EO. A. CBSTH, ii ruion, AXVKKW W. t'ilCrtoni'. iUlfO--r TUB fOXIXTlOV OF TUB NATIONAL BANK, at PUttd.urKh.

ti.o 5tae r-t Venryzv.x. at tne 1 'So of Jt. IBM: itjRcrs. lrai.t an-! 4-1 (' urd tnd tr.

loiida to rirculation 'Hi S. boni Him N. sc'iirl'-n-'-i. fuir.i'ture and fixtuve.t 'hiT roal fsiHtr" tu from natiunal bpnk ir.ot rs--rrvn jjnirsi jiuf from rnnvr-'i and o' 'l'-r i iOx'-ha p.u! for Varies: Not -a of nafiooal han'w turrnry, jiirkfi3 oero? lawful no; icy icni va In tank, M.02 75 S.iKO 12 4.r.,.i7 62 iu s'it ia.shJ 450 42.1 72.023 is ar.i Kvduiv.pik fund vitij V. S.

traas-iinT i p-r cf tit ot ion) tt LIABILITIES Cnptial stuck paid iu 400.000 00 Curnlus fiTnd CO P'noi i't-d pioii.s. less expenses and nx .1 S2.710 78 National tank notes 00 Due tj other national banks 330 23 Due to trust companies and saniiJT.i hau'ts 52 liividi'd? m.psid '4 i1 In i id -I'll dtpObitM subject to obeci! 753 13 TP.t'.e certificates of deposit 1,843 00 shier" c'icks 2CS 67 772,413 53 Total Jl.M3.lLi 31 fcftie of PenusyH anl.t. county of Allegheny, 1. ileo.

i-obicK, easUer of tre do tleinmy swear that the above state-ii nt is 'rut, t. the of my and ief. tihX. SUKI5ICK, Casid-ir. ul.

vi ioed nd sworii tJ befora tills 1st dav Kehv-iarv. J. L. RICHARDS, Notary Pahilc. Conct Vilest HENRY D.VPH.

M. C. CAMERON. UL'NNETTE. Djr-eetors.

REPORT OF Tilt: C0N11T10N0F THE DUQUESNE NATIONAL BANK, at staa of Pennsylvania, at lb closy ct ss. January 23 JO: Lou-is and SC.Sf.-iT 87 (vr-'i JfiK. "ici.r.- i unsecured. 17. f.

ionds to ciru'allou 00 Mjcurittes, t.3,775 0'j llunkinjj house, furuiture fixtures 130,000 01 Oilier rial vrie 0i Dm froni nutiuiial banks (not reserve ag-nt) 23 l)o. ii rorve HI4.054 n.ekit ati'l (j''i Vni8 4 llxt uiiir'S for lioun 4S.850 7tf cf i.thei' iiittlotial be Iks So'OO 0 i'r Mimni pap-r Curivney ntcl.els centu 1,14 71 Lii'ftt' money rwrve In bank, vi: Spf'ie Ltn.v:-t-''er ioe 294 (ji Cm S.O'.i'') ao l- t'on fund wish T. ir r.r pr er.t ir'P ul'in) LI.vPILITirS. i ptot i -if-'ii!" 00 XO Crdivld'-d pre! ls expenses mi 1 IKS' -S p. till "National l-ank i't mi'ntaii iii.g J.ii5 to other nationiii Pftnki unit ri- unntf) 2fd 07 Pue to tru'f.

uile "i-I at hts" t-ao'-. 237, "i 12 S3 Individual d-pci-Us sub- 'to rii 1,715, '-or, i.o- -h hj- P' 21 01 f'f I ty r' oi stanC- 07 1.3, 00 bliiis it-', s-ounted $3.7. 434 Stoi of Penrivp airi. cotmty s-I. A tl.

Fatiu-s in, coshn.r ef the bove- tatein-nt is ru-j, to the of my knovi-iga an.t eil-r. a. ti. il K11SON, Cashier. 'Je i1 ted and sihtii t-t be lore me this" 1st day of Ii C.

