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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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THE riTTSBTJTiGII GAZETTE. JTiilUAr, vjCVKMBEU 19. 1002. 10 BUitituvitT Hon us Wagner Proves a Star in Game of Basketball TRYING TO PRBVE OF TERROR WO MACKS FIGHT DRAW '5 TEAM suited r.n the streets, the children wer beaten by other children and couid not be safely sent to ackooL that local unions requested storekeepers to rrfuse to sell good to anyone related to a man working In the mines; that their houses wtrw stoned, that they were stoned, shot at. and hane-d In effigy, and that life was generally made miserable for them and their families.

Most of the witnesses connected etrikers with the offenses alleged. The lawyers for the non-union men said tonight they would continue calling witnesses to prove that a rein of terror existed during the strike. The commission will ndjourn at about noon on Saturday and will reconvene in Philadelphia. SHOOTING DEAD LOCALLY Worst Season on Record. Herron Hill Club Held No Shoots.

PEW BIRDS KILLED Pittsburgh is now mperiencing the dullest seaon at trap nhootir.5 which has been known to the SmoKy City in many Jong years. Whrc formerly there was an abundance of weekly shoots, with as large lists of contest ata us could be conveniently bandied, a close search necessary to reveal an ectlve sh joter, and the Herron Hill Cur club, the strongest ir. West-em Pennsylvania, lias during the present s-a-vu, only made away with 2V pigeons instead of to aa tn years past, On the Country ch.b grotiutis out on the Bechwojd boulevard, whre a fine set ot tr-'M were recently lnbiaii'Hi. there ha not btt-n enough shxting tu vmr ll.e giiifs oft the gaard. 1n Kerron Hill Oun t'ub so dead that It might as wl! out of existence as far as any active participation In the local field of sports Is concerned.

Club shoots have been utterly unknown this year enl f- straggling mciu-bers making the trip to Davis Island, aa tha fancy Bum thni. Is ail the life the once well-known organization has been able to muster. A schedule of winter s'uoom has been issued each season up to the present, but nottenirt at an organized sho'-t has yew s-tu made and nearly a thousand birds are eating their way into the ciub trciifjry while the rueintcri stem to have forgotten there is such a eport as Uapshouting. Ths reason opens the first of October and runs until about May. When tho club first moved iron to Pavls Island as high as ltf.nod birds were shot In a season, and last voir the total reached about 5.

its'. ITnless the members get a bustle on there will hardly be one blr la shot thU season, as is evidenced by Kinall averuge cf plgcous up to tin present Wpat trap shootinit Is done about Pittsburgh now genera'lv tkes place on holiday, and quite a number of turkey shoots and live pipeon events are scheduled for Christmas day. One of these -Mil be held on the grounds at Calhoun park, where a number of men are Interested In off private shoots whenever the fancy suits them. WILL BE WARM HOCKEY. Hnnlctr and Victoria.

Teams Will do Hattle Tnnlghl-Sew riaycro for the At Iutiueinc garde.r tonight the Bankers and Victoria hockey teams will line up for the second time this season, and judging from tlitlr flrat meeting several werks ago, a liot and fast contest Is expected. The Brat game, it will be rememberrd. resulted tn a victory for the bv a sf-ore of 4 to 1. but the game was aftcrwurds thrown out by the Western Pennsylvania Hockey leaatie officials be-causo ni tho trouble over Hod Stuart, whosa o'rvlces were claimed by both teams. This and the rat mat tne tctoria.

ani Hankera are running clope tn the league race wtil make battle of mora than ustitl rio fae the Victoria. have won two games and lot none. The Bankers have won one ni lost none, but bave a tie to plsy off. James Mackav, a new player to Ft'tsburgh. wi'l be In the Victoria tonight.

Hi played goal for the Ottawa Intermediates stands next to Mutton, the famous 0.taa Manager Thompson of the Tier-stones yesterday reclved a telegram froia Fred Lake of Winnipeg, who will probab'y arrive today. Minafccr Conant of Duqueene rarden yta-terday received two letters from the hockey asaociatlon of Canada, containing an official list of the fhiyef" who hive beer. disnuali.1eft. The 11-t settles nil controversy over Pittsiwah playing disour.litled men, as nope of the men now in Pittsburgh are on the list. Tho fol lowing Is tonight's Victoria.

MacUay (lonl Steen Point L-'uval Cover Pi A. 8iximlth. II. Kiuart Cmter n. Sixsmith Kifeht Henry Left Rlc.iard.'ori Mori-hy Fhymister Stuart Campbell Penwftl: Howard TWO FOR LIBERTY.

Braddock Bowlers Hade Fine Start, but Couldn't Hold 0-L The Liberty snd Braddock teama the Al'egheny County Bowling league met last night on the Liberty alleys and the home tenm proved victors two of the three games rolled. Tha visitors made a fine start, winning the first game by clever work, but fell down on ihe next two. The scores: Liberty Murdock MoeIIr p. holes Ijarrow Metzger Pollock TotaU Iiraddock Nugent Donovan Garbttt Hates Totals rap is 13 14.1 lfij 1S1 lili 172 14o 141 lfiO UZ 110 7TC 7W lfi 1S 12! 1A 147 1-H 108 1.1 14S 144 121 1S7 1JU lot tCO 74d 7H EAST EHO MERCHANTS TKEJECIDEO STEP To Bring Wealthy Delinquents to Time, Cash Will Be Basis of Business. The East End merchants have declared against the "trust" policy, and hereafter those who will not pay cannot eat, at least from the stocks of the grocers and produce dealers of that end of Greater Flttfburgh.

