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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A MlTrrMio7l OF ALLEGHKXY. IHVfiOOIS. Most. t0H' Ml a. taK.

ii. jr. tiaitiil Ta Oulj Dmoortla DaiW Fpar JEW THE 7-30 10AIJ The Harrisbitrg correspondent of tha New York TribuKS ia still after Auditor General llARTKAKk'TandStata Treasurer Ma fcfcv. He says: Virtuous indignation is the butler put out to break the force nf the exposure in 7'b TrthfK of thesih inst. It was at first proMjed to bring up the resolution of 'inqdiry referre.1 to, aud go through tbe form of having ildipoHl of by tbe House, tint f.

certain reasons, thia waa not atlopted. Messrs. Hartranft, Marker en, the take refuite in gi-neral letii tl and wrnthful imputation of motives. the prominent candidate with tbe Democracy of ibis State for tbe next gubernato-nai nomination, and he should lw -wMieafe nominated by the Heading Democratic State Convention. Thr Piiibtdelphia Itati, Kadical, says of the II AkTRAsnMACKRT smothered resolutions.

The prevailing belief ia that both tbe Treasurer and Auditor knew what was going on, all the time, and tbat they are par. tic) eriminu in this business. These officials may have a good defense, but tbe Koniicned that the miDi nave --i would have kuown what a)T accomplished during tbe three yeara of hi administration had not aome IVmocratUs par uot tha uiieatioA and elicited an over whelming reply. Thia reply which we lind in a new shape in tha Indianapolis Journal originated, we believe in the cen tral llmti tha Tun Ol York. Tha opening thunder of tha answer ia.

for luaiaace. that Grasit naa i tha prica of bond fully thirty cents on lhadoUar aiuce ha waa inaugurated in Could there be a more pu achievement than thia'? Tha few thousand gentlemen in thia country au. Kurope who araao fortunate a hold loose specimen of one engraving wliu i represent our national wealth, hae hatl their large eatate vastly increed by the great and gU.riou pol" 4, 1 retl dent Gramt. Aa, for ioatance, booda which ongi-nally coet them the very um of Ufty cent on the dollar, aud which they thotufhtletedy agreed ahould be paid IU the same kind of eurreucy they had Liaiuid to the teople of tbe uiletl tatc. are, tbanka to tbe Hlicy of the Aduiiuatration brought up to, or a littlo above par.

Thia ia a stroke of good fortune far beyond tha livlicat anticipation of tha bondholder, and it is all owing to tha peculiar car of Grant' administration to run the government machine in tie Interest of tha rich, a well a to the superior financial wisdom of that wonderful man Georuk S. Boittwell, who lua la tha European ayndicate rich few month aco, for the purpose no doubt of convincing -outside bavar ian, that ft free people can afford to do almost anything. But, aaya some unbelieving aud incor rigible Democrat, "Well how ia the country benefitted by adding thus lar gely to the accumulations of the fortunate bondholder happen to I hi but few in number. It gives no real pleanure to silence thia kind of uuncccs-aary ami uncalled for cavil. We lt aure that there ia no oint better settled in the Administration theory of Government than that "a national debt ia a national blcsaiug." Therefore, will uot those incorrigible and unreasonable Democrat at once see that everything that adds to tha bulk of the national debt, increases the national Messing to tha same extent Mr.

Grast, by enhancing the bonds aa it ia claimed ha baa donr, ha added aome six hundred million dollar to tha national debt. Nor is thia By a very remarkable overilit when tha debt was created, and a solid foundation laid for it ia a great and inextinguishable national blessing, it left discretionary with tbe people to pay off the debt and thus deprive themselves of ita ureal benefit, at any time after five year from it creation. Itut all this has been remedied. This national blessing like the poor proverbially are should always be with ua, and consequently it ha been founded irrevocably for twenty thirty and forty years, ami no effort to pay it off before those period will be legal. By the end of forty yeara the '-bless.

lug will ba so very apparent in its annual Interest payments that it may then ba safely extended forever. But the triumph of President Ghaut does not even atop here. When tha bonds were Arst issued, with a prudent foresight fr tha Interest of their bolder, that thal- n-tfes tha world's administration, it ia specially provided that the bond should never be taxed by State or Wal govern menta. fly some r.Miiisn overtint it waa forgotten to include tha Federal Govern in eut in thia prohibition, and there wei a lai'Ke number of peculiar and unreason able people, the moat of the Democrat, who actually liev that money in bond ahould ba taxed just tha same as alt other kind of money or property, and, consequently they clamored for the Fed eral Government to (mpose a taxation that character. But thia error ha been rectified, thanks to General Grawt' adminiatra tion, and tha bond holder can now sleep in pi-ace, with a full knowledge of the fact that the Federal Government is agreed, no matter what it necessities may be in tha future, never to lay its hand upon them in tha way of taxatian.

Certainly theaa wonderful achievements ara worthy of beiug diluted upen by all tha organs of tbe administration great and small. Can we, tha people, ever be sufficiently grateful to tha great and good President Gramt who baa been uhiefty instrnmeuta! in eliectiug them Wa ara constrained to ask what shall la done with tha wicked Dviuocrata who oppose Grant's plana Ia there not soma way to dispose of them? As tha GRA.tT organ in thia city which used to quote and applaud the ut terant-es of tbe New York 7Vi'6al m.Mt daily have ceased to tlo so, it devolve upon The Post to let the peo ple here know what that great mouthpiece of Radicalism ba to say these day. Tha following paragraph taken from irs editorial column of Friday, should ba studied by our Beoablicau friends: The morn judicious friends of the Ail ministration have taken alarm at the uiis- chief (lone lit llin henate since Senator Wilson went to New llauinshire to hold up tbe battle there. And it ia binte.1 that S. uat.r Wilson will find that a victory in New Hampshire is dearly nought, if by slaying at wasniugmn lie might have saved tbe Administration its recent run- uiugdefeata and thoae inipemiing.

Whst we have condemned waa the lie and the tbeft of the Chief Clerk of tbe Secretary of the Interior in eendint; out cords of an old copy of a New York news. paper under his frank, marked rticiil Business." Will Secretary Delano say whether be coualilera thai honest Itlaa disagreeable point in tbn Texas business, tbat Gov. Davis and the official criminated with him, in tbe recent election frauds, are considered tbe bead aud front the Grant party in tbe State and prime movers of the; "inuorsenients of tbe Administration. earnestly hope that this long pro- traeied New-Orleaa struggle is not to be ranaterreil to Washington, aa reported: kt.M arrival thither of Collector Casey Marshal Packard, 1h4 body aud brains li.i Indicate such a move. Jnrf.

Promp to dwirersol' General rrtth Mr. Casey nor Mr. or may WJ 'have testitied, investigations, to Bl Government famous attempt to terrii. tk they might mak, lu" to prosecute tnoae whu rireat berv of Custom House V'' hr.

tha President at sc. a nnler or sanction llA.lIt-. It la doubtless, a small iriek or tha disreputable people who aiuI trtts I1SM it i 111 Tl uvy orou. aily thought to deter timid wituesse yfct to be summoned, and were too Igunraut to know that statute law explicitly protects all wbo may makesncb revelations, it ia a mere bit of impotent malice. Itut it lakr th Prunlenl a longrr time than ir couJ with to nt-Hfy th order.