S. RICHARDSON, Netary Public. "i.ircct Attest- tr. AM ICS W. ATT )N" ROREF.T JENKINV.

JI" Ol THE OF "HE CONDITION lINITFn QTATF'x wini nn i iwiinta BANK at urtrh. Ir. the state ef Pennsylvania, st the of busln'-os January 20, lb: ci an. in, O'. errf rafts.

and unsec ured U. rf. secure I t'i on n. -i-ts P.trklnir usf. and c.

re OM: rial irom national banks (n-t re- serv O'v from approved fs, rvi; and other li-n f.r othtr uv.t-.n.t.! bai.ks I -mi' i'wpr-r -t ts L.t..fiil Tnouey in i' Ecga; jj, -is 1.h).1'') lU.OoO 1 ICS S.3-M r.ri.;' 1" i.2,.:i 7.: "0 ml i irij H. 373. 'It Is; hi 1. iay paid n-d I ''tr i and i nofs iter UMia! 1 4,0, 1 ,1 in I c-'p-. Flts i' heck 3 V1 i' 4 138 9 i.rii 1 than those p'ir.

rnort.tu;.-! bj-rking 03 v-1 3 T. tt.J7ViM an viva i-ia. tountv hk 3. r. cesoicr of the v--I'wMi-u mi lolc'-mly svtear that the I 'rue to -ot of n-y knots im.

i-i- SClf A.EFKH. Cushior. 40(1, 42. PiO i fi I 7o i 54 S3 is fy) 77 I 73 00 i 00 0.1 3'! 00 ss l.i 'n I t' 'f S. t' ati'l fixtu:" Otli'n ral tetJt o-.

r.r.l Duo J'i'r-i tietl'inal tar.k Oit fsfrv" VI l'ir from r- serve apnu bl Clieckit mlior cali ferns Exfhnge i it tlcaiii bouse of othr r.atiotial 00 pap-r currericy, ick-jl and cents SI 7 75 Lwfnl niony In banks, 15 M.V 00 Lo'ii! tender trow iuO.JcO fn) I I fund -vrlth V. S. trj- 5 per cent of cSrculitiou Total T.IAUILITIES. 11 Casual tixk paid in CC Snrflu 70CiX) Cm L'ndu ided vr flts. en anil taxes 149,835 140 v.V" 63 2t6, 7(X' 00 National bank nates outstandirg Due to other banks (not approved re-nerve airer.ts) 181, 4M S3 Iu to Btat? banks and bankers liS.fSi Due to (rust companies and savlnjfa hanks 23,942 47 Dividends unpaid iitiO Individual dpwtB suh-Jeot to check 2.33.: Dts.mand tcrtineatcs of deposit It Canhier chwU outstand-lnS "3 59 Total t.r2i.rc; State cf oranty of 3: I.

Moi-an, president of th abnve-n-'md bank, do noiemaly a wear that above Is trua, to the test of my knowledge and belief. C. B. McLEAN. President.

Subnerfbed and sworn to before me this first dav of February. 1 GEOP-GE WHITNEY, Notary Public Correct At lest: T. M. PEAL, H. P.

D1LWORT1T, JAS. A. IH'STOX. Directors. REPORT OF THE CO-MiITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF AL-LEGHENY, in the state ef Pennsylvania, at the clcso of January 1003: 1 x.oans and disoount.g 273,747 91 7 t.2 100,000 00 4.50i 0.) 11.7:3 (hi 123.824 72 t- hcn to K-rite circiAt Ion.

cxt ittma nt "1 a 1 Ktocks. securitle. eto Hanking house, furniture and fixtures Due from approved reserve agents 42,132 SI Cheeks and other cash item 11.4-31 E4 Exchanges for clearing fiouse S1.3P1 82 PiKs of ether nit anal tanks 00 Fractional paper een-ncy, nickels and centi 201 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz: Kppvie 13,700 00 Learal tender notes 56,100 i IC0.J7S 05 5.000 00 Redeiuptlon fund with 7J. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Total 50 I.I4.R1LITIES.

Capital stock paid in 35t.SJ0 00 Surplus fund lOrt.OOO 09 Undivided protits, less expanses and taxes pal 23,257 t9 00 6 00 National bank notes outatandingr. Dividends unpaid Individual uepesits subject to check 1,097.348 44 Demand certificate of deposit 12.13 73 Certified checks 2.S0I 62 Cashier's checks out- etandins 10 1.11 fittttA nt P.nSv!viiU of Alles-hetiv. I. J. Kramer, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly tur tbat the above statement Is true, to tha best of my knowledge and J.

