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The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



OIFKTIIIKD AND MOST DKSIHAllLK t'OCK. of Spring and Summer Dry lioods ever onVred in tbis maraet. would call particular attention to the following A very superior assortment of plain Pdark brocade and fancy colored silks; alto twisted Sills, rietin, plaid and plain Tissues and Bareee Printed Barege and Chalie de Laini very handsome French Lawns and Britliantinea; a good assortment of French Worsted Collars, Under bleeves and Chemisettes, embroidered, hem stitched and plain Cambric Uandkercniefe. Furniture ilimity aud Chintzes; Bonnets and Ktbbons at bargains; A beautiful assortment of Moire antique Lac and Silk Talmas, tthawlsand tscarfs; a full a-sorlment of Gloves, Mitts and Hosiery; Irish lumens, ana i-nnu.

w-gether with a complete assortment of every other article, either fancy, ataple, foreign or domestic. Thankful lor (art favors, we would solicit an early examination of our stock, confident that fur quantity, quality, style aod prire, it is oneurp speed. VOtXO. L0TK BR0, my5 formerly Younir, ytevepon A ve. Naw Arrival ei bprtn( and bummer Dry Uoodi.


OH LG0 A Importers and Jobbers In British, French sad Oermaa DRY GOODS. Having receiv ed our large aad extenaive stock of sprintr and summer goods, purchased from importers, manulacturera, aad part tbroU)h our own importation, we feel aafe ia assuring our old cuatomers, country merchant and city dealers yen era 1-ly, that owiusi to thee acquired facilities in parchasinr. we cau offer such inducemenLa to buyers as are rarely aitt with in tbe trade. Amontf ear dry (roods stock will be fennd d-iainea, Portsmouth iawna of the uiort deairabie designs, mohair lustres, alpacae, plain black aad faacy fiaiured aiiifl, ftiughameand faacy priata. latest styles; broadcloths, faacy Teatinge, caeeimeres, patinebs, tweeds and summer panta- Drwwn and black muriias, table axapers.

We have also opened a very large aaeortment of bonneta, newest styles, palm leaf hate, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lace goode, fancy nettin iff, and figured Swiea muaiiae and black silk veils, Ac. Our variety stuck embraces ia part combs, buttons, per-eoaaioa caps, threads, port roouaiea, patent medicines-, per-tumery, aud almost every article usually kept in the variety liae, together with a large stock of gold aad eilver watcnee, WatcU materials, glaaaee, gold and gilt jewelry of newaet patiern, and a great variety of o0 boar acd 8 day elocka, alt of which will be sold at the lowest pries for cash or satlstnctory reierenoe. N. ftf. An early cail from buyers Is respectfully aoli-dted.


o. 1 91 arket 4 KE receiving daily additions to their tarse and well J.X. selected Ptock of MantiUaa, Drees Coc-dfl, Embrcidrriep, Iloeiery, fhiiwli A Scarfi. Goo is. Alexanders ivjd tiioeea.

To whirl, we would respectfully invite the atier lion Of ine Lsa-iiee. mr.siu GOOUS. FRANK TAN GORDER juat received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collara, MeTes and SetU In Crape, Tarletun acd Bwiid, black lac and gauxe Veils, black lloeiery and Gloved, in wool, cotton, and silk Ribbons, Bdts, and Crapes, in all iualitiea. Alexaader A Baxjcu'a best loves can always be found at No, S3 MAUEET STREET, corner ef the Dta mood. novl7 KEW DliY GOODS BT0SS.

Iron. Froat o. tt 1 Market atreat. OC house beinfi now open tor the transaction of a general Dry Goods bum nee, we would respectfully solicit tha pavtronajre ot tne puaiie, reeunir coaca-ni mat, irom our ex tensive anu wen teieciea slock oi ti.ti 8TAPLE GOODS, we can offer such iDiuceiarni will m- aura entire saiialaftion. IIAOAN A AilL, No.

91 Market and 8 Cnion street. VAJa COKDElCti TU1MA11.G TOUE, o. tORStE op Uiahoso. Tf DPT RECEIVING, a large aod weU aelected 5 Lock cf all tbe new stvles of LA LIES' DRE3 AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: ring-, Battona, Oaliocna, im pa, braids, Ve! vets, Lace, Ribbon. A band acme assortment of Erench, IVotrh and A ujtria a MbKiJl DEKlEfi.

ia bwias, Jaconet sad La4. Co 11 are. Edgings, Uandkerchiefe, hleovea, lnaertins, Infant Kcbea, Chemlxettea, Caps A Waists. A full supply ofilOUKNiNG GOODS: Crapenetia, Collars, ove and Gause Veils, Plain Linen Setta, fieeeee. Gauze and Lo tted tails, Plain ia do.

Cbemizetea. Italian aad En'b C'Tape. MATERIALS FOR EMHKUlDEKI NO tamped Coliara, Hands aad lasertinzs: Irene Working Cotton, Hoops, Lioea aad Eioas, Oil Cloth, Embroidering Ciik, atiiletosand iSctMorf Maatua, batia and Bonnet A 'arare awortment of GEMLKMEN'S rCRIflIIING G4XDSi ShirU. CoKara, Cravats, Ties, llandk-rehielfi, e. i'lna, iNeed.e, Button, T.pc, and ever thing ia wares feDerally.

Hkjqi's best Kid ia white, black and color. iae from Nd. tn No. lu. aiwa-a on hand.

A ieo A good atock of HOrilEKV acd GLOVE? eery cheap. rchii FURNITURE. JANES W. WOOOWKI.I., CABtSKT rC BX ITU A Af A PA TCR B. Wsrc-rsaau 91 sad DU Ttilrcl atreat.

J. W. repecuully lulorms that teV- ing stock TVl d-oidmliy i -'T irieuo. auu customer. uas now cuicpiiiifu einuK ot surultuTe.

anitl is tbs largest and best ever in tlrv. wliieh wiil be sold at prices as low as any in tha Cntted dtates, KastorWeet. As he is determined to npho! 1 the jnsllty with well ea-soaed luaterials, test worxuanhip, and newest desiue; and from the extent of bis orders and lacuity in manufactories, he is enabled to j-roduc warranted fr.rniti-re, at the lowest prls-ee. He has adopted the principle of i.tentifyi-ig Lis en.trMra" lntsmst with his own, in quality ani price, aud xe- ai-wayaon hand the greatest varlty of every description of furniture, ir the cheapest and plajnes. to the most elegant and oostly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furniehed from hia stock, or manulactured expressly to order.

The following ariiclus oonsiet, in part, of Lis stock, whKh tor richness of style and finudi, arpas.i In of tbe Kaetem cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete pcfad; 0 Sofas, in piuh and hair doth; to doa. Mahogany Chairs; SO dos. Walnut AO Mahogany Rocking 11 30 Walnut ao Mahogany lAvans; SO Walnut 60 Marble Top Cwtre Tables: to Dressing Uureana 0 Waaiistandsji AO Enclosed loo Common Plain Dressing Bureaus; 46 Mahogany Bedsteads: 80 Walnut ad Cottage oO Cherry anl Poplar Bedsteads; 40 Mahogany Wardrobes! 10 Walnut 10 Cherry to Plain llnreaus: TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 'JO dos. Can Seat Chairs 84 Cane tleat Rocking Chairs; uwiee 1 1 -111 ic Liesxa; Hat and Towel lands; WTiat-ycts; Paper Mache Tablas: Pembroke Ball and Tier Ladles' Work Rxtension Dining Ottomans; auguores; Conversation Chairs; Clixabsthan Reception Pearl Inlaid Arm Sothio aad Hall Chair. A.

large assortment of OOMM05 FiyRjrmrRK ani VIMDKOR CHAIRS. CsJilsrr Maxixs supplied with ail articles in their line. STKAMBOATb aa- "OTFLS, rornlabed at tha shortest notioa. Ali orders promptly attended to. aprt Slcambosta, A now I Till subscribers tender their acknnw-A for the favors bestowed uponVL.

them by their Steamboat friends, and would respectfully remind them and others interest- 1 ed in building boats, that they are at ail times prepared to furbish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and workmanship. T. R. YOUNG A Corner Third and Smithfield streets, opposite Brown's Wotel." Jamea Lowry, CHAIR AND UKU8TK4D 1 A.NUFACTURKR So. Wl Fettermao'a Row, Liberty street, has on band a large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads ot description, made of the best materials, which he will aell lower than articles ot the same quality can be sold in the dry.

He would ca particular attention to hia large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chain and Red meads, which he will aell at greatly redased Also, Turning ot every description executed in the eateet manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the Mill, corner of Adam and Liberty streets, will be promptly tended to. marUl A. HILLIKK.V JL CO, AV ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and H' CHAIR AN UK ACTOR V. No.

64 Hmlthfieid street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will sell li per cent, below customary rates. Terms cash only. Oraat I -ed mc.xw.ent a to Cash Psrchai.ri. W1 will aeli our large stock of COMMON AND FANCY CHAIKJ AND RKDSTKADri. at tiriee.

th.l nnnr fail to please caeh purchasers. Ail cor work Is warranted. Our terms are CAU. JAMK8 LOWRY, JR, "or. n-venthjand Libert, sts.

Hi WM. K. ti'l'sVHNAlN CABIN KT-WARK of every deamptktn, at hisnld -Taod. 1 oe.euin imia. UDlltHl A 11- 1NO attended to, in all iu branches.

myll IIELD BOOK FOR RAILROAD KNQI.VKKRS.Contain-. ing tvrmuUsi tor laying out curves, determining frog angles, levelling, calculating earth-work, etc, etc, together with tables of radii, ordinate, defiectiooa, long chords, magnetic variation, logarathims and natural siges tan-gents, etc etc, by John B. Uenck.CivU engineer. Pocket-book form. $1,74.

The object of the present work is to supply a want very generally felt by Assistant engineers on Railroads. Books of convenient form for use in the field, containing the ordinary lograrithmatie tables are common enough- but a book combining witb these tables othe peculiar to' the Railroad work, and especially the necessary formula, for laying out curves, turn-outs, croaiungs, a dtsideralain which this work is designed to supply. C. 8. Wiutari AcAoxnr, Wsii Point, April I.

lvi.1. CrauVmeia 1 have looked over Uenck's Field Book tor Railroad Knsineers," and think it well adapted 10 the object its author proposes, and have no question but it will be found a very useful anl tract Hal volume both fk.roScesnJ Beld work. Trot, April 1 am much plrasod witb Mr. Ilenck's little manual, ihe Field Book of Railroad tngineers." With the prr Mentation of some of tbe most practical and uselul of recognized processes among railway engineers, he has given others which, new at least iu their present form, appear to poaeves a mint ot higher value than that of mere novelty tbat of being in geueial luacaptible of available, not to say durable, practical use. In conclusion, while I think tnedero-n of Mr.