Possibly the action of tha House had something to do with forciog the Senate into appearing to at last, what it should have dona long ago. passe.) the resolution appo nl a Committee or Investigation, first tabling Mr. Summer's argumentative preamble. And now willitglT. theinuuiry fair Uavius eut ot th movers of tbe resolution bv a h.r..

liamentary trick, Senators ask ns to ba satisfied with tbe unwilling concession of T.Tir" or TKt n.oflh. General leriZZirZ a to btpluutd ner aoi. prooably: KVL evidence may not lie forced on the relne. s. i.

r. ant Senator, aain that case, the thick-and-i kin Administration men will only show how easy it is not to investigate. JEW GOODS A. Villiaiu Sempies. HEW MESS GOODS! Vew Itia-k and hite vtrtped AW-a.

Bia. and Whit New 4. ray Miaeil New Mohairs and Aluacas. New AruiuixMaad Ieialne. Dolly Varden Prints NEW CHINTZES AND MESS SILKS Kiack andC.Hvj ltresaSjiiks, Plain iiay Jatianesebilka.

Plai.l Jauauese At It. ilelaines, worth Sac. At 4 and Black I'nn; alokau Lastrea ei-tra g.jd satii. A I and S7V-. I.igtit and lark CtiinUasBiea Ktylety worth UJ stteutHta.

EitraOood Bargain ia BRIGHT PT.ATDS For lass anst Cblhtrea's Wear, WM. SEJIPLE'S, Xos. 165, 107 and 169, Federal Street, Allegheny. BjrjjsjAnns. S.


an39-sattew P. Jl'AKDLE, tlERCHANT TAILOR, Keitx oonaiaQily tm t.aod CLOTHS tAKsIHJtS Je VESTUUS, Knli nutiV uruiobLig jaq, Va.naoor. Hailtafiii and Iti lanaisl iltiawls. ppttsikjkuil, pa. tieatts UoditnaT tnada to ea-dar la tb lateat atruw.


Platod and llsia Pessdeia. Coal Vases, Jaiauuied and Plain Tin ara. MTALMUTOOllIsa, NOTIOKH, SO. 6 MXTII (ST. CLAlfi) S1KEET.

PITTbBOatUti. TRADESMEN'S tlational Bank, WOOD Corner 2d Ave. Accounts or BQks Bankers, Merchuti ana inOirdiuu bo icited. 1. Htf Prrhlent f.

I 1(1 LAKKtw. Cssuier. w-s-h HE LAK; INT AJ.D BEST rKatfetf KLrf. Uaily arrival, from Baltimore, rierved in every sty le. atniJux uirfled at UiiuLSAsa HbTit'sisr or sc.

siticiti av axsw. a at I Xatr 1KL1I HTHILKT. Alldellcarteinu.i. NEW lOUal a A RULE ASD STOXE WORKS. ARTHUR B.

SHYTH. Practical Marble snd Mot.e Worker. kxnin.MS workshop. S3 Arch (late Beaver) atroet. AnuKUesu1 Marbletasd Blaui Mantlea, Mariae Mantlea.

atoau-asetila. Tm a. Headstone. Plumlier. 4 sasrk.

Poata. 1'lllnA bar rhaura. Ave JHPOBTAST TO BUUaDEKS. south Plttshnnrb Ptainirur Mill Company, tnana-factarers sud dealers lu eaibertawd. hi, Frames, raii, I luure, MouldSuc.

and even minion ot luauufai'tured lumber and buxea to order. Oftlee and mill onrner Cbesrnnt and Thtr irtiaats abnva Kaiunad iirl.La. Mil, i ll PIT I aSlv QliAIOJJi PECIL, Prtat aad BUnk llak XMsdkciaaTvr. rnlM ny patiers on short awttea, N. fc.

Car. Whji slrH4 mu) II llflt SiaaaSL JOHN IL A A. MUBDOCIt, 12 amiTUriELa SJT-. ioldte Post tMBoa. Bonqaeta and Baskets.

Plant, Trees, Birds, Rustic IVork, tc. HE LAIMsKST A9 BEST la ttut two ait delivered by sraaoa. t. MAJmai, Bskarr, as. ary HaWaataasca KEXIERS, SCULITOH.

MooumetitaJ Marbles and toae Works. Sum, aa Slid SI KIK1H t-I KtltT, ilsraasrlr Hand) PUXabarch, I'a. Mar Tile If Mix It mad by air own patent saawhlnery. JfEI SraWCB BOtilcBT MUDU.L. jiait (it nirtimr wiro.

pHtOIX STEAM BKEH EiiT, SPECER, McKA Malater ami Itretreru, 24th and Small man Sts, Pittebnrs-h, Pa. -mm AallX aWaABI UiS HMKraat Strwt, OpfMKite ltlsednl, PITTiiatUaU.ll, Pa. BARR M0SER, ARtTlITECTH Xaa, and bt. Clair (bow fcixltil atravl, fltta- la-b IT. Sum.

H. IVIST0N A 1X1 Euuiiis. ta. LliTlu CaMiivr. all kiima aavl'iabss aiul atouela ousoe to ordri A JusUaiy till, Pa rUKE Af BAIsMN I2 AXI lt hirawv-oiue, 1 ne I'm.

Miatt.aader kmaas Vult ll fi-oi aln.ila-tuiwra. ILLII'IEJ. J. AtON, MUU atreto. niai-uta.

si iauu kUa -HfMJ tsiUaTjBiMak. i. 1i ills.1 ir A K. aU, A- a. JEW GOODS ATT s.

NEW SPRING SHAWLS Sew Shoulder Scarfs Itirh Brorbe and ttoniaa stripe. Xcw Silk Xeek Scarf. New and Bonnets, KiblKms and Flowers. At StK, Laches' Kf'l 4-kvi. LACES WD EMBROIDERIES liite I.are.

Black I. and txuiuie Ul Hatni.uig K'lgitiirs aud Insirtiua. Kufltincs. nite imps and Krai.l. Lace Collars, a large slop's, new styles.

(i.iris n. HuMtii-s lt and stieii Jewetr' (Sets. Patent liuiilei Ventilated tJattet. Sitoliels. Portniouaiesand Po ket Rooks.

Dressing C.m.l.s aud Slieii Back Couiha. A COMPLETE STOCK, At Very Low Prices, AT WM. SEMPLE'S 1C5, 1G7 109 Federal Street, ALI.EUIir.XT. J)ll GOODS, A. W.

ERWIN 172 AXI) 174 Fcdttrm Street, Allegheny, Are offering good bargains In many JEW GrCODS II HUSK III Ck TOWELS. Towel Towel, 'I owi-ls ai I 0r-i HI Tm-fU at Towelssat White TW White I ttiitu Wiif TaM? l.iiH ii Wtiita? Tants Mueii Hira Jrrl mfusliu at t)na-hf4 M4iliu ut. iLitra Mutlin AU at old Prices la c. ltYc. aa a 37 Sc a la All I Krouta, ia ail size riaita, at 19 CMBROIDFRIES.