P. KRAMER, Cashier. Subscribed 'im to before me this 1st day of February. 150C. J.

F. ORE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: F. H. KKKLDINC, JOHN THOMPSON.

CHAP. A. PAINTrR. Dliectors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB FARMERS DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK, Pittsburgh, In the state of Pennsylvania, gt thi cioe of busfnfsB January 29, I30: Loans and discounts 841,613 23 Overdrafts, secured and 4,547 V.

W. bonds to sveure olrculailon SoOioo Premiums on U. S. bonda Ranking house, furniturt and fixtures 4.4S.5S0 CS Other teal estate owned 32.33S 23 Due from national banks (not re- Brne aeras) 921,806 11 D-ije from etate banks and hankers. 76.020 )0 lae from approved receive agents.

2.73t,4l 11 ana casn items mi Exchanges for c.leau'infr hcus-3 33 Notes of other tiationa! tanks 439 00 Fractional paper currency, ntckeie and cents 3.143 ti Lafui money reserve In batik, Soeole $2, S.732 50 Legal tcnJer notes 2.3S1.722 50 40.COO 00 20,000 00 lied -mpt ten fund with U. S. treasurer iC0 ct circulaiion) Due f-orri S. otlir per cent redemption fund. Total 63 I ABILITIES.

Capital stock paid in SOO.Onn 00 Hurplus fund 4.100.033 00 Undivided profits, less expanses and taxes paid 5,264.104 t7 National bank notes 92 .330 c0 L'ue to other national banks 3.720 761 tl Due to R'ate banks and bankers. 432,915 07 Du to tmsi. nnl savings banks 5.624.$i. 13 Dividends unpaid 34 00 in.tiv:tiu. jfiiusiu Kui'ifc caeca i.

checks outstanding i Total f0 Etatc of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, I J. Fleming, cashier cf the abov- rarnrd batik, do snlemniy swear that the above statement Is true, to the best cf my knowledge and J. 3Y. FLEMING. Subscribed and swore to before mo this 1st day of February, 1 H.

T. 2.rOi3P.IS, Notary Public. Correct Attest: T. H. GIVEN.

HAT tVAI-KKR, P.KliBKRT PU PUT. Directors. "REPORT OK Tf IE CONDITION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL BANK, at Pittsburgh, in the stste of Pennsylvania, a ti cios cf bositss i'is. i 1 and discouuts 9J3.547 77 over.lrafrs, securcl sna i I V. F.

bonds to tocure i miura on U. S- bonds I Stoeks. sesurities. Banking house, furniture and 3s- tare Du from national banks mot seive agents) 1.10 100 k6.32a 75,300 00 22.027 S3 110.24S 25 331 SS 20. 2 o.

ti Due Trorn apprcveu rewind a.ij Checks and orner eaatt ems. Exchanges for clearing house "Totes ti other national Fractional pper currency, nickel? hjkI cents Lawful money reserve in bank $59 12) 00 47.i71 341 00 -O f-3 Eeclrmtdior. fur.i with IT. S. treasurer (3 pur cert of ii LiABiLrriis.

Capital etx-k paid in fun3 lttSlXO til lir.ulvided profits. la epet sos and taxes paid National bar. notes outr-tandicg to state banks and 5. 7" Ulvi'l 6) Individ jal posits suh- 00 jeot 10 cheok 4-; 333 74 Cahh.r"s check outstanc- 013 30 1 i cf it for orror 13.v0 0 I t. wo i.i) i 1st suro io i eiorv me it-t of 15-T.

JOHN FIN Notary Public. ttct: M. MORCJAN. i v. t- E.

W. DAVl.oN. 4t. 4 72 I I 62 1 i I i 51 09 30 75 ft) 00 (H tata Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and 220 U. F.

bonds to secure Premiums on S. bonds Flocks, securities, etc EsnKlr.g bouse, furniture, anfi futures Dtie from national banks tnot reserve agen'sl 'lfiW 43 Due from state tanks and bankers 7.105 OS Due from approved reserve egents 72 Checks and other cash items 1,232 Id Exchanges for clearing house i 54 Ellis of other netional banks 51.2S5 00 4S.53S 38 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents money reserve In bank, viz. 1,701 73 Specie Legal-tender notes 63,370 00 51, Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Due from V.