Ilenck's book is such as to adapt il excellently well to professional needs. 1 have pleasure in expressing cordial aatislaction with its execution, alike with the perspicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex-collect typographical taste displayed by bis pnbHjdiers. Fur Bale by praler in Anineera Market street. eAorwer Of S-ynd. au3 Figured Parages, Tissuee, Or- wltdTsoS.

eit styles of Flounced CKXTKAL. RUl'TEi SE ASD DI11ECT ROUTE OPEN! Tltuori.u northern Illinois to the Kississippi River, IOWA) 31ISSOUKI KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. All to tla Mml'FP' Chicago, Burlimjlort. and Quiucy UAIL. SlS KOAO Foasrr.LT in sr AcRori A Cist.

Military Tim k. K. is ow Trains trie entire I oin CHICAGO TO lit III IXiiTON. itir l'ir-ct (- bL'b QCINCV, trc ULLrK, Ac- enl tbe cnlt ALL i Kxfu- Ir- CIUC lj rT.LOCI?. ININ, Ctl.

'N. lOAiUrt, I AliiU, St'KlNOFlELD, Crs.3tN Vii-Lii, Al'Lhc, uni iiiteriut-Jie Stations oa t' il'iu' i ttral. ir.rii, aui uhio and Kilrrtt.i. tn th1 aboTf Line leave a the arrival c-f Triun ii-om iie Ka--t voiaiug a.1 tajitg over at aiij cf Lh- iiuu. efagii BiirUagtsza ltt.iy ftr Souihsrn and Central Ioa and N't-rthfra nikinx tiie gu-cket and larst rout t- r-a'li atl the inii-riant 'luta we' cf the Miarnssippi iu I'ar aa Couu HluS, withiroai Krly to fifty liiibcs thaa by auyoicer roe e.

1n ad, J. a iarge portiou rf the wny, i iJtid aiih the ooMistots Kao, th- (jtawotbpt ridictj: aad best Kaiirosd in she Wet wells'ocked with the cioutmodra Loia. Utwatd wiegant new Cr. 3 this r-ute paftweers are ure of csakin? eonne tiou.s aad at t. l-ai uii aar nm, -Tuiuii-.

th OtrUy f.f aud ice, aad aaarers naTita-ticn, aeca the route by Alton. chrtKel direct turouch frosi Coioago, aad no chr for hemaiiiic oy tyuiut. TUiiJLuH TICKfa route can he purchased at all Railroad ia the at the Uta -e ot the Co-aanr, carisr ct au 1 L- strert-, in the Urauiw llu.i.iii; at tfc I-t--t ot the i'- i at the Mi-iii. Cnt. 8.

H. corner cf LS.e and larbora bU-, orro-ire Hou-e, lifciOHT conU-oed by this route trifl revive imcieai-ate Xm. b. C. UAH at.

um Tkft Afc't, Chic t. RTSi-an be rocannl the pr.ucial Kaisrcai i'ifht---: of the ncu'ry. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 'PITS GRlrAT CKNTilAI. KUfK.

ronoectim the At- iv-rtt-TO hr a -ou imidUJ r.t!.f -im aim wooH at Put'ourso mf.h aai.y Ha ol rtnmtr to a) DrT ur.e Weatirr.l, r.a at irvinvt and San- I du-hy with so All por's on thff Nrth writ(rn I.a:is; mkin til- C'ieafSt reita1 rt-tiV l-v which cna Kfcr-itni lo and tronx the Grrrti Wni. KATKtf BETWEEN A 1 lttC CLA.v-.-b-..'., l.ry 10uBh. (in Fjns itCuM) CL Boss anl M'joiry. I Pry dvkoK, Urv) Uriaie, lojfei. tct-r, Woci.

Jtt- II CLAs Birind, and 50r- per rot Ti, IP.I'M.! Kil wrj "il la Trom ir.v ot J-hils irl- pr.u;r fa ir 'pw iK.y.'iflnu Aii Auta H.ud or Ptttrburgii, aiil K-taulcd d't3; rllOilT Agists E.ton; 3. E'iiott, Ti k. J. dovedvr. Pr hi iSirri oi iir.O niL-OuriS; rhricjui.n bran.

Cia "iouau. i-hio: J. l---r l.iui'Ui:-, lT iv. M-i irum. M.

B. iutcneU iinu. Ii.l; t. Uittu, J-tvD, jiTatirfi lndara. il.

II. llO'JSTi'N. CaBral FrU5.t f-et pr.ii.t'li i LOMHAiittr, Pa. Steubeuviile and Indiana iiailroad. OX AVDS1 AVI) SIX Whiy.NtSUA 1 the Mil: 1 i-J fOVUi ik, A.

nua at Xfa. at with trains Cuiuu.J-u-, todM-Ky, iuUUUai'v'i'i hlV: da Ji nt Vrra-o, t.A-k T'. rl aaiut La Rtswh Ciaclaaati fc? eTt-s-io. KKIL UMNO N-wrs at 1- au irnrw at i. M- by th trAin ctocio UkU at A.

M. Tlie Cadix AccommoUtlou Train I.avei fX-vylrd. at T-M aiad amves at f. f. M- RtJlKt-, Leares CaiLx at 7 7 A.

nd arri- at Su'tw-uviil- in ria 'y M'a OH.IS 4 C- 'r--i. l.t It'axt-Oft-r A-ut-t, I-4 aod 11 fttt-r B.rnet, i'itriursb LA.AVtiii. li.VisXX Gtia. Fr-ihi tnl It l.t I AAlA It A 1 1 .1 LP. 1-AlLY Iitrv.yLt.'i ('hi.

a 1- i lis. MK. AiL ir. -TSTtaTtTrrrrrc Tr-r IT-jurjr'h at 1 "I aJ IV- bunra ir iii. hi 1, k.

1 il iC KVi-Kxr 1 tiXiS lrae a-'i'i vurh il. ao i "111? lt'e ini; S.ti I in i luurt j- i Li 1 ili't-r. T-M-tc, ia; Ctiu j.aj, a 1 ta? st fcl si tw i-T. ad 'ii-tt-ia can Le tv-l io 1 hi'j fit 5 i i. lo -t cr iU4 cit ra.

i t-1 i i, ISew llic. r.t. faaDC-r L-i-. i -i b. i I'ittt A A--at, f-a; 'nt KCtTLlrVs ALU Ul- KtAL 0a TilLUrlfAY eV- July 3 ur the Xtcr be 1.

oritr the foilowir of r. bj'jui, vttuable Baa! fit i -Ur wiring ff-u-e. 14 Foi trtrtit, Jba L- a G.uU'ra JVtiT th Btit-eC, La' it tub!) n.frpi, a three aily i-uiwct to in cf L-it 0 1 iB ii '-Li K'K'i -a-jbii'. i C-f If.t. 1-4 nad io hau.

a ZtvuI rf fe-yt oa jrhiii eiteii-UiJi; -Mca ci ji irrd If-t. Oo oi.aiT: ii ol Ln. cOit. GrT' cian of lat ta A ii-gtus-jjy hue. tat tnut ot tw jnty it en iDch--a un Ac- uiet.

xt auiu hunarrd and b.rty fet-t iiriy'a bix Lota in tht- Tuu'i cf Maarhrst-r. i aring ea--h a froii twenty tjt oa euutheriy id of t.hiuLK-y ba Tet a iu utviiTi-i'jii cf our lot u. -iT ia rt--if op-it Pittsburgh. ae un i taref.Lai-f tw htndred and of Lttii io-'nuiy sowmLiij. ti ta tbe Ktrth -t i-ie of liiv 'Vio Ttv-r, a ii-t, -1 and XjL oa the nurth, No.

uu the -a-c, j. 4'cd iht nu.n, and 4oju irict Xo. 4- in I a district. No. 'A ci tr.t: dtfi- Ci: J.

survtrjij. Of Out hutidred an i thirty acra Land in Wood county, Va nii it- and thr- luiirf. troa tbe Otikf cn wl.i are erected a aw mill aii Leg Hou. uiyct to iicu of ilT'j. he north quarter of itKn 13, in Tfwnhip 47, north of li-ankfe 26 wi, lu (he diitri innds car jrr-t to fait et gaul fcrt ci'nt A-niiig one handr-i and trr4 in MatquvO town-htp.

The ftoaTh quarter cf ration 19, in Townblp 4, ut Kaa.v ii5 in tht titr t.f i ls subject tw at a cuLatijifj oue huu'irei and forty nine bcr-t iad huadrvdha, la Mar-qut-tte township. the Giiartbr cr -j, 4., north of Kaiir 20 wcrt, in the t-f ionda sutjm-t to ii- it ut ie Marin, one hundred and uity ree, in Marqu'Hie One undivi3d fourth at ou hun-ir1! and iifty-fiT arrs cf cjppr and ierbui(uril iac ia taction 5 of 45. -rtb of it-tne 4J wtr.t, i i rtaKiaul co jnty, Mi 'bur 7t Oiiiu and Pvunyivrtiiia Kiiroad CO. tfUHs do iSorth AituiuCu. dj d'W do Uuipnny atock do F.r-t City bani of CieTi'taiid do l'itLbbura and R.

H. da do do K. R. da da aIo do do Ciiaj-ti-ra VaSiy a a PiUrsbtirtch coai fii i I urn pile Co. do iaii.TaU'Triil I'Ihu's.