KMBIiUIULCIES. KMBK0IUERIES. EMRC0IDERIE. A manifi-tit at sfoi'k ili rfjay examination. to S)t a rani.

Our Black Alpacas We are rim w1al hHlticeiu-ma In Plark Alpaca. Wear) wHin better good a4.Utaajii prU tliaa rvt-r an ariviitoe nf lias lak-u pia- ou iheM k.mkIa. Welu-vite fafaMriaJ nu-uuoa to ibis at A. V. Ervin i Cos.

172 AND 174 Federal Street, Allegheny. 11111,1,1 ll SIIIM l)lh. 124 Fourth Avenue. 111- 1HAKTCIED IS ISS9. ua Onen daily rrom aoVkirk a.

si. to p. nd rwiunja irvui aiay sn to tt, to a o'riock. and truui Kovemuer 1st to Aiat 1st. fniui a to ovktf-k.

IeMiitts rwMv.Ml of all sums not less tuan One liollar, anil a livilen4 of the profile tseclaril tm a year, iu June ami Ieeeiulier. kavebtvtt utx-ian tieuii-auuuaii, in wane and IKu.tY Inre i be Itauk was orgaulaed, at Use rata of six i' eul. avfuu-. Inter if nt drawn out. is nlaoed to the of the d.wMtor as niii iai.

ami bears the aanie in-ereslfi oln lite titt day of June and I year, wltuout troubUuK tlie ieiosiurtocall, or even to present his innijoiik At tiii rate, loouey will double la leas tliau tweue feara. llotscOTitalnliif tlie Charter By-Laws. Kule and Regulation, umuJied ctatu. ou aimliain. i.A IKUhlUIXT A I HLKIIaAa.

VIC'S lftliLtillKKTA. tieonre A It tree, A. ll. PoUoek. M.

1 Jolin i. Batkofen, BHrt fcobls run DurKwin. Jonn H. Mmeutiereer ISeni. ralineaiArA.

Jsuoea aities B. it. MeeUa, Alexander hrr. Isaac al.

reuuock, ChrutUau VcaaMr. U'm. J. Amleraon. Itennr J.

l.m.'ti- Calvin Ailains. Jobn4. Iliniller. George I'cier A. Madetia.

John Marliall, Waiter Marshall, iliiain Meaus, Itavid UTaiiiisus, J.Hiti B. al-raddea. Henry iv.r. tt ruisliy Pliilliiw, Wllllain I'hiilltis. llllaia K.

nrhiuerlt. Alexander Tinolo. i al ii. Wm. II.

Cluier. Charles A. Colloii, douu r.vius, Jotui J. Yt illiaui tt. Havca.

Peter II. Hunker, Kichalil HaMt, jaiues ir. Kelly. illiaui vankiim. uilH Ktk-CM Alrl.F A.

OLTOk, MtSlTlV-JStJi li. it. at If- 1 IS. PIANOS AND 0EGA1JS. i ia The 151 aiad riaSaVrWkaCf PlUliMfltafl A I.

Ika Estey'g Renowned Cottage Organs aa only be purchased of the Qeneral Aceuta, BARR KNAKE, IS MI1H tfTKEET, Sole Agent for the celebrated KKAmtCRV A tHOMACKEK PIANieji. A larve aasoitnten t)Kra Music, cheaiiest and bet pubUsbed. for Price List and Catalogue, decia THE OLD ORIGINAL PinSBLRCil BOITLIAG HOtSE EW.Bltttuill 22, 24 a 26 Mavrkpt KL, FittlMiTh, I'a. ESTABLISHED IN 1844 BV H. W.

BUFFlfM. This oldest and larreat rut Ilmt Honse west of tha niounlalnts tia made extenalva prejarmtiis f. I supplying tueir riewl ana tuepuoiic Ksrsspsrltla, Mineral Water. RaitrfT. "-tabmet'ider avenett and Wtaterton Ales, Iiur Ua AUaow- Ale.

for tonui, WUITMOBB. TBOS. t-'HaS. T. BBALL.


VIam Semple mim. A. JAME3 AMU Morillfl'' PltUlMrirb, NuNduy. Si.rvl.4, Tub N. Y.

nncliultm from i't. illacUwurt In rutfard UHA r' Unit noini tuition that ba In reality imiimiI hi renonunatioii. Wall it tlaa limit littla that way. Th N. Y.

Tribune and rUil wU lfl.i t. both lUUicul, aru making thine- lively fur Geahi, II art kasvt Mac KEY, aa wilt ba aun by rafaraiuM. to another column. It la ititmiaaly iatw-fating to tha ot thU SUia, ami arc unaloua to lavs tha affair go on. Lat them tll all thy know of ulhsr.

The ItoiiHwratto Mtitta Editorial Aimmm lion will conVKim la llarriahurit on Mmi- ita. hiir. a 1H from lha iWraiiars sy, will not bolt) I la main met'tintf iibiiI Tux' ly, in oritur toarcniinnxUt tha Whiitii "follow." Tha iDHOtinii on MouiU.v wt'I ba mrl an Informal on. Tha turn ul tirnmtasiB lo ha liu-im. ffur Wahlf man, Wa bopa tha iutinr will ba Uu-jfrly attaniliil, notwithstauilinj' tho miataku niaila in naming Momliiy.

Tuesday rr Wdiitaduy wonlil lutva auUd tha adi. tor of wawkly papara much battar. Tub meeting of tha colored IittpublU nana of Covington, on Thursday night waa algnitkant affair. After complimenting Senator in ft aeriaa of resolutions, a subsequent ona waa oflVr-ad indicating ooiitldouce in tha C'liiwf MagiHtrata ami tiia Adruiniatra-tion, but exprvaainga preference for Mr. a tha next ItepuMican for Preslduat.

A motion waa nia.le to atrika out that portion of the r.l.-tUui expreaaing confidence in tiKA.vr bia administration, which, after ftlengilty Uiaruaaion, waa unaniruoitaly coiiHrntrd to, ami tha raaolution waa then adopted. A mbktiru nf colored men from all porta of tha Union, will convene at New Orleanaon tha 10th of April, and it promiaea toua an escaeiiingiy interesting and important affair. It la anticipated that tha North aa well aa tha South will ba fully repreaented, and that measure looking to a combination and co-opei. tion or tha race) throughout theeutiie country for political and coiumen-iiil purpose, will ba then ami there inaugurated. Artful deiuagogucH, white and black, are at tha bottom of moat theaa salilo combinations.