The decision to do away with, the carrying of bad account and henceforth do business on a cash basis was reached at a special meeting of tha bast End Merchants' Protective arsoctation. Strange as it may seem, the merchants do not taki this action on account of customers who are unable to pay their bills, but to bring to time some of the wealtbloEt residents or the district, who. according to the merchants, have rienty of rioney. but refuse to pay any attention to their statements. Having weans and position, these fam-lies have easily obtained credit in tha past, and while poorer customers were required to settle monthly, many of their wealthier neighbors paid no attention to requeeta for settlement, whiH others re-fused to settle oftener than once a year.

The merchants claim that many of these men were using their funds for mutierative investment, while they were forced to lose the interest on their money and very often the entire account, if payment was urged. Now they sav that th plan cf monthly will rigidly adhered to, and as all are agreed upon this policy, none can be taken advantage of. The essoclation also decided at its last meetlr. to remain closed aii day on both Christmas and Kew Years, and to request all dealers outside of the association to do likewise. The Curtain Cioea np Early.

Daniel Frohman desires to have it specially understood by theatergoers that Mr. Sothern's performance of "Hamlet wi'l begin at 7:45 o'clock tonight on account of it being not only a first performance, but also because "Hamlet'1 is a long play. It will be Mr. Sothern's first performance of the piay in two years, and Cecilia Lcftus and Jennie Eustace will be seen tor the lirst time as Ophelia and the Queen. HAPrEMSfcr? OF THE DAY.

Cortlandt CoKhfll. Jacob Hummel. Howard T-eon and William Levy, all about 1 years old. were held lor court by Alderman diaries McGovern on a charge of breaking street arc lain Police Lieutenant H. C.

Myers of the Third district, fell 25. feet over tbe bluff shove the Pennsylvania railroad Wednesday niaht wbile making raids. His nose was broken and he waa otherwise bruised. Alexander Krone, driver for C. L.

Flaccus, of Ptratford avenue, Kast lind, was badly injured yesterday morning by being knocked from the Flaccus catrtage at Center avenue and Cypresa street ty a traction car. The quarantine placed on the city buildings at Marshalsea wan lifted yesterday and mrvny permits were Issued to persons who wished to visit relatives and friends there. Marshsl-sea-will be closed to visitors until, after the holidays. retectivo Ed Barry left last niglit for P.uffalo. N.

after Oeorge Lovlnski. a Pole, who is alleged to have forged the name of the editor of a Polish paper to checks ag-gregftting $130. He was arrested in Buffalci on Monday. Marie Dorsey of No. 27 Ross street waa committed to jail last night by Alderman Charles C.

McGovern for a bearing on a chr.rge of receiving stolen soods. Her arrest Is In connection with that of Julia Nolsn. who ai. arrested for larceny from East End families. Holiday Goodness You'll like our AVhlskey and Wines for your Christinas dinner.

They are pure and wholesome. There is health and good cheer in every drop. Whisklss 7SC $1.09, $1.53 and $2.00 per ql Wines CCc, 75c, $1.00 istf J1.53 per qt. GlQmser-HBGkesieia Drf Co, Cor. FEDERAL ST.

PARK WAY, ALLEGHENY, PA. ssmngwuiinnnsjiiiiiiiii.i.uii.iii MniniiiAff" THIS IS The VlMi TOJBu' At. 4 There are certain articles of Men's Wear that wives or moth-ers are apt to buy Sor the men of the family. In some cases they are better judges they know more about the fine sewing in Clothing they understand mora about fine linen Kerchiefs, Hose and Now in these special lines we have secured a special stock and we issue thia special invitation to wives and mothers to come here, examine) our line and "Match Us If You 954 and 956 LIBERTY. ST.

Masai CATARRH In ail Its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely'f Cream Balm and heals tbe diseased membrane. P. cures catarrh and drives rway a sold In the bead toickly. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over tho membracs and is absorbed.

Pells! inv Mediate and cure follows. It ll not drying does not produce snceziuif. Large tSisa, 80 cents at Drug eists or by mail Trial Size, 1 0 cents by maiU EXT BROTHERS. BS Warren Street, New 439 WOOD ST. tieaa ur special and ay.

In the Monday. sMttshwrfcn Tuesday. Uasette. EVERY WEEK Sons 318 and 320 Penn Avb. AtJGliOP, LK1G Caited Statea Mall pteantohlp frasn Mew York Every Saturday tor i GLASGOW VIA LONDOnDERRY s-'irat fcaloon Passage, ut uiaria Second Saloon, 935 and upwards.

Tblrd Claaa, SSft and upwards. MUlCli. DIRECT TO HA.VX.SS S. 8. Perugia, Saturday, Sac 27th.

Ht'MJl' Hao.N aKU Aeuta. and It Broadway. M. or J. J.


Occidental and Orient 8 8. Co. and Oriental fi. 8. Co.

From Pan Francisco: Peking, Dec. 27. 1 Coptic, Jan. America Slant, Jan. lo.

l'jii3. For passage arm rreigni rates, reserva-f tlon. passage, orders ann information, apply to F. B. Choate, Agent.

615 Park building. Pitts burgh. ESTABLISHED 1683. OLIVER iron Stool Company, afeurorACTOKEfts or Soft Welding Steel and Iron, T3 1 erf JUiv iui vv atuu suit Agricultural Implements, Telegraph and Telephone Pole Supplies, General Offices at 0TTTS TEXTS STREET W0SK8.