It--ai do HVm tl'Y L.uJ MiulD Co. du Iroa Ci.y Co. Co I'tn Sts-i Mniit.jj Co. do Pitspburh 4 rtoyal Mining Co. do Azieo iljiiir.jC C.

do d-i U) ao CO do do 10 Hi 4 4jj 16 do Trmj at sal jvlo Aut-r-iT'' PfiEY COUMY WAitiH rtUIK aowve ceiebrau.d WArtiilXti M.A-JK will le ji(-ti 1 loriMlorsi and atv-r the FiKTU oF JUSfc XKAi'. 1 bf are dW)icbifiiiy rtat-d on Sijerai-u's Ctyvk, f-'Urtct-n uiiire n-Tih-weft ot Ltaccanaon, iiace win; blis-a miles wt-ist of llarrit bur, oa tht- Ct-ntrai itailiuo,) at the hwee of Piscah alountaiH, hich rt-aras au eitTKti.a of luore tban eve bandrel t-t. M.rtnaa"-. Crwk atbirdri a opportunity ud it bathirc. hfiiitiir or railiti; tii- turruuaTn i.trrsis.

o-r w.TA'ai auractiuuti the porUmaa; and tour siu-xih an hbady rvmii through a country uuurpahtd lor bo.d and aianiheeat at'ntrry, will diriiy th- of thw place. llOKt', SAUULKg an CAHh.lAGtd can be had at all tias ilorfus takm to Livt-ry ternia. Of I he MKUIC1NAL QUALITIKri of tha CI'KIaUS toj my oh can hardly be taid. Tt'ir waters have bet-o ana ivied by the bt-at ia the Uuion.aud are ui: iturpaed fr cutauuous diseases and atlvctioDt of kidufyt. ihrr are i-oiae hve tpriiia ta ail, Ti-ry rne cf which is oi diff -teut tt-tuprnturt u.

iu-t 6-i de.rrvea ahrenhr.tfcand thn.wiu.r out tf3 cal on T-ry t-tsv-u minutes. Lditj' mi U.nt:ciii;.ia JbAi US ha been conHtraviWd, with ali tbe utt-d-rn iuiprC'VeuiuatJ, to-gtfther witb PLLXbti liAi'U, ach day a Cotch Iut.Ts Duncanaoa for tha riiring5, after be arrsal of tbe BiiLj Duitari Kooa-, and vtriou other faciit-ti-a for auufutent, iu abuadau e. Xho acouaiuiodaticua will tbe Wfci, and th ch.xa w. iLUMa debars per aetsijOr bee dollar aud fcfty cent ptr day. I laiaiijw wuhicAE to eajrae xoorzs, should addreu the piopiit-vor tiery att-nuco will be paii to the prcpriA'tcr having ejagij.d beat of trTuts.

always in intended to reach the Perrv County Jv-arin adireed to Uuuauu'jn 1. O. Ihej Irt liaiaediately fjiaraed. II. ETTER, Proprietor Warm harimtr I'roprrty at East eriy for Male.

i-OTS OF at tbe Lat LIU-rty Statiuu, to be frddou SAILKL-aV, the Sv.h day oi'june. ioalaat at lu o'ciock, A. at Public tale. on u. premier These Lota are beautiluiiy situted tor irivate rtMtdeocet, and as the sale it wit! be sdyantatrcoua to thoM de'iiing satii pn pertj to atttrad the 'ai.

Piaan can be seen at lain aad the office of the Trustee. I'jckJfiij. Oae-lhird iu baud, one third at Qcatha, and oae-tbird at eighteen month intei-et. THOMAS MULlN. Trutf-vy Jt VOC Wis 11 TO Bi- JlKLltVfci) fi.OM.

tCrFi-lvlXti, yoarx.t immediately with a box of YLLa fciR-X0 pLAsT.Ra3 it aa inTaluabJe remedy for Kheuaaaii-iu, llroathitis, PleurLv, Pains in the Side. BaeK and BrstJt at, Sores, Cute, Bruises, rains, 6tiiT Jouita, Ac. 26 cenu a box. Sold at No. lit) i i i i i ST II A L.

OH I 6 KAIL II A U. fp JS2. Jsjsi2. Summer of Time THKEK DAILY THAIS. WT EX- follows" OOINO EAST.

prrS tef- S2i- 2'ruiw. 130 P. M. IroO tit Tram. 11.30 P.

M. 12:60 A. M. 11 G.01 SiA 4: IS rT.6:l -VtjM 3ui-8 p. M.

7-05 740 9t0 li.iS 10 30 IPSO li-j A.M. Newark Hfs uonecru Cambridge Barnes. We. M- fcelGlOrit S-ii Scl are. ArriTu BelleJr Goia ivt-r.

'ait rt. Reinionr Cer-brics Tratn. 2:1 A. it. :5 4.

,...10:31 :43 Sr-4 3u Vc'-O 10:37 117 F. M. 1:10 KewrS Arri Coluaibos S-2S li li P. M. East will stop to t.ihu cp or Cwtlrwaw, CaiEpeHV, Hurtit-iTitl, ad Blrmtit omy.

9q.3.i ffi-t 1 atop only tbe aboe oamvt Tt T-aia wUl Uie Sta wher tue Siail Utot4 rsUe-i, c-r ant Rt a-1 notice btiug rttD. Kh- Tram btop at sal bu- ticaa ca prupet notice linie Kin. KAT. TLft 13:30 A. M.

Kprw ncecis at CoiumVas Tritb th9 Esprs3 Xruo vhirh Cintinutti at 6 A. M. tn.j wrtte thrf Tenia from tin VVwt on the Colum has Piqua aud ladiaaa Railroad; at Newark with TrAin? to and ilunSId anJ Mr. Vernon, and with Trains c-e tha S.e jibenviile aai Indiana at Cpn53 Train oa the Baluaiora and Ohio Tts V. M.

Trtia ornnect at Cilamtnj with 5coad Tn-in frcn Ciacnr-arj a with saadurky. Haaid Id and wari Kutirvad: ar.d at WhwUng iignt Train tn Biunicr tKd Otis Riiilroad. Ta.rDiwr9 1 taring Lcuisrii. ana to On -lanati, rd takir.g she 9 M.Traia on Little Miami RailmAd. IH conc-t 7ith tfcis Train at Columbas.

l'n--nrs IctTia InJiana piwiiai fcy oa Zndiau C-ctra! Railroad friii a.o ooao-t afrh ifcii Traia ac -nd rca Wheno at 9:1 Ed iT bT 10:30 P. M. XraSn ca Bsiiiaor and Ohio Uaura-1, arriving ia at 5 dsy. Tb 11:30 P. M.

Trin rcanwts at Columtvu? with thf HaU Trssio wMch Cioriiwii at 5:3 P.ManJ wrirrt at at A coanUtiir witb tb- Trm on the BaJtiia---r n1 Ohio Uuiruai. Faen-gere tea-rio? by ito cnirtir Trains can. by this City, jifyetta, laaianapn.iii and Iay ten. r.h Colarabu ia ilo to take this train and at Wfcwinr wilt tale tb Train Sot Cumtvr-iaud, iep tiire, ar.d r-eurae by kspress Train t- lintti-racre aad siawr Cites. GTS'i Wiijr.

The -15 A. Mail Tm'O coan-rts at Brir with Niht Trais ca'fce sad Ohio Ri(rond at Newark traits? io and frees SaaduBv, and Mt- ernon. and tz Mt nrrriJU at Coluntu tbe tratnti fcr with tralcs itr Indiana ari Caicaj-, rii rTT-n atid rui rbana. Ta 5 45 A. tixpre! Train rnnect the Fxtv Train from Baitiaicr, and arriT in Cotumbn at --J P. cro cts with traiTi? gclsg and West arriT-ini in Circle cati at P- M. Tfca Srtti P. M- Train ooTmre with the Arcommxvliton Tr'u from Cassbrriad, and at Col aba with Mail iraia il5 A- M. direct for Cincincsti, Lfavtt. Terra Uth, 8int Leut and Chicago.

ISAAC H. WCTUWICAft Isitfli. June 1, j'2 1 A5 FIITSBUKOH RAILROAD. COXXECT1XO WITH FORES CITY AND BI rUNAL, WELL VILLt AND iad Pcnaaylrania HaJlrol, VIA ALLIANCE, r-HS ahcrtaat, rtU-tcket acd mwt rehab? route to Tolt-2o, X. thicaco.

Eocjl L-laad, Uaitftt, and St. Lcui. Li VIA CLEVfcLAND. This route is Hundii miiA fchcrtr an-! about uipe itc-arsqai'ker than th on via IciianRpoiia. Thre4 Train from PitLsburh ta C.eianl vThree Datlv Train! from CloTi-lani to ChKwo.

Ttiae to Cieeind six hoars, Chicago twnty-ihrea hoars, St- LUi4! thirty -en hoar VIA ALI.IANC?. 5h Trains of thOhk and reana. lUilroad leT'in? Pltta-tiivh at 3.00, A- 0, A. ao1 P. M.Tcvnurt at Aliianca at 6 30 A.

H--15 A. an-1 6 30 P. a rc flows Trains for CrfVttnJ lae Allian-eatT-SO, A.M.. and 12 CO ar.i 6 3-5 P. eocnectinj at lisdoa wjh Trains tut CasaLoa and Atroo, and arrivizis in Ciefpland at 10 L-i A.

i.tfO P. and P. M. FweiS-r tor Toi io, CbH-rc, St. Foek Island, end the rtti-wt, wr.j wit-h to so trouh with vuwttnti--a, will taX tle trAin i-anna at i 00 A- and io Cteveiand at 2.20 P.

ac that 14 tha eiiiy train by whi-'h ciw ar madt tbrouph to ths abor point. Paenrs by thh raarh Ciui-ao at 7 .80 next mrruing, acd et. Louia at mid-eii-ht, VIA VTELL5VILLE, Ti Steaaars Forest City and Di ureal will Jeave the nocaheia whrf ery (Sundays eTjrfied.) at 10 o'eioc. for conaretinse with the train Leaving Brriru ai at V.uo An Aercmniodattca TristrTT tfnnr, (Suadava at fi4 P. Mf c-jartini: at Bayaid with Eat press TraJn arriving in Oreiaal at 2 i1 P.

vi. Tthid fct Wt-tlsTiUe aud Ci6lacd coDDe-'t Bt rUvard Jcr Carjiiton, Waj'ttebtirjr. atid Naw J-iphia; -T7lcfeew ftr CS''t Chir40 and tfce Ncrtb-wet, lla Wefis-riUe. axactoii at rai h. AS'iacee.

The Trails ma CteTsUud to TnSe-io Ct.ica.-o. rwo a jriiews: Leave Cit-veland ar 7j il-i 2 c--- A. SI sad r. 23 P. trriva at Ct: at ll.fri P.

M.f 7.00 A. M.f aad 10.00 A- M. Traias Cblcnrcfor Island and St. Loots a folio wa: Fjr Kork is! and at A. and 11 p.

ii. ior Loui 3.15 A. -i 10 P. M. Posaeairsr rr a.

Lotii- orr Hock I-ind FftfirORi to thfacecver tb Chi -a-o au i to Alton, aud thnre by etanifoiit (i3 rniies) t.i" jSt. L-iuif. Paar-airra by th 9.16. A. Train arrive in t.

Loni4 at 3i2 eTsiuf aal by the 1 j.Od, P. Traia, at aooa xt day. Uaae checked tLrouh to Clareiaai, asi there re-icc for Chi" go as rt. Louis. FASK VIA ALLIANCE AD CLtVtLAVD.

zft. Is: cLjm. 2-f eT. .3 To la $6 tO Kfcfc Iird, 1 -o Oa-eaa IS 15 4iw xoidu 6 tyj 12 u0 Biaccvicctlo 1 4 2i Id lJ 18 ai St. ...21 XfJ le fassecytera are io proccre tickTj at the effle of the Oc-czpany, In Monong-ab! lioare, faaicw the oomer.

J. DL iiAN Sup't, CioTefand. mh28 J. A. litt-borffh.

AIS BOUTS CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS- Via AN ST. LjUId Eiii immssmmm road, Fcrmeriy lh tblcago nd laslsaf ppl Carry xkj the Grtat American Express and V. Mailt. rfIIK Oa.y Lirect and Unliable Houte to lha South end fcoath-Waet seTk-aty Mues than at.y cthar TWO T2sv3CSH aXPIvSSS TEAlS DATLT, SODATS EICCrTXr.