The rinl.i-dalphia Aje tonder them tha following good advice "Civil and political rittlit have been accorded to colored men, and they ahould seek to remove prejudii'ca from their path by wiae, prudent action, not roiuforue and atrengthen them by auch clanniah moveiuenta aa tti surges tad. If they do not with to ba looked upon and treated aa negroea, they mimt veaaa to act aa neifroea." Mr. Carpbntbr, the fugleman for tha Orautltea In tha I uited Statea Stnale, thraataua a cruauda in favor of repealing tha naturalization law, becauae a Senator of (lerniau biith, Carl St hur, la in favor of inveatigatiug tha charge whether our Government, in violation of ita neutral obliuationa, did atrip ita araeiiaU arma ami well iiieut to rance to ue Her war v. it It tiermany. According thla idea of tha Wiaconaiit Senator, a tierman who ohjecte to our (iovernnieut acting treacheroualy toward Oermany la n.ere culpable than if he in an American.

They are to be punlahed for whit an American can do with impunity. It ia therefore aettled, in AdminiNtaatioii par-lauoe, that any tierman who couileiuna UramT A Co. for aelllng anna to frama to kill off their countrymen in Europa ahould be at onre of bia political privilegea. It ia not allowable to emit, plain of tle high mightiueaaea at Waah-ington. Seeing that tha honest Geruiana will no longer eountenanca the corrup-tione of bia Adininiatra'ion that they are withdrawing from ita aupport -the vard of Intimidation of them by another Know.

Nothing cruaade la to ba played. HE I AKKIIL. Tha tUeation ariaea If tha Southera Improvement Company ia auoceaaful in ita preaeul undertakiiia ia opptaiitiou to tha uiaaaof oil producer will uot I'llt-burgh baa suirerer thereby? Will it not ba tha mean of building a new road from tha oil region to Buffalo and the bulk of tha oil find an outlet through that city? Thia i a matter that need to ba carefully atudied by thone nf our retiucra and othara who appear to be ao anxioua fer tha aucceaaof tl.a Improvement Com- Tub aittinga or the Senatorial Investigating Committee tit Philadelphia continue to unearth tha moat antouud'iig fraud. Peraona that have been dead for year are regiatcml aa having voted for Grat, while large number who did not vote at all were marked on tha lial aa having voted againat HcClcrk. On Friday it waa proved that in tha Twentieth diviaion, Nineteenth ward.

ucClcrr had 84 vatea, instead ofU5 only returned and II personations. In the Eighth division. Nineteenth ward, 6 MiA'lcks vote, instead of 47 re turned, and IS peratmatioua. In thia dtviabiu vote have been proved to te polled between one and two o'clock, during which hour no vote, war re-turned for McClcr. From the report th.

lnve.tigationa on Fnday w. tu foow. merely to an how Urar t'a candidate waa voted in- David Powell reahlnnt at jj brU atreel on the tlav ul tk. i 7 election, and voted in the He.VthV';!1 ion. Twenty-fifth ward, and also yuuX r.

tbT Twentieth division or I he, pai.lreuiai iM Tulip s'rmit I vvteit Ibere conaceutloualy beliavtnv k. bad a right; was persuatle. to vols in th Twenty-fifth ward; voted fur Colonel Uray la bath places. Joseph Graham, No. 303 east Curur land street, sworn Voted for McC'iure (N'W on ma nan.

urn. uranl, a polite orUcer. caught witness by th back of tna aeeR aua trieu to throw him, ami told hint to get away, aud struck wltuaaa la tha uiuwu, was tola he was a police ofneer, was talking to Sergeant Humphries, of the meteMntU wara police, at tbe time; wa not lu uniform; be wa Judit of lb election. Cha. 11.

Carter, recalled-Waa Iteturn InaiiectorofKigttib division, Nineiaenlh ward; between on ami twa three Votes were Mlled fur MelMure; at lha eel Of the hour these three ballets were al in tbe box; Mr. Schaeffer aud myself counted tbe ballot a st tbe end of that hoar; there were no McClure ticket in the box; either Mr. Humphries, Judge of Election, ami Sergeaut of Police, or Mr. tk'haetl'er, tiray lu. etU pin tbe ticket in th boa; tluriug that huiir; tbe three McClure Votes were my own, an.

I ibis of two other inside Mr. Kuigbi, tha other Inspector, waa atweni during that hour 4riia-eaaiuined-Tba Uemocratie and Kepubliean lup.iet.,. iu lB charge of Schaelter and Humpliries- there wa so much Irregularity that w-- j. ptatalble lo keep the track nf it; aaw vol in tbe box, aud Mr. Keaaeirav k's ticket detiusitMl tu turn no, a ins euu or lit Lour Humphrie.

opened the bo, and lb. kt. on th. table; I helped rt us. to se.

no Me. lur. tickets; then 1 told my clerk, and told Ui to keep quiet. It was au uae to pro-taal against it, Mr. McSorley waa my clerk.

i of a I BANKERS, 57 Market Strtri, Pittsburgh. prtnripal point of the isswa atlKJ zt SECl'RITIES, BUUOHT ANUWJLD ON OM MISSION, t'srucolar attutl.i pUrclise ana ale of I'MTED STATU SBttJKlTIES. DEPARTMENT. RETAIL STORES. SPRI STYLES.

BLACK SILK FRINGES. Keal Fringes ami Gimps, Sllkand Crochet Uiuip. WHITE SILK FIILXJES AM) UIMPS. BLACK AS'UCOLOKEIl TELVET EIBBONS, atl whitlis, from to ft aa. I'lurps anil Wlve-teens.

stm. Tuiiiol and fliks of all f-ss. Ilultons ami iH.p it tiaiiici.ts, Goipute I.c-. narrow to notiuciiia sl.l.h. Black Guipure aud 1 lireiel Lace.

Black Knill-h An qualities. TbraU Lace, all widths. tn extra I) HESS LIMXtiS of ail klii'ts. Jet Slt.lea for Kress IMraiea, I'lalu and Fancy Alpaca liiai.iis Ac. NEW GOODS arnrlug every day.

Call and examine. REwENIIFK THE PLACID T.7 and 19!) lVmi Avenue. 41 Fifth Avenue DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Choicest Selections LOWEST KATES. 41 Fifth Avenue. TIIOS.

Me Fa DIIEXaJ r. W. W. WATTLES' 2 Fillli Avenue. Watches Chains, rtsr CAWKO.

coin I. ASI PEARL JEWELRY. H.K H1M A CH AIN IIKACKLITS, kc FINE WATCHES, AMI JS1 IaA' li It VA 1. Vorv Low Prices. 11.1 Sr ti.l.'.iHi MEN AND BOYS CA SSI MERES Jut recalved.

Alan, a Sue st.xrk of DOMESTIC GOODS Our ruMoiuer. would do mvll to call mum and gi OUP WS pUfTbaVMvt IwfOTti til UtO Itkalltf lu WINTER GOODS till selling at prices to close out, at II. .1. I.YNCIl'S.

5i Market Stret Between the I1 inionrt and Fiftb Avenue. MILLS aiAMirai TeakBH or ARTIFICIAL STOXE, Nflf. Ita. llaatAM fr.r Ml iWatllM- FlfA ll(tif Kl Hulldtiiir M.iuta. ilmi'tt Kntutt.