SITT8tJnVGt. let tbe Hop Twina con sun ers of the far- PllOEfJIK, KEVSTOHE. 4 Hi Vt I StlTr NllTl'trB Via r-r Ml L. Glesenkamp flKOTHEfl JOCKEY EOT TJE DUMPS Pickering Was Suspended for Bad Ride in First Race. TWO FAVORITES WIN Pf Assotiatco Pss to Tea CrTrx 1 NUVv ORLEANS, Dec.

19. John Peters and Commissioner Forster were the on'y winning favorites. W. W. Finn.

ho bought euburban Queen for 1.0X), her today to C. Johnson for Finn ran Commissioner Forster up to today and bought him tt that figure. The stewards have recommended the suspension of Jockey Pkkertng for his unsatisfactory riie on the filly Bontag In the fi'st today. Weather fine; track slow. I'irst TCjct.

(I furlongs Marco, P5, Fuller, 15 to J. won: Irene Mac, 10O, Gannon. 8 to second; Candareen. loo, Scully. 2o to l.

third. Time. 1 :17. Soma. Brookston.

aji(i Oronte al3 ran. Pecond ra. 6 furlongs Andes, 103. Fuller, 13 to won: Harry Wilson, 1CJ; Gannon. 11 to 5.

second; Bummer. 107, Hcige-son. IS to 5, third. Tituc, Antonia, Prown Vail, Oorua Boy. Ivemoyz aad Alpaca also ran.

Third rare, selling. 1 mile Verusvla, 11T, Robertson, 20 to 1, won; Alfred 3. Williams, to second; Kt rtev, 117, C. Wright, 60 to 1, third. Time.

1:47. Lord Papper, Simoon, Jerry Hur.t. Rayomcn, Judge Magee, Lord Neville, Mall of Enid and Fowdy G. aUo ran. Gray Forgo waa Interfered with and pulled up.

Fourth race, handicap. 1 mlle Jessie Jar-hoe, 10. Helgersou. 9 to 1. woo; V.

II. Campbell, 105, Hucharian, 7 to 2, second; Moor, WO. Waup. 5 to 1. Time, 1.45.

Major Manalr, Prince or Er.lurance and Huntress also ran. Firth race, 5 furionga John Peters, GaiiDon, 7 to 10, won; Ben Mora, bO. H. 12 to 1. second; bt.

Tammany. ln. lviason. 4 tl 1, thtrd. Time, lrtlH.

Potente, Tom Klngsley. Okla. Grantor, Smile, ilerodiade and Mir" night Chlme also ran. Sixth race, selling. 1 1-lt miles Commissioner la.

Gannon, to S. von; Optimo, J02, Cogswell. 7 10 2. second; AtheoU. Scully.

50 to 1. third. Time. 152 3-5. False Lead.

Swcrosman. Pay the Fiddler. Heroics and fchut also ran. Entries for Tomorrcrw. First race, purse.

2-year-old eolta, 514 furlongs Juda Cantrtll, 100: Showman, Pageant, J'C; Hurry. 107; Farm-r Jim, Blanco, Rarktn, Anaeiger, Cinclnnatua, Floyd 110; ly Surprise, 112; Glennevis. 115. Second race, selling. 7 furlong riaylike.

Futch Carter. lo2; Moran. Tho Caxton, li4; Ttllo, Aline Abbott. Kbs Quick, Hergint. Lofter, Bailila, 107: Moranda.

109; Peter Luryea, 114. Third race, purse. 1 mile Phil Knight, Itacaiiarla, Water Edge. iti; Tom Klngsley, loC, Hanover tiuetn, 1J: liough luder, 114; Bel vino, 117. Fourth race, high weight handicap, 6 fur-lorigs t'rovoet, P.

Faririer Jim. lid; Worth- inrtun. Ho; Ar.tonlua. 116; Death. 118; Echo- Lni.

11. vroiaen nuie, j.v. Fifth race, selling. It, miles Potheen. Irving, Mayor.

Wl; Marcos, 8S; TrocadeM, Heary of hVanstairar, Binish. lol; true, Cogswell. 104. Sixth race, puree, fillies, furlongs Helen Hay. Semeer.

Trimus, Our Beie. ls; Suburban Queen, Mia. Frar.X Foster, 17; Sweet Alice. 112. THE DEATH ROLL.

'William OaslaD AVsroork. Ex-Bherlff tVilliam Gaston TVarnock, one cf the most widely known Republican leaders of-Lawrence county. died et hla home In New Castle Wednesday night, after a short Illness. He was the son of James Varnock. a pioneer of Lawrence county, and waa born in 1825 in Shenango township.

In 16 he was elected sheriff by a lante majority. During1 the civil tvar he served first In tho Eighty-eighth Ohio regiment, and then enlisted for tho balance ot the war in Company of the famous Koundheads, One Hundredth Pennsylvania regiment. He is survived by his aidow, two sons and two daughters. Kx-6'neriff Ctaarlea O. Warnock.

Sirs. Ada, wife of Health Officer William H. Vance, and Miss Laura of this city and William Warnock cl Coraopolis. Gen. Wiger Snijse, Cen.

Wager Swajne died yesterday in his apartments at tho Hotel Renaissance, New York, where ba had been 111 for 10 daya. He was born In Columbus. in 1S34. Ho was educated at Tale, afterward studying law at the Cincinnati Law school. He graduated from Tale In 1S5 and secured hla legal degree three years later.