4rtMf ss. Loiiis Pay Expreaa ..12 30 A M. St. Louis Night 10 00 P. 2 45 P.

M. Trains raa diractiy through with-ut change of cars or Frm Chtca? io St iotia in lo1. hfurs. lilP.fHTA CONNLCTI's At JUmt. with the Rock Island BaiiroaJ fr Ottawa, I Island and Cen-tiaj Ij-sra- At Bioom-agtco, wih IU-tvL? Central railroad for Ciin-tos, Wayoesvitle and i -rCf a and with for Peoria.

At Sp'icfaeid, with rat Weatera rta'iroad lor Jacauon-Tilieacd Ilxlnoti Ktvr. At Aiton, ith Ihtiiy Lice of Packets for Hannibal. aai Kefsuk; the mot expeditaoan and reiiabie rca r3 port iocs cf ivorth-f-aem isso a ri. A Et, Lcuis, wih JJalljr F.rst-ciase for New GrUans aad latermniiate points on the Lowr MisiiJippi, a.nd -sriii Kaia.r Lui of fur Knn-af, til. and mil prir.feon the Aiicouri, Tnaefee, Cumberland aad lu feist.

ki. P. M0 HO AS, 3up ElootairffV.o, 111. L- CABLING, Aifnt. Cbi.

lit. fap" 07171 NG18 CB TR A HA I LUOAl): the Croat V. States Mail and Express. TWO FASSEXOaR TRAINS RUN DAILY" on its entire Jeostht-cta' Dl71itviCE fc CA1BO, axa OHIO AGO to CAIKO. This f.csJ, esDjuniTtiun with irains of the Ohio and pi K.

M. an Chicago and ti.ieaa lttilmad, Inrms th most direct and onlT continuous R. route from CIHCACO to (-T. LOLU, CHIOA' to CAIKO. CHICAGO to DUBLQCE.

T.kltfT. a- foilows: and 10 2t p. Ai St. aso Cairo Express. Fin atar, for St.

Ijiuls by this tram take the ears of the Orio and Mis-. R. R. at Eacdorai, and earned ulrect to Louis. 84 A.

a. and 4 19 p. BcBcgra A VD OALt.tA Ex-rajf, eiuncc-Juj; at Dunheth (opptjiti Dubuque) with a Line of teim Packeu tor St. Paul and the L'pper li-sU-U'Vd river TraiM l-aj Cal-o for Chicago nnl Dubuque at 7.30 A. IL and 7 (ej P.

M. PaSKnrer from the an I place, on the Ohio rirer iatmd Jt Lome, wi'l saw 1) m.le. of ted ous and rWer navigation fmtn Cilro to tn. LouU, and amre iium iltic-e ol the rir rule, by iakiur the cars at lidtats to St lVJOls, Cairo, Dubttqae, Sr. Paul, aod all im-jiiTBB! piaea by thu route, can be La 1 at the rf ine tx A P.

ar.i O. A P. Rhi la Pitt-burgh, acd Mi-hian Central Railroad in Chicapa. PITISBUKOH AH CONHELLSVILLK RAILROAD Gun from VVaat i-wtn. Weat morelond county, lo Milttabarg Station, Fayrtie T'flli fii ettsKtR CLAPA FISOEa haini Wo char.

trsl by the P. i It. K. wm leave nitsnurifa rT-y ertninit ot ha past four o'clock precisely, for West connerri'SZ there with the.

Trains of the Pitte- burgb and ConneilsTille Baiiroad, which will run between lie asofe points un'li further notice, as follows Loave Wust Newtoa at 6u A. stopping at I'ort tloyal, ScD'th'J Mill, Jarob creek and uytou: reacuicf at 6-30 o'clcci. RsturBir lesre Mtltsnourg at6.S5 A. i-toe at all way sfatii'tis, aui arrive at West Newton at 7 35: with the et-amer CLARA Alj3lXIi lor jrlttsbargh reaching Pittsboreh at noon. Second Traia will leavo West Newu.n at 12 o'clock for Miitsnborg.

and returnioe, will leavo Jliitenburg at 6 SI et' Peiag Far from Piltsbursh to Miitenburg, $1,15. Stages for and C.inn Usville wiil connect with the Trains al Mittenbnrg atarion. jreitfht wis! be tran'portea each way dally. Ferrates -Sv to D. W.

AXD ELL, Ktq Assistant Superintend.ut, Jiewtin; -r to VV. TUoMPdOX, Freight Aitent, on Koara steamer Clara Fisher, h-r wha'f, above the Saonbaia Bridge- OUTER W. BARNES, i i ar PILLS: A nrw id aiDyiwia.4 Eemedy fci. fie cure I faj)'cu diseases wrtittr In-Mr. Jaundi Dropsy uamA'i re- vers, t) -sL, ubl li-rT' a y9a.

ImtaL.inty, Innamraationa, liA-ache, Paias In the Breast, Fide. Back aad Limbs, FemadeCmpUdstal Ac, Ac Indeed, very few are tie diseaaee In which a PonradTe iaeia-eine is not mora or leas juiri.aad mo'-h icknea and aaffrlor might be prevented, if a harmless bat effectual Cathartic were more freely ased No person ran reel well while a caustic habit of body are-vaiia beaidee, it aoon generates eerioua and eft en fleta di-arse9, which mizht have been avoided bv tbe timely and judicjoas use of a good purgative. Tbia is alike troe cf Colds, Feveri symptoms, and Bdiioua deraa gementf They all tend to become or produce tbe deep-eeated and formidable distempers which load the hearsee all orr tfc land. Hence a reliable family pbvsie in of the nrst tav portaaace to the public beekh, and this Pill baa been per-tected with consummate kilL to dmc rh.r nand An extensive trial of it virtues by Pbyi-icians, Proleivtora, and, ileum, ur Biiu-u rwuiis Burnaaatng anything hiXherro nown of any medicine. Cares have Wb nnA belief, were they not substantia ed by persona of sue a X- rotduoas ana caaracxer aa to lor bid the suaDicioB cf untruth.

Among the eminent gentlemen who have teetifted la fever of these Piis, we m-y meotion Loct A. A. HA K14, Analytical Cfaemipt of Boeton. sad Ptate Aw-yer of MaRaaehueette, whose high profeaskmai character ia endorsed by the Hon. EDWARD EVKKbTT, ben a tor or tbe CalteA atates.

R0BERT C. WITHE0P, Ex Speaker of the Henee rrf Repretentatives A 1JU1 1 JL. A nt.Atr,, rivo. io ADUaUia. tJoiJN B.

FIT PATRICK, Cathode Bishop of Beaten; a.o, DT. J- vtlli-TU, rracxicai vnemxai ux xtew a or a. vi-, endorsed by lion. w. I.

MArtci.t-ecretary oi ctate; WM. B. A.jR. the richest man in America; 8 LKLAND A C0 Proprietors of the MetropilitJl aaOtaX, and othera. Did space permit, we could give many bnsdred eertiis- catvs from all parts where the Pills have been used, bet r- denee even more eonviuring than the experienoeof mXMiwt pubbe men, ia found in tbeir effects upon triaL ine rt us, me resaitox tons loveiuraucB sa STTLay- are orred io tbe pabbc aa the be-t and moat cornr-ete which tbe present etate of medical eeience ea afiord-They are oo a.

pounded not of tbe drugs bat of be medic. nai virtue omy oi eeetaoie Keinoiee extrertee. by Chemical process in a state of purity, and rombined te- p-iQs-r in sum a- manner as to mm re ut o-et rnjta. The fynem of com position for meli dn-a has been toned rc Cherry Pectoral and lllla totb, to produce a more aSciuit rvtTieJT man naa nituerxo neen obtained or ear Bnseeea. Tbe reason is perfectly obvioua.

White by tbe old made of oomrcsition, every medicine is burdened with more cr le of acnmonioas and injunou qualities, by tbis each frjdi- ridual virtue cniy that is det-ired Tor tbe curaTfee edfeet is present. AH the inrt and obooxion qoaiidee of eacA sub5tatice employed are left behind, the curative virteej-onlv being retained. Hence it is self evident tbat the erVct should prove as they have proved, more pureiy r-mediai. aad tbe Pills a more powerful autidote to oiaeavee tban any other medl ice known to tne world. As tt is freuuentlvexaedient tbat maov be takea under the counsel of an attending PbvfrScian, ead.

a be could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its comiosition, 1 have supplied tbe accurate ForsiuiJ by wnan my sectoral anu r.iw sisne, tt iDe whole bf dy of Practlt-oners in tbe United States ar-4 BriThtf-Ameriean Provineee. If. however, there sbonld be nay on who has not received them, they will be forwarded ay cruti'. to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that are clTcri, how f-w would be taken tbeir compoai'lon was IdowhI ThMr life consists ia their my.tery.

I bare no my-tarie. The comroeition of my preparaticrs is laid open ta sUl men, and all wbr axe com p-ten tc jod-e on tbe eubteen freoiy acknowledse ibvir conTictfm.p of tneir merits. The Cherry Pectoral vu pronooncrd by sclenttf men to be a wonderful medicine belore effects Wtr- koown. Many eminent have doclaref the sua thing of my Pitla, and even more ecvfldVntly, and are wiilmg to certify that their antiri ttione were more thaa reahaed by their effects upon triai. They operate by tbeir powerful JnScence on the Inleraed viecera to purify tbe blood and atiraU'aeft into action remove the of ti.j rtomarh, liver, aad ciber orirans of the body, teftcriag their irregular actioa to health, and by eorrectio, wherever they ex-L-t.

each derangements as ar the fret cr.z.r. of ou-eaee. Prepared by Dr JAMEti C. AVER, Fitical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mas. Price 2v cents per bo.

Five boxe-fbr (1. Sold by B. A. FATTNK3TOCE A et wholeenle and retail, by every Druggist in Pittaburph, as. by all Deai-ti every a here.

jflaasdaw IS HA LATIOX roa rrjR ecu or ASTHMA AND rCrlSUMPIP SRiV AMD VKwt iVOXDltRFCf TiYorEANA BR0UG0T BOMB TO Th DOOR 0T TSX KjluCs WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recently bseaexd. by Dr. Curtis, of is city, in the treatment of en-sumptin. Asthma, and all disease, of th. Longs.

We to Dr. Cvrti's HrORXna, os. laaaxnso lirocaw VaPos aft Chxrrt ith this new method. Dr. C.

fess r. gtored many afflictei ones to health, as an evidence of aiil'-C he has innumerable certificates, gpeaking of the treat-luent a remarks, It is evident that Inhaling conetantiy breaOin an airresable. healing vapr tike piof.erties mut come in direct contact with tea whole carities of the lungs, and Urns escape teg Zlazy and varied changes produced upon them when Introduced into ihe r-toiuarii, aud subject to toe process cf Tbe i. fT eaieat ail the Druggists throoghottttbe ooonlrv JVnp York Dutchman of January 14. The lubaler is wr.rn on the breaxt, under the Ilnco, TiJz.

out the inccnr.nienoe the bast of the body bas to erapr-re'e the fluid. Hundreds cf cases of cures, like the following, mipht be named: Oie package 01 tha llygeana has cared me of tha Asthsa of tix eara standing. J. F. Kexulcet, P.