Kelt Cum f'oriioikt. KtliH. LltiLttia-. Otiinterv Work, and dai. rrn in Itvat liuptn tMi and Satlv CEMENTS Kire ('lav.


riTtEUFOS OHKKT II. FATTEK.SOS A iAvery, Stile utul COMMISSION STABLES, PITTSBUKOH. PA. Auction Sale on Saturdays at o'clock a. in SEEDS, PLIM'S, FLOUKKS, ETC.

Kir Catalogue of Vegetable and Flower Sels: our Catalogue of Small Priills, and fries for hnrlnir, and our CataloRne for Ornamental lowering and Buddinsr Plants, uow reatly, and can be had ouaiinl.catlou. Houuuela, Cut towers, KaskeM and Floral Ornaments, executed In tbe finest style at short notice. R. CUMMING Successors to J. Knox, NO. HTHFKT. rjHE DCqi'ESXE COOKIJiU STOVE! Has more couvenicncM. ami ivMslM.tti.r amtiKfiMion tlian any other stoe. It is L.rne. heavy and eu-ai.

sflion't fail to see It liotote iurchaitiK elsewhere. Manuravtured by 1. luHAVEM A SONS, No. aa Wood street. so.

smith. aa i field street, Plttshurgti, In hack room, contiuua to ruarantee Ida cures in nun of 1'HiI ATK ulSEAMiS. His remclies are nrenared l.y hinnielf. No patient will he sent to dnntiflsl for his medicine. Haviuit had a large eijwrictice lu a practice of over aa yeara, he can insure relief in a few days.

leruis low. and cures certain or no charge. lellcate lliaeast-a, Ller Omnlalnt, Pal- Italiou or tne neait, htrlctures, li.ases of the llaiiderand Kldnevt. Iineral vouKneaa yield readily tn his treatment. DB.W1I1TTIKH.

PENN Pittsburgh, Longer locstad In Pittsburgh than any Chronic Unease mr ruereai Kervous iJeniuiy, iiuiuhcih-v aa 10 iirtng patients from every but. His hospital oprrtuul- tiea, a iiie-nine eaiaa hwi u'uk. ii-nared in tlie eetabllfUunelit, cures cases gTveu 1111 by others, no matter who railed; ten your private trouble. I titisullallon iree. orw, nir nitlcal esMiys.

MAN HaU, WOMAN- HOOU, sent l.y mail, IU cents each, both for as cents, laa naves. All that the pnrlous, dootitlul. or ln.Ulsitive wih to know, all shoat sett-rMilHiiloii, prevention, niarriagv. Every young mau and uuKiii nan ii as a warning. 1 uervousf ita ted or nartiaUy tmuoteut are scientltlcallr SaSfSJJ JOS.

HORNE CO HENS AT VMIam Sempies. NEW PRINTS! NEW tilMJIIAMS, Mw White Goods I'Uln and Kttid P. K's. I'ialn, htriMii and I'lald Jacotwts. Plain Mrtpti and Plaid N'atusooks Victirria Uwun, Swisher, t.

CUETAIlf LACES VESTIBULE LACES, WHITE BED QUILTS. Sheeting Musllns-all widths: Muslin1. Bilirting Muslins Tatile l.lnens, Irish Linens and Shirt 1'iwils. Ats'c a new lot of short length Light Prints. At anew kit of Light and larS Prints, sllitbtlv uiisprinte.1.

beit qualitr. a great lorgatii. At lV. -S Bleat-bed Muetin. M.fl liulh.

Ktra tbeprire. At and up, a choice stock of Huck and lliaper Towels. WM. SEMITE'S, iVos. 105, 167 iind 169, Federal Street, Allegheny.

jtiiY noons, A.I7.ER7m&C0. 172 AND 174 Federal Street, Allegheny, AUK t-ELLlN'O Fast Colored Prints at Ka.t Coinre.1 I'riiits Chintz Ci'lornl I'rlnta wtn-tic i.itiliaiu Knra gjod lYingltauis nr. li j'. Also, to close, a I-arge I Art of Ri-mnants. KEMKAXTS nf ALPACA, It EMS ANTS of REP, liEMN ANTS of IJEMNANTSof MERINO, KEMNANTS.f FLA ID, KEMNANTSof DELAINE.

HEM A TS of lilUM A DE, KEMN ANTS of CALICO, REMNANTS of EMPRESS ALL AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. A BARliAIN'-ONB CASE Brocade Mohairs Itoaule Mill, wortb at X7 jc. Boys' Cassitneres Hoys' Cassllneres Itui aH-lmers Mta'il aniiiiTv Mfii'a aKliiierei Men's Cawil Aleu's Canaiiueres 5t- em at Xetr Gooeli in every Department opening every day. A.T7.EROT&C0. 172 AND 174 Federal Street, Allchciiy.

EEIOYAL! Will conimenec our elos- ingoutsale WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, preparatory removing to our new Storeroom, CORNER FOURTH AVENUE AND MARKET ST. A large and attractive stock to be sold at extraordinarily low prices. The goods must be sold, and will be offered at great bargains. 21 Fifth Avenue. LOOKING GLASSES.

PICKERSGILIiLVOXUCO. So. 141 Wood Street, invite tbe attention of the poiJlc to their large ae- aortuieiit of LOOKING GLASSES ANU PICTURE r'KAMEM. Rmlwarlnf manv new stvtes. Also.

Amariean Amw man and reia-h Chrouuia, which we offer at reason. sliie prices. AtsrriNE MANTLE AND PIEB LA83 specialty. J. J.



PITT8BCRGH. iTTaOSABT. la WUC1 HTKKKT. lloorause Mm Home and Abroad. The recent noK.rflalions of NORTHEBV PACIT 11.

mils IV I.ONIMIV, added Uth I.AK.iK HAt.Kti IS THK UNlTKIt STATUS, furnishes means for the ennipleilAn of a larire puitinii or the lead, and ssaures the EARLY AIISOKI'TION or THE KKMAIMJEItOK THE LOAN. 1'hese llonds are issued iu denominations ot from two to kl.sia) t'orrnt, and tloa to aia.asa ItKoiHTKKUn, have thirty rear to run, bear an In-t. gold, and ata EXEMl'T eUUM UMTfcl) BTATfc.1 TAX. Tlicj- are se uied a ttrH atut Murtgage frost Tue i tm KHANCltlsttS.a.vD all THE LANDS ANU rlUIPKIlTV SOW rOSSERSKD BY TiiKcoarAST, ok which imar 11 cbkaptich aCL'lHE. The Bonds are offered at par and accrued Interest In curjeDUj and with Hi.

li ai ple security and hih rateof luterest, there Is no Investineut ac'cessllile to the people which Is more prndtal.le or safe. These bonds are for sals for currency, or In ex change for all marketable flecaritiea, the follow-low lug named Banks and Bankers In l'l(tsbuiBht rEOPLni'stnxwtiBixii. WEMTKKX NAl'ISJSU BAN Si. ANowir DcramiT uamsi. Hsum at (sowrs, IK I B.

Mr SAY Jk J.T. RKIBTAfO. UKT.tAIUIIETAOO. I tiuhesitatitily te.xitnmerd then Itonds as a nnfe. relitibU ami profitttble Investment.