During the civil war he served with the Ohio volunteers and during an engagement In South Carolina he waa woundtd and lost a leg-. In August, 1JW1, he was promoted to a jnaior and rose to major general for gallant service during the war. On July 1, 1670, he retired fmm the army. Qen. Swayne at one time waa general counsel for the W-etern Union Telegraph Company and also the counsel for the Wabash railroad, the Associated Press and other large corporations.

Mrs. Kllaabeth P. Rhodes. Mrs. Elizabeth Peebles Rhodes.

63 years old. widow of James Rhodes, youngest brother of Joshua Rhodes, the well-known Pittsburgher. died yesterday afternoon of Bright' disease at tho homo of hor sister, W. J. Hitchcock.

In Tour.gstown, O. Mrs. Rhode mas born In Pittsburgh and for the paat 60 years bad been a resident of fJew Castle. She was the mother of Robert T. Rhodes of the Allegheny National bank; T.

R. Rhodes, general manager of the Pittsburgh Valve Foundry and Contraction Company; J. I. Rhodes, president, and George T. Rhodes, secretary of the Pennsylvania Casting and Machine Company.

Funeral services will be held at her laie home. No. 1SS Lincoln avenue. New Castle, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church.

New Castle. Mrs. Harry C. Means. Mrs.

Emma Meanr years old, wife of Harry Means, a bu-ineas man jof Iirok-ville. died early yesterday morning at the Seventh Avenue hotel. Mra Means came to Pittsburgh over a week ago to do her Christmas shipping and contracted a severe cold. Her condition became fcertous. and on "Wednesday her relatives were called to Pittsburgh and were at her bedside a hen she Mtsa Annie '1.

(arsff. Miss Annie Theresa Carney, 16 years old. daughter cf Michael Carney of Pcnn street, North Braddock. di-d suddenly yesterday trm rheumatism of the heart, he had been 111 at various times alnce last April. She toro tn Braddock and waa a member of St.

Brendan's Ronian Catholic church. Remains Sent Home. The remains of Mark I. Tbomas, manager of the W. Dodge Advance Construction Con pany.

who was hiiled by a train Wednesday morning at Bellevue, w. re yesterday sent to his former borne in Reading, a suburb of Boston. Masa. Obituary TCotea. William M.

Wallace, aged P5, cashier of tho Second National bank cf Erie. Pa. died yes-teroay at Sprtrg Laae, N. J. Ta mM I.

W. Warnock. a well-known busl- neaa man cf Beaver, Pa. died yesterday at the home ct his parents Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Warnock. James Means, 78 years old. a former prr ml nent coal operator, is nrw Wesley avenue, McKeesfKirt. His widow and egit children survive. -William Hocner.

former receiver of taxen of phiUdelphla. died He rei-re-ecntel the Eighteenth district in the stai-i legieiaturo frim ITIS to IST'L Tirs Bridget Flycn. mother cf Brother Fior'aii a profeasor in Notre rame university. Indian. Is dead at her tome.

No. 1210 Poplar street, Allegheny. Si children survive. Mrs Catherine fi. Coldtach, 63 years old.

mother of Sister Mary Warrarot. stp.tioned at Mercy bewpnal. Is dead aa toe family home in brownsvlile real, Mt- Oliver. Six children survive. (ieorg W.

Wilhelm of Canton. died unesoecteoiy jesteriay or heart fan-ure h-1 been a member of the lower Ohio housa and of the senate, and waa well 1 known thr.TUgl.out the state. Jesae Coraellna. a wtll-Vnown citisn Reaver Fa is. Ps, la dead of tvThold Ho was years old.

and la survived by his and several son- nd daughters. On of his caughters, Miss Harriet, is a teacher in the public achor Is. Charles Orlffin. eg-d one of the politlciajis in Ohio snd fotmer soeaker of the Ohio legislature, dropped dead of beert a'sas in his oftlco at T.lfcdo. yewotrday.

Ti; chocJ laws of state wore roviaed by him Curing his laat term In the Icglslat-jre. i.ju1 -V ee JOU stl.i:, A Hockey Hear of Local Production, Who Plays for Victoria Tonight. ran tehhs UNDER HOCKEY Ontario Hockey Asssociation Refuses Permission for Canadian Teams to Play Here. TORONTO. Dec.

18. The Ort-tario Hockey association intends taking a firm btand on tho of allcwing teuma within Its fold to play clubs in Pittsburgh. Absolutely no euch permission wiJl be granted for the retteon that there Is ample and undeniable proof that tho Pittsburgh clubs are purely professional, paying Ktraight salaries to their players. It might be as well, loo, to state that any team the O. II.

A. In this matter, not only Involve the seven men actually uklr.g part In the matches, but also every team In the organization, aa waa bronrht out 1n ho Judgment against the R. M. C. team cf Kingston laat winter.

1 litis tfueen'a senior team piay In P'Hsburgh that action would involve Queen's III a nlch Is In the Junior O. H. A. scries, the frst team la not a member of the O. A.

at aP. With thie question crmly decided upon elubs need not waste time In aeking permission of the O. H. A. to rlay matches In Plttsihurgb.

The of Kingsum applied for such per.riiatlon today anil wore refused by President Ross Robertson for the reason that Pittsburgh r)ub are professional bodies. Now triat the Canadian Hockey league refused the application of Cornwall there Is nothing left foe that club but to take Its plsco once more In the senior series of the O. H. A. This series will likely con sis' of Cornwall.