S. treasurer other than 5 per cent redemption fund. 25.00 00 Total 87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In EdJ.ono 00 Suiplus fund 000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 86. OU 32 National bank notes 500, OO 00 Due to other national banks (not approved reserve agents) 2:5,811 "58 Due to state banks and bankers Ss Due to trust companies and savings banks 13,731 2 Dividends unpaid 23 00 Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit 7,237 50 Certified checks S4S 40 Cashier's checks out- 2,777,279 esndin 4.S44 7 Total 87 State ot Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny es: I.

George a. Macrum. cahinr of 'he above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is tme, t' the best of my knowledgs and belief. CEORGE S. IIACRUM.

shier. Buhsorlbed and sworn to before me thla 1st day cf FebniRry. isx4. II. T.


Directors. Ii. EPOKT OF THE t)F THE M0K0NGAHELA NATIONAL BANK, St Pittsburgh, in the state of Pennsylvania, at the dose of January ZS, REourtces. Investment secnritls 248,00) c-0 Loans and discounts 4, 5fi, 0i)3 Bl 53,035.923 si O-etdrafis, secure I and unsecured. I.

SCO 13 It. s. bonds to sc ne circulation no ih-emlum on IT. bonds 14,437 60 fcank'ng house, rurniture ana nx- tures Other real estate and mortgages owjid Due from national banks. (not ree-ve apentst O0 Due fr in state tanks and bsnkera 361,833 Due from approved re- 232.733 20 23 933 SO fcerve agents vS Checks and ether cash Items 13,333 Eschanges for clearing house 111,223 01 Notes of other national batiks 6,6 Fractional pape currency, nickels and rents 1,070 31 L.tul money reserve in hank.

viz. spec 00 Leeal tender notes 334.318 wO 1.613,184 Redemption fund ttlth TJ. g. t-cps- urer (3 per cent of circulation) Total t7.S4S.382 I.l Csrltal stock paid In IVxH.ooO i 27 04 8 13 09 (o 31 00 25 urer (3 per cent of circulation) 107.E00 00 Due from V. S.

treasur-r. ot.her than 3 per cent redemption 127,000 el 53.000 I'll) LI ABILITIES. apltal stock paid in furphis fund .1 1.000,900 00 1,000,000 00 602,662 91 1,000.000 CO Undivi'Ied ptoats, Itsa expenses and taxes paid National bank nots outstanding to ether national hanks t0 stats banks and bankers 9.rfi.177 24 Due to trust eom-ania end aavii.jts bank" 2.517,3n2 61 Dividend." unpaid 43y 03 individual deposits sub- j't to fi.opi; 7 60 Oetian(, certiSeates of nepijsit 22.276 0.1 1,257 41 S2.o.?'"i '3 2O3.00O 00 87S.OO0 OCi Cf-rti'ie'1 checks checks ut- T'nited States United States bund account 12,027.902 62 Total 3 Stf.te of Pennsylvania, county of Alleftheny. sa; I. Hervey Schumacher.

casbiT of the above-named bank, do solemnly swtar that the above statement is true, to the best of tny knowledge and belief. HEKVST Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1st day of February. VsA. ROBT. C.

JfOORE, Notary Public Con act Attest: PORT. "VVARDROP. W. O. GEOROE B.

JONES. Directors. REPORT OF THE CVNDtTON OF THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK of Pittsburgh, leourth avenue and Wood street of Allegheny county. Pennsylvania, at thii close of business January 29, RESOURCES. Cash on hand 3 720 SS Cheeks an.t other cash Herns V.i 44 P)un from hanks and bunkers 711 53 30 Collateral loans 40 Investment seeurltisa orrd, Ktceks, bonds, etc Mortgages 7.439.473 S4 lal eswte 2,77110 Overdrafts 3 Accmd Interest on loans and 110,75 8S Total n2.6S1.49S 41 LIAEILITIE3.