M.of Duccancca, Fa-I am cared of the Athma of teo years' standing by Dr. Cartit's Uygeana. MAaaaRrt RasTi, Brt.oktyn, N. T. Mrs.

1'aul, of No. Ii Usmmopi street wu eared cf a seere csecf Rionchitis by the My sifter has been cured of a distrec-aing cough aaveral Tears' standing, aad decided to be incurable by tha physicians, che a as cursd in cue month, by the Hygeana. J. IL G.cbxbt. Richmond, Sia-The Pcv.

Dr. CLeever. of New York, testifies of oox medicine in the following language Nrw York, Kot. 15, 1SS. Dcar Fir I th'nk highly of Dr.

Cartis's Hygeana as a rcoiejv cf the throat and lungs. Having had some opm-rtuciiy to testily its eHicscy, I am convinced tbat it ie a jst czceiievit mediein-, both tire Syrup and-Lhe iubaiitig eppii'atin to the chest. N. R. Lir.

Curt-s's Hvgeana is the ORIGINAL and OiTLT Gt-NCINR ARTICLE: ail others are base imitation or vile and INJI KULa coanterieits. Rbum them uy would POISON. For ssle by Dr. Qeo. H.

Keyper, 140 Wocd street R. tellers At Le. A. Beckham. Allegheny City; Jobs bargeSt, New Lriehton; L.

Kaiser, Rochester.'a Jiixture. THE GREAT PCE1FIEK OF THE BLOOD Kot a Particle of Kercury io it. IET TPS AFrLlC-TRD READ AND PONDRRIAs IafaiiA tmdy for Scrofula. Kin 1 kill, BiMama-UrMa, Obstinstn Cutaneous Kruptkms, Pimples cr Pusiale on tbe Face.

Blotches, Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement acl Pa of the Bones and Joints, Mtubborn doers, riypbilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Comptaints, and ail Disease arising from an injudicioua use of Mercury, Impradesce is Life, or Impurity of the Blood. J4T Ttus great alteratire medicine and Puriner of Blocd Is now ued by uands of grateful patientsirom all part of the United who testify daily to the r-mar-abi rm-J 1-y the greatest of all ntedicinss. -CAK-Itii'j sPAMSil -MIXTURE" Neuralgia, Rheaajatiein. crctula, l.ruptions on the rkin. Liver ZLase, Aevere sore, ArTections ol the Ridneys, Diseases of tht Threat.

Female Complainis, Pains and Aching of lbs Boc, and Joints, arespeediiy put to Right by ualug this great aad inestimable remedy. For ali diseases of tbe Blood, nothing has yet been foetid to compare with it. It cleanses tbe system of aii iapurt-ties, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and ERlney, strengthens the Digestion, gives tons to the Stcrrx t-make. the skin clear and fcealtby, and restores the Const! tutin. enfeebled by disease or broken dawn ty excesses of youth, to iu pristine vigor and strenztli.

For the Ladies, it is invariably better than ail tee ors-metics ever used. A few doses of Carter's Span iao Hixsarc wiil remove all sallownees of complexion, bring the roe cantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, aad in-prova tue general health in a recarkaale degree bermd ali tbe uediciaes ever heard of. The large number of certifleates which we have rsceivaj from persons from all parts of the Coiled States, is beet evidence that there is ao humbug about it- The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, and pnMirr cieo. vrali known to the community, all add their to trie wonderful effects of this 0RRAT BLO00 rLRIFti-R. Call ob the Aut and get a Circular A tesdsc arl read the wonderful cures this truly grexunt oi all SlsukiB has performed.

None genuine unless signed ty EZNNeTT A ES ERA. Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl street, a td saos all orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. And for sale by B. A.

FAH.1 EeTOCI. JOStl'il FLRV-HG, FI.EHlNoi ty Drtifrts generally, octol-da-1, 1'AIEMEAT ItUlM CANADA vrssxc Fetr Ttk, ISM. M-itrt. B. A FafineMxi 4 We had tbe pleaeure of receiving, this morning, the within eertiScat? your Vermifuge, whlzb will kes ver.

gratiiying to ycu. a- it was sent voiuutarily. We ar tienUemen, yours, very truly, J. AtCSJOS CO. 3rn7cisire My little daughter, fbux year, c'd, and my sou.

older, were fir a ecneiieratle time suninf from worms. 1 purches'd two bottles of year of which I gave th-m three doses, according to dine-tu. and to aay. in less tban three boars lh passed is les than FIVE tIL'NDRED WORKS, some of ihe leiifc-b of from twelve to fifteen inches. Uavms experienced so much of the beneficial eCbctf of your Vermiiuge, I feel it my duty to recommend it to the public, as.

In my opinion, one cf tbe most emeadsus reate dies aain-t worms ever offered to tba public. Uentlsmsn, believe me 10 be Your much obliged and horrible serrt-NATHANIKL LEATtKS Trepar-H aud soil by B. A. A. FAUNEeTOCS A O0-corner of First ani Word streets.

mylt Joaeplx bite's Cmrrls; H.psitrw. JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying on business in Lis apaciisus premises. (00 iawiy entargea.) on the Pitrsburgh anas reensburg turnpike, near tne Two MileJ Kan, between Pittsburgh and Lawrencevilie, rserccllally lnviLes the public to inspect his sioca uf bssnjawsc BLOUlEr, Ac And be panieuleily inlorms purenatert, that on. price only is made. Fourteen year, experience in the busiuess, enables him to place befcre tiia patrons the same choice collection of Carriages ti St.

many years pa.t it bas been by particular department to select f-om the various and most talented eastern Buu. lecturers. Tha suocess of bis new system is oasplie4R? economy of his arrangements will supply ha beet and CM fashionable manufactures at moderate pruxm. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, whkjl tia avrnui for decorating booses of business has heaped npoo tb pnee oi goods, (owing to Urge rents.) JGSEPlT WHITE will sell, cn reaJy money only, at mubh lest than the ucuai protiu. JS tmhtxdaw A M- arriagef repaired in the t-cet manner, nh deepat AlTliNTlOU 1 Wag-on Kasten scd Xetmttri' Eounty At.R-At Komrth street.

coldieis. Musicians, Wagcu Masters, Teara-sters. Ac. who were regularly mu.tered into the service of tbe United and every officer. Seaman, ordinary Seaman, Marine, Clerk and Landsman in the Raw; aiso, MiiiUa or Volunteers, or rotate Troops of any State or Territory, are entitled, by the late Act of Congress, to a 1 .1 1 Vi who have received 40 or SO Acres, are entitled to Warrant for such quantity of Laci as will make, in the wle-le, 100 Acres. F.Tfluna entrusting their claims to me can rely upon having Iheal attended te promptly. Atl information tree of charge. Letters promptly answered. Address AUSTlJf 100X13, Bounty Isind Agent.

9t Fourth ft 1 II I i Xi.i-oRANwfcSi do. LEA10a. Ju-l re-erved. Ja.vyv lor aaie by Kk WKK A AADRRSON. 7 No, aw Weed SPesv AC STIN LOOM IS.

STOCK AND BILL BROKER, 0Z. No. 92 Fourth oaotK Wocd. Drattn, Bon da, Mort(fajren, and Loans on coll a-JN tera'n, nazotiatod. Stock a bought and sold on com-mitvion.

Land Warrant bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the purchase and Bale of Stocks. commuaications atteoted to promptly. jnl? B. WILU4M JAS.

B. at' VAT. Win II. Wllllama dL EANKERd AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, E. Cornrr H.w-i and Third streets.

4tf- All transactions madeon liberal terms. Collection a Notea. Ac, promptly attndl to, Jtl 'C SS Hi 1st Ia WILLO JK. BAN KEKS, VND Dealer? in Exchacire, Hank N'otefl, Gold and Silver Coin. Correct and Par Funds recttired on deposit.

bouRht and ftold on oornminslon. Collections made any point in tbe United States, bv.u'b Ka.Qt corner of Market and Fifth streets, mvlt PITTSBURGH. PA. ARTHURS, R0DGERS C0 BAXKEIIS AM) KUOKKUS. CORNER OF FOVHTU AND SMITH FIELD STREETS, Pltl.burcb, fat.

a. a.LSiNa 7. lcdcwio. Wilkin Al (Pace--re tn A. ilkina A Co.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No.

71 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. TUG numerous auspeaHioca of Kaaka aad Bankers throughout the country during the lat six montli. we aatirhei lht in almost every iataaoe their troubles grown out of a departure from tbeir legitimate bul ne-; aad we. therefore, take occa-iioa to aasure the putdic ad ranee, that no fipeculalioaa in "fauey eto.ks,"or other outfia- operatiotia," ehaii teiapt ua lrom the strict ana ie- timate liue of car bur.iee beiieeinir that fa aToidine such inre.wtai-nts we shall not onty be better able to a-ree our "u.itomera and eusure tbeir safety, but that in i aucu a couree we anaii promote our own ultimate (Mail W. A CO.

1 Uf mural. PATRICKS PKIEKD, PAX'ELitd AXD KXCU AXGlt LPaEJCRA, Removed their GjU toUm Garner 0 Fifth and Wood sta. PITTSafHOH, PA. AT RICK 3 A FKIXD, Ban a era and Kxchanfre Brokers, aad Dealer tn Notea, Drafta, Acceptances, Gold. Silver Bank ExcbanX'Ml on tha Aaetrn aad Waetarn Citiee titaatiy for sale.

made in ail tbe tnroanout ua unicea States. DepoeitH received in par fundi or currant paper, at rner of Fifth and ood street. let lTHdLM8e-" 602TS, BAyKER9 AND KXCUAXOK BROKERS, XX MOVED TUX1K AND XXCUAIVQX OFflCX TO W0. btrut, roua aootLa aaxow olp btaxo. IW- HOLMivri A 4(jX8, Bankers aad Exchange Broken, ni Dealers in Not, Draft, Aroeptaaoee.

Gold, 61I-vr and l.vfnk Notes. Exchange on the Eaetern and Western eontantly for Bale. made in all the cities throughout the United D-pOrtita received-in par funds or current paper, No. Market atraer, between Third and Fourth ata. I I it A i A CUT, BANK K.Rd AND BKOK KHS, No.