J. K. MOORHEAD, lien till Acent for Pittsburgh District. -Tti SAVING BAJNfK, NO. C5 FOUETH AYE.

A. A Market UiUla to doubts tlie APITAL KTH I tor arauuutol twir illvtd uaily tank. ThU Hank waa ttworrtorated hj th fvfa ligature of ttie Mai i i-fiiiitsyivauu. oti lueiHii aay ot Atrtl, A. I- It offers ii ltlvanUufr itt uu-dteii('U-d Htwarity to ffmHtrs, 1 N'lafrsiu r-iot tti all uiutt ittH ttiaii uuj iXflUi aud iiitere-ii (ud tiwrvot.

at the raut at Six Per Cent. Per An nam. t'HAJt. MKHAN, I'nnidtftit. 'HAS.

HAK HKKLI, PrtmUUxat. C. af. tHMimtMTf aad STBAN, A TEl WkVER, tt 4 HI. til TEH, JtJ.i'H A LU.

AVKKOTTK, 1 A It AM lik.lNlt.MAK, KKK, aM IIF1KLD. JvtHlCPII 1 James I. l.rahaoi llunty ktelwr, A Kl'iltill. A Kernim Bell, I- M.ieil. tj.Htls Neet L.

tiro, btmuel tioiden. Clia hwartz, Jolin I I I. allien, 1 Coben. Ir A Flnltig, Sel. lei.

A 1 llulntrtn. ll eintan. II Jiiet't. alu.n, Filwar.1 A ThU Hank I oner a a. ud aaturday eveulua I un 7 a P.

a. to liu inPOItTI.M TO tOIL MEX. orrit or thk raoi.mavBn a i I'llUirui freti. IS. 74t- I Tal rniisi.i('ft and fimn dsirlim ti a rrtAt tli Vsv.

IA of iiM-lr t-ai li fsttrpu. by lh im-w tifM-t-i aa rmw tsritJai tti liiia under iatrma TDMi by Ui Smoke iiumiritf ll'nt ant! 4.d!i-lit 'iiijanj ol III1 I nitt-il M4lS tf 'irtui'ii i liar iiir (4t uia-if KKK.K tK alir illivfrr a tisivri ill ie uittisbtMi. aot-ttaitaauttMl with a oeriiii'i5 uf ll II. SMITH, 0fflrUM-as InM itor of Allftu'iiy 4 ui.ty. im aiil lie have alrva-iy U1 t'ft md id i ioCrt-s sue M'ECIALL 1 1TKU lo Uy hhlptnttls of iKt tbat.

otw rar kad of Coil, Lutuk, Nu( or biacit, be to ClurliM, II. AniitroiiiV C'oW- Yard, 1'rnrmylrajiLa H. ut-i Outer IKMt. Pan It making dttiitufnl a irrfHty arl and Csju-tfs ci aifl nuitty 1 himII rtrtMhrrwim-, JollNt. liAl.I, i I'ltutMti xli.

htfc altlta of cvnitaMi makitijt bhijiuut data 1L A( kKZIi; EEINHOLD SIEDLE, JEWELER, Dealer la Pine Watches, Jewelrr. Silver and Plated Ware, French Clocks and English Cut! err. 42 Fifth Avenue. MANLKACTUUKUS OP COOKING, PAHLOE AUD HEATING STOYES, Finely Polished Enameled And Ornamental Grate Front. Fine and Common Fenders And Sanimer Fronts.

Tlie Latest I nsnrovemed and Ke- flneratinsr C.M.KlNli llANdKs. and Blhaell A ii'i Keystone Hot Air Furniice OFFICE AM WAKEUOOXS 2Si Liberlv ami S42 Penn Ktrvets, THE ADERS0 SASH BALAACE, NarrHlHs WalKhta aad Boxes. Is a fierfectly even Balance at all points. Is neat, simple, dura ble and cheap. Can be placed in any win dow at any time.

Is noiseless and obeys the slightest touch, fife if Is easily applied and will not tret oat of order. In ordering stata the exact lemoth and weight of the sash for which the balances are want ed. Anderson Balance Man'fir Tweaus-falatkt and Kailraaxl PITTSBUHWH, PA. Can I seen at No. 1 Stnltbfleld street.

S. HATES at MAKE lOOKDEK DAT BOOKS LEIH.EKS, J0UBXALS. CAHH BIX1KS. EKCOUU iiOOKS. Dockets, BaDk Books, Railroad, Oil and Goal OomoanT Books.

Printer Stationer ud Blank Book Makers. 'OR. WOOH KTREirT AM) THIRD Ae A II. SIBLEY, Ml'SKKOON, Dealer tn LUMBER AND SHINGLES, new ii anu luioer, L.SID sua cedar Posts by Cargo aud ar Load. tineclal' at ten lion a-lven to fllltn.

ili. ot mil kloua lor auy of Um sbove artkiss. nroaUy. co. riie publication of tbe resolution ts declared to tw au attack on th friends of the Administration in this State, an f-fjslou of Mrsual spile, Now tbe stgiiiUcant siut in the history of the resolution ia ita suininury suppression.

If ibis act la denied distinctly, as it has been by Implication, our correspondent ill "uame names." lint this besting tbe air Is waste of force bicb Messrs. M. Co. will yet ueetl. It they want to plead denial, let them deny the records which corr smu.I exactly with the figure set forth in the resolution.

They shall have full opportnnity, attention Wing confined at this time to tbe items they have protested against as "the inventions of wilful malice." Mr. Hartranft shall hare tbe first chance bia political proecta being at stake. Did Mr. II. at sundry times previous to April, purchase oti joint account with Ma key, sundry loans of the Commonwealth he at the time State Auditor and Mackey lieing State Treasurer? Did he arrange with Mackey to use the fun.lsof the State Treasury in making these purchases Were not tiese securities sold by Hartranft and Mackey to th Sinking fund of the Commonwealth on tbe 'JOth day of April, WO? and did not John F.

Hartranft, State Auditor and candidate for Governor, receive 2,700 on tbe 10th lay of December, 1HT0, aa bis share of tbe piofita of that operation Tbe Legislature has uot thought fit to make tbia inquiry, and yet Mr. 11., as a candidate, ought to desire, since any ipies-tion lias arisen, it should uiale definite, that be may make detinue reply. Ma may turn his attention then to that unfortunate "Oil Creek" business, which, iu his own graphic language, "took tbe starch riht out." This transaction, and Mr. Mackey 'a affairs, will be dealt wilh hereafter. The same paier remark editorially: Charges of a grave nature are openly made against.

Gen. Hartranft, and if, we understand, that gentleman thinks himself tbe right man forthe next Governor, we apprehend ttie people will demur, nn less It ts satiMla. lorily Miown that bis tin lids are cleau. Siuce the alove was in type we have received the Tribune of Saturday which contains the following urrsnoN roit hk. maktkanft.