Fmttbs Falls, Morrisbur-; and the trontenaca in the east, an i the Wellingtons, St- George'a and Sault Ste. Mirlc In tlie west. THREE INFANTS FG1D 111 Sudden Death of Children Attributed to Croup Other Cases at the Morgue. C'roun was the rause cf the sudden rteaths of three children, reported yesterday to the coroner. Martha Kuns, 14 month, was found In bed dead ester-day morning at the Curtii home.

No. S3 Fulton ktrcet. the child having- fctranffled to death from a severe cold some time durinp the night. John Harttnan. sged 6 ytis, also died during the nieTht from the same catifC at th" homo of hia parents In TTuIton.

near Oakmont. The two-inonths-old child of William Hessons of Roquet station on -the West I'enn rail-roed was found dead jesterday rnoming at o'clock. Fred Gtnelli, agd 63 years, whs struck by passenger train No. in the Pittsburgh Lake Erie yards. South Side, yesterday afternoon, about 1 o'clock, and Instantly kilbd.

Oinelli lived alon In a nhanty in the rear of 3'J Wett Carson street. Ha was destitute and was in the habit ef gathering coal In the railroad yards to replenish hia fire, and Is supposed to have ben on this errand when he met his death. A. F. Shook, a brakeman of the Fort Wayne railroad, who was run over by a train In the Allegheny yards on Tuesday momitifr, died yesterday, at 10 at the Mercy hospital.

He was 4.1 years old, married and resided at No. OoO KJrk-patrick street. Anton Smith, 25 years, was found In bed at 4 o'clock yesterday morn-iripr by his roommate. His death Is attributed to. heart disease.

The death 0 Thomas rhiiHps. aged 55. a coal miner, by a fall of slate, la Stowe township, was reported to the coroner last night. SITUATIONIS SERIOUS. Devastation lo ftnatetnala Canaed by Vulcanic Lroptloas Makes Life Almost Intolerable.

GUATEMALA CITY. GUATEMALA, Dec. W. It is probably due to some government instructions that the papers here have not said anything with reference to the eruption of the Santa Maria volcano, which has been a national calamity. The losses suffered by German capital alone are not less than If the total destruction of many other properties i added to this amount the actual looses ascend to a fantastic sum.

The volcano Is stiil In activity. The suffering Is Indescribable. Owing- to the unv.sually high rate cf exchiinpe, business Is entirely paralyzed, ir Imported articles have reached such prices that very few persons can aflord to buy them. The situation la almost unendurable. CHARGED WITH FRAUD.

lan Arrested tn Canton. la Aliened to Have Impersonated (internment Employe. CA. i'OS, Dec. 18.

Edmund Hausr has ben arretted by United States ofH-c'al3 and will be given a hearing at Warren tomorrow. The charge against Hau-aer Is that he represented himself as a government employe to examine and withdraw from circulation counterfeit coin. Accordingly he. It Is alleged, visited a nunilKrr of stores In this city and. showing a badge which seemed to prove his statement, was allowed to examhi2 money in the cash drawer.

In several Instances he is said to have taken money ar.d placed it his pocket on tiic grodnd that it was counterfeit and would have to be confiscated. The sum of money obtained waa not large. GENERAL NORD IS PRESIDENT OF HAITI PORT AU rRINCB, HAITI. Dec. IS.

Gen. Nerd, havit beta acclaimed president of Haiti by the army, took possession of the natiounl pal ice this morning. VmubswoimI Hotel liurne i. GREENSnURG. Dec 13.

cliil.y 'fii Your.gwoud hotel. at a of by Jaws tc.CUiin. formerly a raii-rosd W115 destroyed bv fire last r.iKht. The flu, res wre causud bv crossed eleclria wire, ev.ral guests had narrow- escapes. The loss is almost total.

Mr. McCain carried w.0 Insurance. General Dead. MARION. Dec.

18. The Hon. nasaa M. Knowlton. former attorney general of Massachusetts.

who was jtrlcaeri with apoplejcy oa reeceinber it LI toorn bere. died tont-hi. ft 4 1 i 1 jJL s. -v 1 i Jc -i i 1 c-. Li JLa-JH I Ml THEIR Ifl THE STJLOUiS AREHJL Pittsburgher Is Harder Hitter, but New Yorker Is Shiftier on Feet.

fPrifnt, TkLinii to Tag OArirra.J 8T. LOL'IS. Tef. 18. Hush Mc-rad-ler.

and Jack McCIllnd fonsht 10 fa.t round to a draw at the Knd rliih thla evenimr, both men r'UttnK UP a abuppy bit tie throughout nd ftnlshiiis wfth honors evn. At no gtago of the nciit flld tiller man have much of a lead and K'fro Snarp's vprdlct waa well recelvt-d. It was McC'lelland'a s'iperlor hitting aaalntt Mc Padden a cieverpesa throughout and Hugh's counters were the Wovra which scored jiomts in hlu he is tha nuirker man on his feet seemed clear after a round or wo, but th nd cf the fifth period it looked as thouKh Hugh would have tu use ail his speed to kp awiiy from hla opponent. Then Mcl'addtn Uitd hook work while clinched and at thla he found a good opening. He landed hook aftT hook and short arm blow aftrr another white stepping back and thus made a flashier sa.iwlrg than Wc-Ctelldnd, who played for the body and sent tn punishing 4ltt in response to i Jutie.