Wood 8iTt, earner of Diamond Alisjf, PITTaaCKiH, BCV AND SELL Bank Notes aud Coin; Discount time exchange, and promiMory notes; make oollectaroa In the priucipai cities of the Union. Receive deporia oa and on iutereat, and icve tbir prompt attention to all matt-er apprtaiainzto a Broker's busineea. Eaetem Ex'-hautce 00 baol. marw JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, kali a Eichans, Commercial and Bank Kotes. T'j.

uht and sold on commission. Collections a3 aretuliT attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. tf No. asx Fourth street, nearly opposite tbe M.

Pan. decla HILL C0 AXD EXCHANGE BROKERfl, cok.oiaa or voud ajvd nrra rrxxirs. SiaUT EXCHANGE nn the Eastern Citdee eonstaatly for aaie. lime Ulila ct Exchange and Xotxi Id. 1-liver aud Lank N.

-tn, bought and sold. Collection made io ad the principal cities of the United State. De- x(-ttr r-v-iTed of I'ar and Current vunda. marti? ly aii. siuueAa, mvAiD kAUtt, noaajica SkAatam.

KRAalER KAHM, BANKFrXs AXD EXCUAXOK BROKERB, 1CY AXD eKLLUold, bilver, aud Bank Notes; negotiate Loaaa on Real Kntate or btstv-k hecuxitiee; purchase PrMiuieirvary Xtea and Time Buaa, cn asast aad West; bay and Eil oa lrumir'Ptnn. CLectiocM raaie on all poiet In the Ualon. myl C. E. ARH0LB PANfir.i- AXD EACUAIGE BROJkERB, ALEKa in EArhaare, Coin, Bank Notea, Sight and Time Draft, Ac.

Collet-Atous emrefully attandea to, aud prucerd. raiitted to any part of tbe aioa. itt--x. U-Uarbt and Aajld on commission. 7A Fourth at-, Dext door to Dank of PittaVf.

ottd f'jrttfrt KxiJuxry. Rank N-Uj, Ooid aeid Sliver ft-utfit, aS4i and A-Aan-d, at the IXCUANGE AND BANKING HOt'BI OF WILLIAM A. HILL ft 6A wx.d srassr, rirrdsiTkan. allied on time depreit. janlS LiiJ- JSU.

A-CALUUCT- THOjIPSOS BELL BANKKRd AND liKuKKRS, Oyrnsr r. Third and -ei Pn TIIO.IAS WOOOa, aT" COMMERCIAL BROKER," A I.f ISontls, Stocks, Real Kstata, No. 7 tt iUstotrgft. Pa. Jaa i Ullau A.

I til AK, HANKERS, o4 W'-od street, Pittsburgh. Ii OLD cn sa'e tfee following BOND4 AND bTvXKIT: 4d shares Kschat.f;! iiank it do -nonaeia artist ion Com pa ay 'J' ilo CttiaeOf" Insurance Company C-J" Moaoncaiiela NnvijiHina Company Bonds; (o tiiry cf iiond: t--t C- Ulitv of Aliecl.eny Hrnda. wwtf i imiulotii's Loin Office, er. XEAR FiFTU. 'Ov-y loauod ou tifd and biieer Watches, MWeraara and aiuai-Ie artirlea.

aui.uiy CLOTHING. CLOTH 1 TORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY Iuh VEKLY of tbeoalebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty street, whl- has won an uuboun ie-i popularity under ue came oi me xtiivar. tiu LnjJia, nave, lor tne ur-Ps of ec-iuiring mere apaoe for their immense busines, suit di to in? jjciu cuiiuiBg vu toecorneror DIAMOND ALLEY AXD WOOD STREET, Where thev hare now the most SPLENDID STOCK Of CLOTIIS! READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever oeen offered to the public. Thetr principal object for this removal, is to give them mors tor to WHOLESALE TRADE. Thsy are prepared to sell Goods at the LO WEST EASTERN PRICESI Aa 1 they will warrant them to ba as good as any' factursj in tbe Union.

CUSTOM IIIIK, IS Ttll BXST STTtl, CP01V THE SUORTRST KOTICR. They have on hand a lull and beautiful assortment of l.ul ll.i and COAT I Mid, for FHOCH.S, DRKes, WALKING AND BUSINESS COATiS. Our interests are with those of onr castomera, and we assure th. public that our fidelity wtU not fail In fillies ail maj he favored with. FOKGtr TUl PLACK io.

88 Wood Street, (EAST 8IDE,) COB-SIA OF DIAMOND ALLIT. N. II. We desire our patrons to understand that webava longer any connection with the Clothing Buainesa on Libert, Our attention is d. voted exclusively to tha lioure above designated.

mariS JOHN A OO. Kali aad Winter Uooda .11 lTW ATT8. MKKCUANT TAILOR, SO. Is L1BKKTY 8TKKKT. I have now on hand a lara-a stack of Fall and Winter entirelv new designs; Plush Vest injrs, of the most beautiful patterns; French and Kutflish of every style and shade in the market, all of winc I will make tu order on the most reasonable terms.

aim warrantel to suit. octe KV hIttlMU (iOUDSi C.TKKCKIV AT JOHN Hv-CU'sKKY A 00'8 Whole sale Clothiuc Warehouse. No. an Wood street, and corner L-iamond allev, the largest and met varied atock of irtods that this celet.reted bonss bas ever had the pleasure invltiu tne attention id the public to. goods hav been purchad from first hands, and, oonseuuentlv.

no second prvht on thesa, which leaves us able tosav that we can and do sell at as small profits as any house la the east ern cities, therefore, we respectfully invit. the attention wholesale dealers and country merchants, in general, to irive us a call, and namine our extensive assortment of KUL'l M.lUt CL' illl.Nti. It ia almost impossible to enumerate the quanl immense piles of garments that to be seen at title i establishment; it is sufficient to say tbat It has uever equalled by tbe house ibself. JOllS McCLOSKKY A 00. Clothing Ciothlnil risiIK nndersiirned renpecuully informs bis friends and tha A public that he is now receiving at hisstore.

No. Ill Lib. "rlJ a cuorce assunmeni ol Cloths, Caastmerea and tu, iiimi im most desirable at Ties, which he prepared to make to order in the moat fashionable man. ner, at snort nolle, and on tbe most reasonable terms. We have also on hand a well m.niifnr.1 ready male Clothing, to wlil.

we invite tha attention buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods tor cash, will find It to tbeir to can at l.i Derty street, before making tneir pnrcuaxes. martfl U. UU.XL New t.lotlilnsr Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STKkfcr.

ipiViTK LIBERTY. tpilK subscriber has just opened this new establishment. A nere ne lias always op nana a large anu cooic assort ment ul all articles ol CUfTlll. NO, which he warrants eousl any iu the city, end will sell at tbe moat reasonable pri- Kev. ue uupiit reuuesieu u) alee uim a rail.

B. 0PPF.MI KIMER To llousekeepa'ra. Yv nave now opened one ol tbe largest stocks of Lui.iA, hum aud an table for huui-keepers in the city, and Intend selling at prices. We will a handMime set of Vt hit. Tea Ware, cuuMUug of forty-eight pieces, tor the Jow pric of Four lioiiari, aod ail other Goods in proportion.

Our stock being large (wing to the dull season just passed, we are determined to work it off at low pneea. We have just opened so: lieauuiul an a pes ot MhitePtone Heat liaha; Vegetable lo Cosered ll-hes for stewed chicken, etc, etc Also, st me very handsome new styles of Water Pitcher. Our stock ol hits irtone Gold Rand, ani assorted colors Toilet are, is Urge all of which we base put down io price to FRKSCII CUINA. We have some twenty diderent atyies of French China Tea sets, and some beautlul Gold band limner sets all of we are sciiitig at lean twsnty-bve per Cent, below lormer prices. HOUSE rCRNIalllNQ GOODS.

Our it'xk tiaivej and Fotks. ot-xins. Waiters. nia Ware, Uiranaolea, Holar Lamps, ia large, and i.LAra WARE. On hand and receivinc.

a lar-re a lock of Rotston buigo Ulaad Ware, which we will sell at manuiitcturer's rices. COMMON WAKE. Oar stork of common Tea, Plate, Bowls. Diane and eevry article suitable lor country ar city trade ie lare, to atich we invite the altcntiun of ottyaud country meichaut.s a we wiil 6ell them very low for cash ii Ju.eiee per and others in want of CHxar Chin nod Queeaaware will do weii by calling at tha CHINA HALL, Mo. 62 Markst, between Sd and 4th Pld OppoeiU Qmx VL Whit.

MANSION IIOUS OEOROE AUKKNIZ, fEopwiros, -TO a44 LIBERTY- FTCEKT. ju-t beide the Pawenger lj Det of the liailror-1, which makes It the most convenient house in lhe cily for passengers arri-Ttnz bv that road. Th- Proprietor having, lit rrmfMernHe expense, fitted up, in excellent strle, the HOl'SK, would respectfully oii -it s. sli.reof pal He is utta-hed STAFLK ni fltenntf ArtdN YARP, fforl-in nmpie 'cmiaoliitioii to travelers mtii teamt'ra. Hi XjirJ.

nd Bar wiil be with lh best th mnrkst cn ST. A 1 11 L. O'mer cf Ptnn and Si. Lixtr PiltvturjK PU, rtfUK un ieriKned, forniTly of -Ua-wn navin? en tbit arz an 1 e.aiai-iK-u9 li Jir-U anJ aavin tvattvd in woaid roiectiu.iy toTiia ar. i ih ti-v-iin to niTe Lira a call.

A- nr.t wirh rh rr-nvf nit of the hou- aud hi Un teneuce in the bunins hr.caa eolii frAlksfaotiwa, aul WM. C. COyNKLLY. CORNER FOrr.TII AND GRANT STRtETS, PITTSBURGH, JPA. F.TLET, Propribtor.

GOOD 1XTB1T UIIUSB, O0HNFB OF UPBRIY AND GilANT PTRET3, near the Jjcp JAMrs SHANNON, Proprietc OW.ST-S. t-aTKHLET K. 60 i-ith Kihth etreet, between 'tnut ac-1 Walnut, Ktiila VO. Ill Arch fitroet. ti iiidi-lphia.