II akkishi March 1. Mr. J. K. Hartranft, titato Auditor, and candidate fi.r Governor, has thought proper to state, in conversation, and thruiigh bia orgau iu Philadelphia, tbat the iutroduciiou of inquiry, aud the publication of these letters, tre part of a plan to compel hiin.a "virtu iis Stat settle certain ax-ounts iu a manner that he considers against the interests of the Mate Now, therefore, it known to him and all others i hat, whet li er be never settles another account, or whether every outstanding claim tie adjusted in tbe accommodating spirit win.

marked bis settlement of bis oil Creek matter, there are siill certain questions which must be answered twfore he can xtand a candidate, that is to say. in white garments the And flrt, touching the Oil Creek matter before mentioned, will Mr. Hartranft pleae state if lu, was, in lslo, a large purchaser tt the st.s of the Oil Creek and Allegheny Valley Kailroa.l, the sam ts-ing Inmht at sundry tunes and I for a rise Did he, as Su.te Auditor, in collusiou wirh K. W. Marker, State Treamirer, make a settlement of matters, detail of which shall be nnilstied if wanted, to the ad vantage of Oil Creek and to the detri ment of the State, and waa uot the stork Ismght and held with interest to make such aetliemetit, and to profit thereby Waa not tbe money of the coinmouwealtu used t' buy that stork, aud did not Dis trict Attorney Hreweslcr come to tbe rescue of the Mate, and break np this litile arrangement? Ami ia U.e following a rue copy of the letter te a confident friend, announcing the diapMinting event, and as the letter written the omeial of Mr.

II trtranft's department Al'lHTin CtNiRtL'nOrru II AKKIKUI MO, -March IsTu. Dv-AK Ituy as as lno sliAies till Creea and Allegheny Valley Kailroad, ami then bavn my aecouut, or rather au a' stia. male from my x-eouut so that 1 can see the xa lo I have sue taiued iu Oil Creek. I-t me have thia as v. ronveiiieiiily can.

The At turney tietieral has given a decision agai' Mir settlement on Oil Creek, Ll' li take the starch right out. I don't know wba to say about huyii'g Oil Creek as a future investment. If vou think well of tt yo: mav think the es are that it will no. but as evervthiug else ia driMiping.tiii liille can tie exis-cted from Oil Creek What jo jou think of gold Truly, etc JuriN y.

HAKTkAxrr. Aa t.reviously stated, a deal istwder is wa-tedon tbe resolution hereto. lore Mentioned. A committee has demanded, but is it to investigate tbe charges? No, merely to ascertain if th resolution to atl, mot to ni'niwl the vir minis imlilie olh. er" to settle, etc.

Mean lime the barges are to take i ire ol tbvm selves. HrroltK the IMtstiurgu Imtrtle sgaui accuses a coteiurary of stealing from its eolumus, it should, for the first time in it lif.i, nrint something tbat is worth steal log Louinull t'oune r-Juurnat. Our Louisville cotemporary ought t-feel ashaimtl for speaking so disrespect fully of our ssr stupid old I bats it forget that old age and ititiinii ties are entitled to some rctect lUHl ELL'S ELECTION EtKIN'M IIIU I I Alls. As yet, not one of our Iiadical coteni- j-rai ics vcntuied a reply to the in coiisiNiciit or lying reports of Ntcrctary ItoL'TWELi, xxsctl in The Post on Thursday last, and in which it clearly shown that a discrepancy of over three hundred and fifty milliun of dollar rxixt between the reis.rts ol wretary HorTWEl.Land Itcgister Allison, which t'lioniious um lias cither l.eeti stolen, is iniMsing, or ia iiuaccountcd for. Tl Washington ll.

I'atrutt, which is printed right under the nose of President Gka.nt aud Secretary Hoctwki.i. thus ciiiini'iits upon tho aKtoundiii closures: These startling facts require no com me lit to add to their imiireMOve force. Jbev may well excite anxiety Considered in connection vtitli the defalcations and suc cessful swindling which have lately eoum to light and still form part of the staple of uaily news. It is evident that the Treasn ry need to be thoroughly overhauled, ita noons explored ty exiierts. ami ita nalna- lle corrected lv luisitive law- Nothing short of a rigid investigation will ever disclose the actual condition of the public debt, reveal tho causes hich now confuse the accounts, relieve doubts concerning fraudulent Ihiu.Ih, and bring order out of the existing chaos.

Hundreds of millions of the people's money have di anneared. without even tin. poor satisfac tion of a pretended account to show the course of exnenditure. It is high time that this plunder should be arrested and exposed. Let us, then, have an investiga tion into tbe Stat.

or the Treasury. ow is the day and the hour. POLITICAL. Jea. ('was for tiaverwar.

rrom the Ceutra tlall Kepurter. At our county convention held last week, it was not deemed necessary to in struct the representative delegate for any one for Governor, the preference of old Centre beiug so decidedly for Gen. Cass, of Pittsburgh, tbat any delegate would lee in that sufficient as to whom he should supHirt, without special instrnction. We thiuk usn. Cass should be the nominee AVpncfer advocated bis claims three years ago, aud the party made a mistake not taking him for tbeir standard bo1'1 bim to he tbe lst sides in tue 8tat.

Kallant lBioeracy or a the nei Ti WD ernor candidate of Jov- ii 'W euu.j Hon. Charles U. ltuckalew Ktt. tor of this district. UZTy narned as apossibl.

iubU) for Governor of Pennsylvania i concur with the many admirers of Senator ltuck lew most cordially in hia purity of tharact ter. acknowleilged statesmanship, aud eminent qualifications for the high position to which he has been named, and alno of bis probable availability, but we have reason to entertain grave doubts of bis willingness to accept a position which he, has never sought. Gen. Geo. W.

Cass is' to-day, aa ha has been for years gona by, i re not BWsre ol tne tact, aim therefore (ieneral Hartranft is strongly npitosed hy very many, republicans for tbe nomiuatiun for tioveruor a a The resolution referred to ask for a joint committee to investigate them, and it is probable that tbe resolution will be offered and tbe committee appointed. Meanwhile these charges form an ugly addition to tbe Evans matter. General Hartranft may be innocent, but the circumstances apear to be against him, and therefore the Kepublicans had u.vp una sou taae soma man wnn unquestionably clean hands for thei candidate for the highest office in the state. 1 be Day then alludes to that on fort uat victim of Rebel prisons in this way Hut let not Harry White natter hiroac 1. e.

iiinii.iitAUUi JOSH Will lie lua vain White's goose is cooked even browcer and more tnorougbly "done" than is liar trantt a. Tbe fact is, the gallant Harry turd ia badly burnt and "done tn death through hia contemptible conduct iu tbe -Met, lure Uray matter. a nr. viiiaiuuaw toiKsotail cans on Juoge Davis to resign bis seat upon the Supreme Itench in consequence of hi nomination for President by the Labor Heforin Convention. The Ciucinnat f.Huirer responds that be will probably imitate tbeexample of General Grant who held on to bis position as General in i ui me ii iteu mates until he was elected President." Conpkluno a tuau whose income two dollars a day to make affidavit that his income la less than a year is pleasing feature of tbe income tax lai It's a mercy that our beneficent Govern ment not compel the working-peo ple to come forward and swear tha they still live.