McPailden'a left leads landed frenuetitly oa Jaa's luce, but they did net seem to worry tha Pittsburgh muai. ne McPadden solved ifr-ClcilHnd'a reach and style of hitting, things hecatne easier for htm. He would grcn bar in time to break the force of mapy of Jack's a.lH. apd though McCleilsnd'a punches would land, they would often fail of force. When he struck McPnd-den squarely tn the face, the rror.klvn man, would reel and almost go down, btit would always mar.ugs to d.ick on Jack's follow, wrap hla asm akg-ut McCieiland's v.alst and corae up smii'np'fcoiii th breakaway.

To sma the content up briefly, McFadden had sllgtiflv th better of the soarrlng. while McClelland bad the best of the hittln. He landed repeatedly on Hnei. Ltr the latter'a JuiKnient of rilHinnce kept, him from receiving much punishment. At thnt, Mol'adden's eye win bleeding and mouth dropping a crimson itream at two or three stage of the cou-test.

Mrcipilarfi and Mtson got away for Pittsburgh at Mctlelland's onlv mark Is the old cut ovr his left eye. which Icrad-aeu reopened la the tenth round. THE BATTLE TONIGHT. Krrjthlart Btsily for tbe Boot -tvrrra Jack Vet lellnnd nil CdiliR Toy. One of the best conter's between prominent featherweights that has teen seen In this vicinity will be the 10-round bout between Jack McClelland of this city and Eddie Toy of Pan Francisco, before tha Nrmpariel club of Allegheny.

In Sfanchesi'-r Turner hall, tonight There Will be two good preliminaries, slA-round bouts, the first between Itave Bat-tlt-stono of Huffalo and Frame McCloskey of l'lttsbtirgh, and the other between liro-gan of the West Knd ar.d Paddy Nee of Manchester. McClelland and Tov will fight at 12t pounds, to we.frh In at the The niHin bout will t-al'ed at p. m. Toy arrlve-t in Plttsr.urgh from St. Iritis last n'ght.

He says he Is In fine condition, at 1 In letter shape than when he met the PHU burgh toy tn Louis, when he was the decision. Toy will do some Usrht given i work i tomorrow with Frank Sutton of Mt Washington. In meeting Toy In Allegheny tomorrow night McClelland will establish a record and accomplish a feat that has never before been attempted by a boxor of Ma reputation. This will tie the first tn in the history of boilng that a man has met a strong fighter tn a Si- round go on night and then made a Jutr.p of mpm than 0 to meet the following night, Th whit the Pittsburgh oy will do. ltst nlfht he met High M-l'addn.

who la the only man who best KM P.road ecisively, a hen the latter was at his best. SULLIVAN IS SORRY. John L. Takes Another Pledge and Talks About Himself. DETROIT, Dec.

18. (Soeclal.) -The former mighty Joi Sullivan repented In aackuloth mil sshca thia evening in hla cell In the central police ctatinn He waa i.r isid about 5 o'clix-k, after rlrnnic hours, but Harris finailv pot to Mm and prurnineii him if he got aober temght he would open with him at the Arcade In Toledo tomorrow eetcmoon. Sullivan proirisd and took a pl'dxe not to drink again on his preaent tour. Ho received r(H yeeterday and today he was broke and ran a tab in the salouns be visited. Hia aieietrophe to himself was characteristic, as he evidently reallz what he had con.e to.

He looked down an himself ar.d said: "Jo.i are a fine specimen, you are; you lop-sided, gray-heade 1 rattleaiuvke Why don't you brace up and bo a gentlemen, even If It does hurt yvu? You was an actor who had Corbet Flt Jeffries Ilka Bulling piatera. Today you are a bum. You great big at you should by rights be locked up In a i. "You are maktnji your last tight with King Boose, old man, and he's got you prettv groggy at the present time, it's been a loi.g light snd a hard one.

but It can on fot-ever. Old man. It can't go on forever. Very poon the refrree will count you out, as this looHa to a suofcer up a tree as if It la tho last round." THE HANDBALL EXPERTS. The Woodialres' Tournsy Is Producing Some Fine GiiLien.

The handhalt tournament fr tho Individual champlomihip weat of the Allegiianlea aaa opened yestjrday fternoon. The tournament la bring held under he auspices of the Woodlako team, and la reviving tliu prso2al attcntlca cf Mr. Hexinen, so that it prove a success. Amons- tl.e of players suvl-. nar.ies aa Wood, Wilson, I1U.

urger and Wtxnug appear, ao that polhiiirf hut lirst class plajlng will be presented. O'Donnell, the famous exiiert from Tiunlin. and on whom the Cardinal club Is pl-clo much hope to win the proud title, gave e. Pne Burger won nine straight games, all through hu brilliant foot work, ricore Name. Club.

Won. 5 4 .1 3 2 Lost, ii I .1 il 7 Pet. l'm fNI .3:11 Purger, Woodluke. O'Donnell.

Wixnog. Wovdlako. Vood, Hilts, Concord Wilson, Cr.ncoi Reynolds. Smith. Olvmpla Hara, Olympla Tilt; AMERICAN CIRCUIT.