T. S.WEEB (late of Prt-priwr. jifiiiSy C.ASK1LL ilWlSK, O-JRXZJi OF jtAlX AAX S'tVlH IsTS. WARRES, 'j 'U iToprirT-r taka pleasure in anoDoncian to the yuMi thisrifw end et-fTi fl.iti ba bea opened a- a bou-e-of ent-Tta aient. Hnkf cotnmoii'uennd n-omy, i.nd aajiuin theoP: of theobio offe-r inducciiit-Dti- uaurp.ej in "Varr-n for th accommcuia- ti'iTi fi th traTtiiCi? CiMiirjanity A are of pa bar ptronae i reptrctfuliy ntidd.

hulT UAri-lLL. -u a tv i i tio ABOVE PHI UA UKLPUIA. PAKKfclt m. L.AIIAO, Proprlttori, jrlsMm, TtSKMli VLS UAY. Util PEXXA.

untlt.rj:iZoeJ ha7ic iK-a of the abcre J. i Koiw, and rhti-d it i a ier-re expaftc, tn a rtabie wJ a is prepi.rra 10 re- tt-ivf aiid aatt-: sa.i.;:c:iicD to ai wto may i-a r-D' the Hodx t'VU JAMK- IhiWNKY HA UK' HOTEL, 13 i 133 LIB till sriiKKV, fot ftreet, Pitt- I ii.ti fiair.v nw. uh jit to cnmiit'i-a 1 opRvl the -li of the public. (-pl; t'H A ti I I lllll NL. Clcrf laud, Ohio.

c. PATKJdv A rkN, ttou nits un-dciti thorough ati 1 est -ur-jr rnpains altMmtiuua, u-rw pte tuturivtf thitt lilUl be wwalitiz oa part to ir th. kixuN i. p-- whr aii the ol a S.tit hoUil "an liiuni. fl.UUh..M ilUI C.l., S3.


GALLAU libK, 1'RorHiTOi. j-zurtri tt nn IV- tin i JftHtfiA'iii. TniA ii-wU!" -lucent b--n by tha aufc-i, r.o-r. mod c.upi-t:T reno at-i ntrP'a, Li ia at all burt pr-pan-'i w-s, i ft" -er iuia.v tbat can be tuuod in the r--auraLit in th State-. 1't- pp -Uui-lieal a.

the Ter be-t l-'ju- b-ir aui be Gii)t rf fT de-- Lnta.t at ii i Aii li Kit. ia its y'-a -n, ca ti.v a IIA.NK. Kit dlAiHut, TKtt.t, lifcaiVS Kfc. vv.ri AM MARaM. THIRD rplK rubitt.frra b'JT tr-t- 4 centra' iv, uwt oitt.frra bvjr trt to itiT.iria it-ir irn-oi.

ani Lave i-avtj lbs aooee Kit! wbi-h ba j-t L-wu taorour riiy a i aa.I rv fi: li and uuf open. Tna kaT PrVTr-d 13 i Klrt the bHbst l.X- bnurfe a w- f--r it-f pt aj the a. Tr.e ir i--r ft .) tun- u- i nn-'P, 1 rvj up ui. 1 in auapi i c-r ieo fct. Iluv ri aat the patruasC- ol a AN rr MtRKI-, uancI4.

iatldlf UKtVIUKlU. UK-ilAlKAMI, a T. Kl. f. Al A Nl Hi- pTHKET n-- 1 i-rs -ne baai idd a iiA: Uea cf 1 i at a.i lituv -tt- bis til-nd- i.h tr: --t tb- i.

tr. Irish tttu-a i'du-trri may l- 1 Otl.M COt'iA jai.l CRYSTAL PALACE, I Mirkn i(ieti. C. C. SF.LLY, KK-PKl; J- I.LV tf bit fri- tidcaDd the oj bu; IN' n-y tisuist eb- in tb atlt tt.

at ialt. IU U1 1 Mrt.J, a yeti. -1! a -o iurm-U ti; rythnijt thi ti.e Ki-: afJt-ri. iiou.c a. tit-e-n an ui iu the rt siarli-if OihlKtl A i7 "6 A A It A ai lo UUl 5 iUi.

T. baa r- hi uYTKii AU-iN ANfi TIXti livt.T- j-r I ta a a.aaar 'batcaaact i-v UT fiUi-I-t 1 jiilALP y.LL it aVi i-j AT ALL liVLRSUf THe iA V. nt Uolc-tt Meata, Fnwli, FUh, A e.f 4Bi ci "i rv -a I. t.g riect-f ll-Tite U. atteJiiUoii til tl A Ki-K I'TILL, jaVJ taf VV-i M.

Clair Laarr tleer brevvvrv. 1 Ml -rr-s tbe that he c- f- TT- ir? and tua ijfu-raiv, n-s k. tt.tx litr in U-tt. Aji crier ten a u-' i.j:r. cf iiAMONi near l.

lal i. (. uti-tual: atteadvj tw, and ti bwr tr aiij ci thv or eictuite. ja.t: F- O. Her ilnll, i ii-rV (-If CtJ -m ottae.

Vo. 3 Of: sY-m of the iari-ut anl i UWet L-er la the city, ilia Heerw acEr.owivyl-''! to tv a iij.e: i'-r et-mia inti a about his cun nif r. and eery otaerac- Imt axceiiud. A. TT7 Kcuncit Ale.

D. EXVLIaSIl, h.1- s.d cMI'firS cebrat-d I Aittii Br tcut. Aie and Port- in atii pict ucttie-. T'e atteati- a oi aad tfe trade, ii respectfully jliife-j aj 1 iy Mineral auu Na; saf fei 111a I fc lui.I."Sl, litt Pan now an'i bi h-? absre lvera-e oa an steuiva ecie. tj, ad nutacturtid trai tbe purest i i are1 ly CAKPKNTFRfl, joj CAtii.MvT i UArii, ax.d VV, rjr i aii PatA'utod auJ ta.a.ic A i who hve- proL.o-.u a u.ost valaable la-Ve-nticn, tbat iiiU teri uf.

1 he foi-1. aiuK tuts fern fiwia pra-li. al workuj-u ar but two mmi-ng many iet'er the baa rt.ed rex u.caead Cpj tbis Piaae abcre aii others in uuj PlTT.SBCR JH HTEAM CaBl'XT FACTOfcr. tebruary 'It, la. hereby certify, that ddrit.

li.i twelve months we hare ue-i Hopper's Pat ut Pinue, aud do nct hesitate to recrmuieud it to au 1 Carp an u-pt-rtor any P.aue in WVcooai Wt it pM-uiuirly adapted to piaaicg cderry, waluut. aud alt eorts of hard a od, aad -r piAiiiuj veue ra, tt a far di)rb to tbe old ia b-: Us b-iu? a pr-at aaTtaut of tioie. cne m-n, by tui I'mof. wiil piaae uire ettueera than hve men can ao ty ot bir plane or m-tbed In oae. ii.

il. I.ia.i a Co. To Mokes F. EATftjf, IMitr Sir I bar examined UVpper Tateat Plane, aad believe it tu be a ui.t ex-eiirut artiste fir the um t(r wliich it ie intended, aa a cibiaatton o. plane and ecraf er.

it i parti adapted to pianiur T-ntTt and It does nut rv'ji-eoue-iourth ibe or la th vdd method; ani I have no doubt, vh'-n be-oiae ifeuerally XU'iwq, but tbat it iti eutireiy the loraie-r te-dit'U-s and la bono a cu-ti iu. 1 ino-l cheertuliy rec tn u.n 1 it tr. ad aEaped in th Cabinet busing, n- ir'-ia my knowled; it, tbri ta nothing ae veil tn a an beauliidl fiouh to Tuoera aa the Hop; i'ett-ut Iten 1'iaue. J.V.t DWSIL, Furniture Warerx.nv, m7, -j Third at Pittsburgh. E.r F.

KATitN. f.f tbi cty, my sole Aireut for tha Salf of i'laea, or of ri.tLt- mauufat ture aud Feil thfoi WM. C. UOPPKtt. Pittahueh, March 21, AOaMY MOKS F.

EATOW. Xv 1 Mxth street, accent for aelilan; and buyini PATKXT hbilil, i- bow auth. rited to iell tne fotloainrt pab-ute-i artirtest anda A CuuiiuiiigM' Phtei.t bri. Ma hine; Hopper Pat-Ut Veuer Piaue; Trott'e patent til Oiu'-e, fur Meaia tarnnca; Doan'a Uoa-k lrili)a Maychius; Coe'e paleut Drill, for irilliu Iron; Copelan l'a Htatuuoiry and Poriah.e Saw BJUls; Crawtbrd'a Steam and Water Ouares and, tirithth' Wrought Iron Kjiilrond Chair Machiuea. Thwe article have been examined by praciit ad nierhanloa aad machitiitR.

aud primuu-ed superior to any iu lie iti autiicriJevd to sell llichth to aiake and vend theae arTiciea in any pari of the country. lie ba.i hit-pred-rd Nutts aad Wahern, aud Cached Biaaora. lie it. aiw prepared to take Agencies for the wile of other patented Itiht and new and give to the bual-ned faithful aud instant atua'icB. lie refers to the CARD.

The Lava Ivnx I eea acduaiitted with Mr. Moee X. Eatou, aud have no tu reci-aiaieadmg him. to ail who xnav wjb to emi-doy his as a ran- tiemau oi undour.twd iut'rrity end in iaduatry, a wboe eserttt'oa every reuaace ujay te plared, Xetiile B. Crti-w, W.

ltobiDEun. m. Larituer, W. id. lany, James Wycd, P.

K. 1 rien F. Lcr-uz, Knap A Wade, Wiil mm Pbiiiir iisoa M'Candijm, Prrrsnciuia. No-ember J'- hu Orahara, li. Child A Oo X.

lit'iiuep a t-onP, Kramv-r A Hahia, L. K. ilimm F. Johnston, Andrew Fulton, A W. Loom lb.

Ttb. lSi4. Doau'l Itentt litcii rilling lae rEICiiilN'li AROL'T Sou POUNDS; can be worked aud uiored by two tn-u, aai uo me wors of fire or pix ia the ordinary wav. si.

S. JtowJer ManutHcturere. The subscriber ha." beea app iawd sole eject in tbe Uni ted Stated, for the eaie ol rtgnts to uae tnr- Mscnin. IdoBKa F. EAXOX, 19 Sixth street a i to Rnn.

Wta. F. Johnston, Preideut A. V. R.

W. Milnor Chief A. V. R. Oeu.

m. Larimer, Pre-ldeat P. A C. R. O.

W. Bara-a. tMx Chief LniC P. A R. Mers.

Manful! d. X'icbolpou. Contractors for tbe P. AS il. tt.

derw a cHi-li tridAV'l" you un Lvi el wntiuui y. ia in od order. Bia theta to aai we will make them thaie to uit the tat of the fati diooa. our ZSew York. Itax-ir Gnader caps the climax ia the way of potting a keen edge on tbera.


furnished this itfinry on the 1st oJ January, undwr oMih. R.l Kmata, tininctimbrred 16,972 OS Eerenty-two Mor( Bonds, 0 and 7 pay- able snmi-annually SV3 X- Ulll 34 khiiroad Stocks in Ccnnertinut Bank Suicks in the city of Hertford Uunk Stocka in Spw York Caih on Pank, and in bauds of Agents and oth.ra 97.MO 00 Hi.nvA CCD 212.L05 06 $773,273 C3 The amonut of liabilities Joe or not 4 Backior other or di tors, nothio. Ljeacs adjusted and due, yone. a.jusil and not due, tl-s Lows unadjusted and in ioiiw, wailing for proof, J61.to7 60. All otbr claim against the Company are aaatl, oa.y as printing.