How. D. W. VtN.niiK.K8 cotntueuc. shaking in New Hampshire net Wed nesday.

He will probably speak at Franklin, Coucord, Lebauou, Nasbau sod Manchester. ir a i i is km THE PirstNational Bank OF PITTSBURGH CORVER FIFTH AVE. WH VK)DST. Turn nu, sJnsilr hlu a ai, tHuiuew. Invites Msrrbants, Kanken an.l Mber tMurtDess people toof-n si couui, with them, with th aacunuin ilia nnt niwnl dealing, eonsluatit with si bautlw.

JAMES LADQDLIN. President. J. 1. 8C I.I.I.V, t'vhter.

CHAKLK E. MI-EEK. AislsUuit Cashier STICKS, irtr WEMOfRATIC STATE CONVENTION. runiiant tn a resolution ut His IHunurratlt state iwuiUeCoaiiultuw Itiliday adopted, a 1 taBMs rst ir suit Convention In sumbrri iui Ut in rvp rntatina In butb hisiaescif Hm leilstni, here. ralssl to Mieet tn lutuinu, ua Tmcss txi.

Mav aaia, l7S at o'rlurk late, ft tloverteir,;t i( tli siiprrnie iiott, aud ii.hiI.1 Ike l.rt.Utu, x. ,1. tftiulne) law li'mnl aoil ls.wt,- laise th4 4.mlll..lluiiAl 4 au.l a bo ii.imIITO,j, Sri SIiU MSM-t SVUlis-lal Uep Ixsn ren-wi Hie state In lie I ratlr WaiMMial It M. A. WALL A I kelriusu.

Altet; M. M' I Kt LSKD. Ker'y. HtsHlsHI Kb. K.

t.ruarj IS Vr. W. A f. Kv. ot.

rri. or r-t. I'lrtssi Fet.iuarv rja. -TiTlli: A.M AL CETI5G OF ine in I Hoti.1 h.H.le ut tt.4 i niiMimn. a i ciii.sku Kali i niia'i istll i- hri.i at of the ouiiuny In il, puy 1'itriMintli.

si ten tvj" a. i i vt.j, a. l.r, th. n.n.- r-ikiorinc lie- auiiuai rt-in. a a utr i r-r.

it. mi i.i is nteifiTr tne it.iaril Inritork lo rvii f.r fmir inui It. ilu. i.laj- four Be- si hen altos let in of ei.ires hr ls -I 1 1 1 1 1 mi, Irk a. ni -reiar) au.l I irauurr ItIK THE Irrrltos 4f tTafcite WeSfl balMIB In south will I rera.ira uutli I I r.

KAY. IS. al p. at ibv ofllo- ol tv. II.

earker. as arM unrt an.l ran te seen at the ooi.v 1 arrhlteeta. sn.l 4 wllth im-t Ike tl.iad leaervs tn tls-Ul to i mi or all bV oKttCKor THE HOAI(l. 'irm i or thi i'itv l.asw Klr-it National Ital.k HulSIIti lITTsr.M Irlrusiv atMi. Is7 ifix SO I'K'K A M'lAlAL MKEf.

sakeaa--. tliat I ht Wwk hiM'trnt tb I mn 4'ity i niuiiy win tat b.a 4,1 UHonDt ti Lite i tn, in th- it 111 1 -si. nu, ta Muil. Mirb bAMt'CL AKKH, MllMONGAHIlLA KltltMlat rtttiiMirKh. Nlmitiy 14, i79.

I NOTU'E A UsW aJ'I, vh-riiiHi l.r Ti Thliteeii Matiaa-enor the rnreierllnic a lmiK oer ll. Motumiia llela I'ttl iuhi.icIi. lull. ouutHV of will he nelil al Ihu Toll llnu ol the eililKe, on MuMM), Maicb lb, bvtw-ell the noiu a 01 ia a. ui.

ami a p. iu. feni.vt.l John HOLME. Traamrer. bKcruiTV t'oMraav, No.

SS WoimI tttriM-r. l-nonuM-jr SI. I Cf-iAX F.LMTIOS FOK DIKFC- M- lors lo ei re for lbarnuinK year will Im lieMat th. Itanklua I1oum ou Tl' tflOA a'b of Marib, 173 beta oca the hours of la ano a l. k.

II. A. coffin. Treasurer kntsai. Bank.

t'ehruaiy S41U, l7S. gpa II I OK the b.Afil of lllmrtnrt limvi, lila Huv rrl ill.i.l. n.l ot rlVK ia I KK KN f. out of me looms or ine unit mi luonilia. naiahtito ei lorlli a Mil.

J.Vi. IIAVIII. l.bjiiw.l. Cashier. 11 ttk lie no II, Februarit I.

IW7. JTiia THK FIRM OF J. J. Gil LPS. firs- I IK A was dissolved on tbe l.t daji of Jauuary, Ia7, tiy the wltt.itrawal of Limit Kiuilert.

A. ('. MeCallam. Jr. was admitted Partner to data from January 1st, l7S.

The uameof tha Arm will remain aa heretofore, will continue ths Plats, Looking tllass a a 1'ieture bUHlneu, and renportfiillr solicit a continuance of the Mtioiiaite so freely bestowe.1. J. J. ou.LF.srir:. A.

8. WAI.I A. H. A. C.

McC'aLLAM, JK. HAIR DYES. HAIR DYEN. A complete assortment of all tbe popular Hair JJyes on Hand and sold at the lowest prices, at jy.EIH rLEMlNU'HIIKUUBTOHE, Ko. fM Market street, corner Diamond.

Also a complete assortment of tbe various HAIR RESTORATIVES. All at the Lowest Trices. Remember the JOH. FLEMING'S Drug Store, No. Market street, corner of lliamond.

gs. PRICE'S EXSaLiaM siLlCEallBtK. When v.m want lo vet use or Kower'a Pure ''Klib tli-erine, the pur st and nest inai is imporwsj. riowenc wiyeerine anu rli-e's Glycerine; price's blyceelne and Bowers' lycerlne; Horn era' Giyceriue and Price's Glyt- rliie. Hit lo James K- Hums A 'sllrutf More ami Family Medicine ernr ot Penn auJ hlith (old (it.

t'lalri Mreels, where you will rind a complete asaortmeut of Kiukv Chemicals, Puffs, Putt Koxes, Toilet Powders and Toilet Articles of eery iletuTiptlon, sold at the very lowest prices. Heaiember lb place, JAMES E. BLKaS UKt'O STuHE, Corner Peun aud Hlztb (okt St. Clair) su. ttiiCHERBf PELTOKAL TK0- tTVs eliesfor Cough, bl.

Sore Throat, Itroncblal dimcultu-R. are prepared A Co.of am7kli Hind to all others, havin7 i 10 aua pleasanter to take, tawti nauisfatuut, offensive culssb 5- Cod Liver OIL the Kunsw sua beau Urumrtau ssU heia. nolSatw..

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