Capital utoc't paid in 1.00" OijO 10 Surplus fund l.OOoiooo 00 L'ndivided profits, lees expenses and tuxes paid 2-4i6i3 6, Deposits. subject to check D-ioslt. special 23 eentflcates of deposits 92 Certined hocks 2,017 64 Treasurer's cbecks outstanding 11,221 "(2 10. 954 573 5.3 0i) 14.779 23 Reserve for s'ati tx Accruel Interest on deposits Tetl 44 iSttte of county of Aligner." ss- JAMES K. DCFF.

Treasurer ef the abo've-naniod tar.k. do soieionly that fciateutent is true to tho my knowledge ana oiir. Ail EM K. in'FK, Trca.urer. ana sworn to before me this 1st day ot February, 1503.

C. MOORE, Notary Public Correct Attest 1 THOS. VIOHTMAN, EDWARD DUFF. ROUT. AVARDKOP, Trusf.e.s, REPORT OF TirL CONDITION OF THE THE BANK OF PITTSBURGH, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at lh close of bus-, i'-ss Janunry 1906: RESOUHCEi.

I f.nd d.j -nunU 57 overdrafts, secured and unsecured. T. f-'. to sec. ire S.

horn's to hecure U. s. dvpoa'ts Oti er bonds to Secure U. Pi "mlunis on U. bonds toob.

securities, etc ranking hoa. fornttare and tures Other real estate owned fr rti nations. I benkn (not reserve agent si 8 G5 ,773 34 2.13.000 20,000 00 1.000 00 Ct! 870. 453 KiO.044 17 37.60 67 Due from sia tar.Ks hankers 1 vj tt i T-ic from re- ve jirent 1 3 73 Cheeks and other i-nh items Exchanges for clearing ic-. 01 cd tt.fTl C-0 4.8T-4 Pills of other nailnal banks cur-.

rency. nh.keis and cents 1 Lawful mow i- lank, Specie 1.C32.012 73 l.egi-tender notes O.JJl 00 fund with U. S. titss. utT 5 per cent of ciru'-ition) 100 730 123.432 I.TAPILTTIES.

Cnpilal stock paid la. 2.400 0W oo P'ii-ivus i Undivided prof.t.-t. 00 ers expenses and tax-n pai'i bv.nk rots ii of hsr rational i-anhs (not aoproted i refer aiseutt' 37 to state bank and bar i'. rs HI 13 I I to tiust eompj ntes and t-avl banks. 2 31 pine hi ressrve a Dividends unpaid 371 3' 51 Lr 3.

3al Rn a- 1 vi i i.r37 73 tual I jeet t-i rhecK Time csrtineates of -lr- I 1 1 Cel lie i checks 1 cheeks s'ardiiis I ted wwii ie.f4S.642 P. served ir tixes Morsl ir.ib2 K4 123 00 "1 ij 3-i 03 Total LI ABILITIES. Cftr'tal stock paid In 4,1:0,000 Surplus fund 1,100. 10 0 Undivided pronts, less expenses and laxti pai-1 National bank notes 2,10, it Due to othr national hanks Due t- state banks and bankers 1.447,71S 83 Due to truEt companies, and savings tanks 75 s. to appro', ed reserve anil's 854,873 It Individual deposits sib- je- to ec ItitHrest account on posits y) TI.oo certificates of de- pcisit 776,729 29 Certified chucks Cashier's out- ftandlng 3,04 Si Staffs deposits 2jO.S23 i D.p.js ts of T.7.

3. disbursing otlctrs EJ Of ir 4-. 31 Bonds borro-ipJ Rcrve for tixc, et: Discount collected but tvt Tcai 35.rrd.r7 ft Plate of Pennsylvania, county of AUeghear. ev 1. Vi.

S. MitcheH csshler of the av bank, do solemnly swear that the above s'att ment Is true, to tfc. best cf my knowledge and belief. W. S.

MITCHELL, BuherTtbe-l and s-orn to before me Ibis 1st dy of VALDT HICilK. Correct Attest Notary p-jbil. A. vr. MELLtjN.

J. C. M'ELDOVVNEY, "SEPOrT OF THE CONDITIOir7cvTTli5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Et Pev. ickley. In S'tte of i tit the close business Jantsary 23.

iss; P.UOtRCF.S. Ci fun'3 1.503.009 03 Undivided rro3-s, less and taxea Pi bank notes o-j'stendtr g. 0.A D-ie to tter sauonai tank? CSo.934 S2 Due to sts-ta bonk. end bankers 05 Due to trust companies and aviriT banks LOGO in 74 Dividends unps Id Si 3 Oo i individual derioslis. erih- )ect to check 2.