Ac. instructed to take no ri-k orer $10,000. The ami-unt inateJ in anr city, ton or Tjllas, dtp-nfls upon the character, mnteiial and c. attraction ot buildlnii, the width of Ftreets, the supplT of wstrr and conaition ot the fire department, and other circumstawws. The amount iosurej in of buil.lmus Taries; the deoiKH ia to limit the by one fire to $10,000, or let.

THO. A. ALKXANIiEK, Secretary. Sran cr CowarrictT, llaru'urd, Jan. lt, 1W5.

liar' f'Td county. oountv. rwnally appeared Thomas A. Alexander, Hccr-tary of Insurance CompanT, and ieoath that the fore- git: statement by him subscribed, is true, acecrdinn to a.l IVrst the S. coinj atatement bT lua Ke.t anil belief litNBY FOOLER, Jantice of the Peace.

L-wwa pail by this Company for th year 1S4 exceed t7.r,000, while the premium, received for the l'J! time tar exceed any otar yar, ainca the organization of the Company. eoTerin? nearly all deacriptlons of property, Issued at this ajreocv. at remunerative rates. mt- Oflioa, o. 87 Water Pa.

janll -s H. TLN KVOK. Agent. COMPASV, HARTFORD, C0.Y.V. 1S19.

CaaRTaaxa, paid Ca.h Capital $300,000 Cash Surplus, I.t Jaoabt, 5 riHM Capital Sbx-k and fcurpia in securely luTe-t-d f-r X. tha benefit of ail policy holder. Aa an -Tiienre ti.e claim we hae to public confid nfte, and 'f its ability to pT loa-) prtiniptl, we stata a fa- that its receipt Tary f-vm $1 .6 CuO to per month. Ita buwinr" is lar.e and well ditftribuled. aud in our opinion no C-mpauy in tbe stntee a florin better iodeiauiiy to jmIi holJ ra than the Tby eoniiaue to ninke inruranre ca property in town aud country, at rates as low ns is aith safety to th.

polu-y ho. Northwest corner Pilth and Wood nwU, Pitt.i.urjh. fci A It MTTTTTAL 8AFKTY IHSTJKiKCE C0KPAHT. rFICa in the Nfrth Room of Ule Exchange, on Third MARlMi INiCRAXCKS. Valuta, Caao.

To all parts bf tbe Vi orii I'lUlFIl, I INLAND On fxls by rivers, canals, laaea and land carriages, to altLarUor the imo. V1KK IVSVRANCK8 On merchandise eneraiiy. On dwelling Ac. TUK COMPANY. Soveuiber 7, IMS.

Bonds and Mortices Jii.JoO IO ateot Penuf Jlvafcla, Philadelphia city, il.M.a. and other loans. ii A' fe lu hauaa. raiiruaia and luaurau? coia- panie. S' p1' Cai-Wrnhand.

io lialan-eein tbe hands of Aents anl on Marine Po'icies recentlv iesacl bscri tdvn otea. vd 63 Dr. M. Tlaaton, Pi cair livain, i Ctiarlea Vim. Mrtia, Joeepb li- ea, KiniuaJ A Souicrt John Davis, ii i-rt Burbyn, Jobo R.

Penroe, Ge re i Letper, Kleard DrtiaitsrCj li Jaae Brook, J.O.J -hQ-vc. Pa iii.a, Jarr.ei U- arlaad W.C Ladwtg, Samuel K. Stoke. H. nrj i aa, Juiae-i Tra iuar, Wm.

Ej re, Joshua Price, am ii eri ba r-m Charles Sha'Vr, J.T Lian, Pittsburgh, rin, do. A I.T1 pit--Mnt. WM 0. HAND, jc. O-iifAii, Sac'y.

P. A. A DERI No. a-er tr--t, Xlii Fraaklla Fir luiuria 01a paa uf 'r-snxL Tit Vi'TviRH Char if W. V-oiaw 17rt, 1 acoer, imuei Orant.

Jtwttb R. oiith. 1kVa- 1. Msrd 'J D. Lewis.

Adlpht K. 1-rie. 1-tk1 r. Br ue, -M tt1 Patt-mon- Coju. N.

Jrttd. I'll Ai B-VvBU, Srcrry. Ooatir.ue t-. raiinrx.n.n.-o, pn-etaal or iinttted. on every daiCTipuf.

i---i-rtv. iu u.wn and country, at rabet aa a 'nrfacHtr. C2jn? baa r-r m. t.vw. r--imt toM.

wbi- h. Witb llnrir aud rufuiuaa, aaiety iueetUl, at- rd a'apie prvte'lao tu tbe aaaured. The of tbe Com pea on lat, lfti. a pub- i llrnnd to an Act ot Aaettihiy, were a iiiowa. vu: Mot 1ti pt rary Loan sjtti 17 i ritk.i f0 Cejafa, 61 I Total 41 i ''inre tbeir u-orj-ratixa, a of twm; tiey tare paid upward of im Fc-nr ir.

rd nd leuir by thereiy alTufdin evidence t-f the of insurance, a wil as ti.e equity aad mt with prmptne ail li: i-'it- OAKDiXEd iiiFIN, Atent, apJ4 t.trth-et vir. Wur-i and Tidr uta. if mTi Tt sl'u" A I LIFE IHSURAHCE, AM) Thl i-T COMPANY, rmi.4it:i.piiiA. CHABTEHED APRIL 26TH, 1850. CHARTEK I'tKPKTLAL.

CAPITAL 8250,000. Oficr, S. E. Comer bf Third and Street, Fhtladtlyha. Gf ocrt pf the Bom Bnard at hilaWp.itt cisacToaa.

Stephen B. Crawford, Panl floddarJ, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lwrens. Johnson, Benjamin W. bto.

Si' Henry, Jacob 1. J.ine llsvereox, William M. Godwin, William IT lie. Prmdrnt hen Crawford. Vcr fTtsxcUm Aahrose W.

Thompson. A'tfical nmiST, II. TTlllaon, si. V. AUsheny tV, B.

Mown D. GKO. E. ARSOLD, Arnt, No. 7 Fourth street.

Pittrhurgh. Pt5 S.SYLVASIA INS A COMPAK OF FITTSHUKGU, CORNRR Or Ft'l'ISTH AND STREETS. Anthorlxed Capital, (lUU.OOa. ISlrVhfc, BC! LLINli and other pr. pertv a.ioftt lor d.msfcv by Fire, aud the penis of the be.

aad Inland Navigation aod Transportation. BlRacToRl. Wm. F. Jchnaton, K.dy Patterson, Kennedy T.

Fitenl, I. eproui, tieore rt. lule, A. A. Carrier, W.

Haven, D. Park, CUntock, D. Long, A J. Jonef, Ja ob Painter, lame 8. Xeg.ey, ade Hampton, it.

COC rhall. Hon. WM JOHNSTON, Presldect. RODY PATTEKmjX, Vice Preaiient, A. A.

Cab aiER, rVcretary and Treasurer. S. S. Carkiik, Artintaat Sect etary. Western Ituu ranee Company, PitUbarirli.

R. MILLER, Jr Prfttdnt. M. uORDON, 9300.0UO, "riLLiniiure against all kinda of and MA RIXE. AU loaaes will be liberally sdjnaUd and promptly paid.

A Home last ttuuon.maaagt-l oy t'lkicroaB woo are wen known In the eomtnunitv. aad who are determiaed. by promptneaf and liberality, to maintain the character which taey have aaaumed, aa oTering the beat protection to thoee wlio deire to be inured. Miller, W. Kirk-tann, W.Butler, N.

Ilului, W. 11. Smith. 1 hniaen, Oeorcre W. Ja kaoo, Wui.

M. Lyon, Jamea Darr-ie, Jamea ilc- Auler, Alexander Mmt' 1 noma c-tt. tkitw Office. No 92 Water street, Warehouee of Spang Oo .99 talre.) Pittabonth. aoi4 1 WATCHES.

JEWELRY, XTF-W Jrwrtur, s-ltvas Wars, Miuiaar Goons, Ac. not.tai.s Kstail IU1.IT GooOT. Ac. ft HOI.RS1A1.R MB kSTAIL O'UU- try Mercl.anta an'i strsugers vi-l irk our city are r--iiue5t-ed to call, as we can serv them w-ll, and we thloR t-ter, than they usually are served In Katttern ci ies. be ides pi.lug them a responsible Ruarantee an item difficult to obtain tu many shops.

Piirer lrtechrd Levers 10 to fis.00 le. Cylinders to lu.oo Oold Lever and Lepine Watches, and upwards. Gentlemen do do do to $Vo. Chains, Sds, Keys, Ks, Spectacled, Petia, Lamps, In excellent variety, aud at lowest prices. Watch pairing done promptly and in a superior manner- Ali work and all goods warranted.

W. W. WILSON, Ch21 7 Market aareet, corner of Fourth. JOlkS LITTLB, Agent, No '4 III LlUCkTT jTKllT. KA8 JUST RfcCalVaD the tollowin very choice r-til lee LitAN'CIES.

II-k, Oent, Brandy, (very fine,) Dupuy A Co. (super Barrett a Co. Saxerao. WINES. Saroial Madeira, Howard.

March A Co Mad'ra Cast India Madeira, Table do Amontilla jo bberry, Mauz.uilio do Tabl. do Cooking- do lleiMt. ing Port, Pure Juice do Ordinary do St. Julien Claret, Malaga llry, lx rlaeet, Champsgues, Anchor, Verseney, U.ideaeck, Toavihet ith all other business. U.Don.

KL'M. Jamaica, santa Ctuz. OIN. BofTlet, IxtDdon Cordial, S-hnapps- itUNDRIF. Rutherforl's Scotch Ale, liap'lsv-s London Porter, iid Cherry Uranay, Abrintbe, Anisethe, Curaa, Sardines, Mocha and Java, Tuun II ys anl Black Teas, Knalish brnson Cheese, Impcrt.d Havana Cigars, of I sancus branus.

i Old Monongahela Whisky, of I all grades. articles connected with the EjWid.w Wl 31 AN FA CTO ItY. MKS. KI It; K. Six doors from the AqutJucl, )jont (Ae CbHecUir'i Ofire, ALtaaUSHl I'lTT, 3 PREPARED TO FILL UllDaUti F0K VilQi, acl a am is ui Ornamental Hair Work.

The btst qua.ity of material la furnit-ked. ani entire s.tislactioo cuaranteed. ri'HAl LAN UKUlbTEH ls.ued by Thvmaa Hood. and J. given away to all at 76 Fourth street, describes a great Tariety o' farms, Houses and Lota.

Those wanting home, would do well to get a Register, us it is described a tear Sue Country beau. ijeWj TU0M.A4 WoOua Copper All WM. of Stock at C. IN are I bare ia Boot 1 and the EATB Citie 67 al cnii no of of ie is of of to je21 Pittsburgh. Jan 20, 16 1 5.

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