Baa Johnson Fails to Name Pittsburgh for a riice. CHICAHO, tVc li. (Special.) In an Interview Kan Johnson aald: "To set at rest any reports of a change in the circuit I wl'l isv that as It looks now the American lenru clr.uit for next year win be boston. York. Philadelphia, Washington.

lieveland. tietroit. Oilcsgo Jid Kt I.uls. There are g'Hd people tn I'lttshm gh who wait us to go tn there. They would like to get the Detroit franchise.

If the league wants to make tha switch that is for the club net to say." CALLED IT A DRAW. Eddie Keanedy Had Ail the Best of Chris Himmler. CfMPEKLAND, Dec. IS. The 10-round fight here tonight between Eddie Kenne iy of Pittsburgh and Chrla Himmler of this place weru the limit and aaa call.d a uraw.

Kennedy had all the better of tho fighting and lUrtu.o.r as badly punished. rowlioT Mtllt im the I. rati. In one of tho most exalting pool games witnessed la rinburi for some time, Wsston, the cowboy chsmpion. held Ms la.1 over Orant Khy at the World a l'air kI rom.

though, only by the cltf score ef to jiolnts. Trua Is tho close it pool game ever plated he-twten tao rhmnplora. Score bv Khy U. lo, 3. 14.

li in, pi 2 Total. 114. Weston a. O. 12, 7, 6.

15. 12 0. 12, a. Total. 1'iTl.

To'al score VVeaton. Eby, Referee Mr. Chlius. Jack Kelly Is a or Led Oat. KPfUNGFlSLD.

ILL tVc, r-ron Forbes cf Ctil. M(o knojed out Jack of l.rookiyn in th- firth a hat wa- to i.ave been a vo-round bouv, lute tonight. Kriiy was decldedl outiiaised. CASTORS A For Infants and CbiLixea. Tlsi Kind Yaa fare Always Bought Bears tb IIS THEHIIIEH The Hero of Carnegie Proves a Star at Basketball.

FAST. CLEAN GAME John Ilonus Wagner and his crew of Carnegie pl.ters marte their flrt appearance of the season at the a-tlwflrtl Jyceum before a crowd of lit) enthusiasts U.n nirfti. and succeeded in welklni? off with their Grr.t contest by a corn of So to 13. which la a margin la swift a game. Ilonus had along a aide pardner Pauy Flaherty, who wan the star twiiler of tti American association last i-ai, and who will Co stunt fir Comhiky's White Stockings next Mason.

Thia pair of baseball stars demonf-trnCe to tha satisfaction of everybody 1at eight flat they can shiny on the gymnasium floor as w-il as on the sodded umwti t4 they are nearly stars at the indoor game. t)f ouuree Hoaun waa tlie center of attraction, ni hla Brat apiiratanue waa greeted with loude cheers. 'In orJer to hla well wlshera tho bero af Carnegie got mt the name up tu Ills nick, and It can ba ti-'jthtull said that ha mala tt.e tar play of the evening. This display happened aarly In the second half of the contest whn Warner got the ball right under hla own goal, th-n skillfully dodging all opponents, 1j drlbbld the ball the full length of the Held and alx.t one of the cleanest goala of the evening. This play waa greeted with the prolonged cheers that It deserved.

Tn the Brat part of the gam "Buck Baiker of the Lyceum tim started Into keep an on the bul)all player, but lie found the Job an ejceciiiigly difficult toe and soon ex-Changed rlacua with a fellow player, llonui la an oulck aa a cat on hla feet. anl whenever waa a scrimmage be waa to he found. Tna same appllea to Patty Flaherty. wh, although new at tho Indoor game, showed ly Ma clev-r work that be will soon be one of Ita alar It waa the first of the season for bo With, and there fc.vtnra.lly waa a lack of tni work. This waa more noticeable la the Lye-sum than the Carnegie five, and lheii waa like-wise an apparent nervousness on the part of a majority of the players.

At the start out It looked a ttioosh It waa going to be a walk-awav for the Waatier cruwil, who scored six clean field goals, which netted 12 polnta tiefore he. opjHj-tlnr teem hud anything like a score. The l.iycum players, however, took a brace and the half end-id IT to In tvor of At lot a 1: minute' rest tho team went at th second hair and the playin? wan both foit and fnrloua. The ball waa shot up and ilown the kali with great rapldUy and it waa 'lffl-eult for the apeotatora to follow the a of tba plavera. Taking th lir(l of the (ratia It waa a wonder eome one tu not knocked out, but there wre no acch'lente or run-lne of anv kind, whlcli woil tor ihn actiona ot the players on bti'h teama.

Thle md the contest a pleasing one for the aneotuUire, and the dleplay vt f'lendly. haxmUse rivalry will hae much ta Co populiiriiing the uport. The first goal In this half wan seofed bv Wairrier. nnd it wns the star plnv of ihe frainr. The halt ended 13 to In Carnegie' favor.

The Camer.e tenm baa a pair of good forwarda la ueibpl art Flint, who kii iw their buslnoaa and attend It at all times aa due Stehlo. the crnt-r. Foe Lvoernn the bi-ot worn waa dono by Thomi-aon. Harker and elaier. Hy winning last night's game the Car-repin tenia takea a place alonEsl'le the Ml.

In ftv in tho Allegheny t.otinty leaicue rc, each team evng won a Kami and norve. Ike ljlttln, the league releree. preatded over the game, ant hla ruling were no fair they were ivr cUstlons Te score and line up: Carnesta 39. Lyceumla. Randal! tt.

Ppibel I'homueon I Flint C.lxlor Center Sthle Bii'ker K. Wagner Flalierty Cloal Kelhel Wagm 2. Thompson 'i Urmis from foul Selbel lielsler a. Keferce Little. THE TROLLHY LEAGUE.