67 Ti-ne certlScates cf de- i Zt erttfied checks S.s.d Vi v'ssl ler checks outstani- ing 1 .102 7) I i and 37.Sr- 41 Overdraft, eeeurd end i. U. a. Is secure IC'urto on U. P.

bends ri- Vr. 'ti 70 nouse. furniture- fVt'area. I f' i'n r-wva egr.ts I2 si r. i cam It til', of ati'cal I Fractions, i st PrdompOon fuel fits 'rt i -3 Total 2-, i snl 14 1 State r-t Pennsjlvar.te, county r.f Al'-hcy.

1 ry It 1-7 LI MTILITIRS. Cardial f'ooil ps-id ti V- -4v I an! I tHIia 'Jfcrj ITat'oual tana notes outstanding iZ. DividMids unpaid 42 4,) TidlvMu! tut; ect tt meek uenwnrl c-rt of d-- Savtngs department. rf.lU I. John D.

riser. teas, tir 8MV. stac-uieni ij (i or I i noie1ce ana er. JOT-IN FPA -EP.

Suhwrited ard iti before rne, t'-M I d.i) of rebniary. IW. U. L. iit Correct Attest: JXF.

GROVE. C. HAN. unAi1. A.

JAMrS'tTt'. REPORT' OF THE CONDITIO: OF FEDERAL NATIONAL BANK at Ii the state of wiiia, the of Pu Ja I I la arts and d.sct.t.ta i C'veriritts. a. i i ..) J4.fn'ii y. Vi.

-a 1.132 Sr.y. l' from approves tvrerve aid cth cosh ft-r iwuw wi'iJi: barks i Kr actional r.icl?'a Cas" tr's k-i lli.g. 7 Ts.701 fl T-ital i-7 ft ate ct -nr-vWrtiil-'i. Cour.ty of T. tat 41 t.

3V. i'lckel. cashvT of the uV.o I state of county of Aiiegiieny, an; hi dt ly swear that auot-e sts'e- I. M. oahlrf of the to t'oe of nty i nowledg haik.

do saotir the nhote ftets ot tr cf tne tov? Ci C-) poln tht the Vve state- i -o C. S. bonis to sevure U'atn "of pcttnylvsn-ft. ceurty cf Al.esrbeay. U.

S. bvi.ds tojay S. dtos-ts I Of'ii ajtll raU)er of Piemiuma on I a. ton hank oo" ser thet the BocC. etc Co state of cf joir Oi' i.

g. P. cshi-r of thij ii oa do soler- mir that tri aive ut ment ts true, to the tr-st of tv ai, mer.t is true, tu ins .3 CODEN Bi, otner teal estate o.vnei Sut'v-tt-" end to he 'ore tn thU Due national bthks rc- ist tlJiv of Fe 'T. serve ajtr-n-sj v. iHMICa, N'iry Puid'c.

I'ue from utato Van 'is snd i trve. to it-- o-- im 1 tl- i i una ss -i- rtjrv. j- MORRIS Notary TuhVa. ect A A. PAGAN, A.

FRAUV f. a. .1 1 i I. ri.oit- fin iu in is hty i l-ebnmrj-. iM).

M. FICKEriftEN. J. Ti. lOJiN K.

HUiiFO.iO, 1' 1 and i t-f tlr' 'st Ih of 1V-1. IT. V. 'doPKW. ta.y C.rr.

-Attest i 'v rt.T.UM Wil.l 1A71 NVOi-iIijiOv ViLLiAJl 2INK.IIAN 1 Director's, i Zi belief. E. i cVJl i v. iv c. i cr1hrl sworn t- n-a tt i PS i ii.v or i-ebtuary.

Vr. O. fi. r.ICHAP.l'SOV, luh'-'t. 73 At'e-t Ii.

3. MUPv.Pt TOHN P. tvj CRAia i DlrcctvPS. t'lti At test: T. T-IAMILTON.

ilOttERT Crectora..

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