It Is Looked on With Favor and Is Sure of Success. NEW CabTlE. I-c. The proposition to form a "trolley baseball leaa'tV to In- 'ctide IS'mw Touiigtown. Greonvlllo and Wairen, aema to be meeting with general fvor.

and the prospecta are that the t'in will be formed. All the cities Interested are connected by trolley, fuM the expenses of waking the circuit would be so trifling ae to be of no account. A low salary limit will l.t Instated uiion, and the teams couM In a great part be composed almost entirely of U.ral players. It ja thought thu will so lnrcaHe tiia rivalry and Interest In the game as to lnsur the vtnutre finantdal eucccse. The new "trolley leagvte" will secure protection unuer thea national sgreeintnt.

Ivcech of Warren. fc-i-i been augg'stcl aa a possible head of the new league. He Is a capable bscbull man. and litis had years ot i sTK'nce In minor league m.nag' merit. Aa this city ta hopelessly out of the proposed Interstate leugUfl.

the Idea of the "trolley has engaged he favor of loraj biseiall far.a, who believe the venture will be more than successful. PROOF 0F D1SASTLR. Wash-Jef'a Football Funds Are Very Low. Dec. 1.

(Special William R. Craig of the W'asningt. ii't Jeflerson footliall team totiay submitted detailed report of the finances of the season Just past. Tlvj report show i a balance In the trauury from fiKtl.ll receipts of 4o.

The xuiwli which It had be-n expecled wou.d unusually good waa a tHsaeterous one, due principally lo the reveres earlier In the eaeon and the unfavcrahlo weather cond I Ions, The liedule m-xl year will not eontMln insnr hard grunes and more will plaved on the home grounds, a.i the trlpa tl'jrtng the pa-it season were all expensive ones art the munagement realized but 1'ttlc on them. W.ninton la a good football town snrt It Is bellpvi that If more games are arranged for this mora money will i takeu In. BASKET nilX SOTEJ. Honda git the crowd excited when he shot goala The ladle sab! F'sherty waa "too nice for auch a roih name." Flint's live g'-vals helped some. Stehls Wis a bot second, wllh four.

mut imve thought tha basket was fcunpin on tha chndeltr. The Inillivna team wants a basketball team for riirlstmaa evening. Fxpvnsea lo men. Writ t. H.

Uchteberer. Conipony K. regiment, has or- gnntsod a strong team and duairea to arianga ganieM wiiti g'or teams having iiors. Address France, tJiHi Kiuplre buiidlug. Telcphoue Stfpt Court.

Tht Columbia lean, plays Ita first game ef In ikethall of the aeaaon at their new hail in JUl'rvue t.intsr.t wuh the strong t'arneg'e A. Thers Is much rivalry these teams and a gama la eaperted. ill( (ante suits at 9 o'clock. The Company Junior basketba.ll team haa arguulxed ir the season, an I woul I like to bear from all atrong 12 and l-yeir-nld teama de.dilng gnmii.i. Have a gof! tloor to plsy n.

and all conveniences pfssiMe. Ad lresi n'l correspondence, Cnorgn 1., Jones, manug-r, postiiflce box iao7. Plttsburab. The tViliml)l. Cou not I A.

A. bis organised banii-uhnll irim and will play their gim-s l.i tnelr new gynitmal im on Center avenue. Would llks hear from Ataleniy aeeord tee.Ti, tilgh af houl end Alie-gnen Vrepuraioi school. A. A.

villi piav l.lneoliis games ad- tin Miu'usrr Team, Olutilil.iii Council, t'etiPr avenue, oily. The WeilAon A. biiskeihall tain Its r.t on Tumly. lwmli'r lu, drt-utlng tho Kntiprl.e bv a of 20 tn 1 tutsri tcn.k i ha lead at tha st.irt tdt an I tha Knter-prise team was nevir In It. Watson will iy mo Junior W-ikettaU lea'n at 'he inrimti T.irnnr ill Hvc-.

mber The Vt.on A. would Ilka to hear from all I.Vyeir-oid teams. For gamea ad.lrssa Jmj Wmvo', cars t-tantard Alunuracturtnsf Company, Aliefeny The Knteiprlae A. r. reorrahiacj l-st night and i isotud the foilnain Pr; sivwai aptfiln, ar.d T.

ttmruin, manager. Th earn la ceue se. of Htowart and HtaulTer, r. nurds; rerter, and F. Alton and t.

Oraham, guar Is They would like lo have a game for Ksuriinv rih. with any good Jl or 18 cft ol iesn. to be pl.iysd away tiomu. Thev wo Id like to h-io the t.u-lo.vti-g teams: Juniors Sorli-g A Pouth SMe tilled. Homes'eud High s-oool, Notional A.

C. of th Junior leaitje ar.d arn glo Jnulora. Any arn ueslrlna a rtm foe turdiy iHe-ht. lawemuer 2i, wiij plge Non-Union Aen Tell Commission of Troubles During Anthracite Strike. GRAY ON BOYCOTTING Justice Indipnant at Cowardly Actions to Keep Men from Working Arbitrators Will Adjourn Saturday.

Et Amocsatsb Pitcsi 10 Tna GaZTT.1 BCKAKTON. Doc coel strike commission listened today to further testimony tending to show that a reign of terror existed in the anthracite coal fields during the btrlke. About a wore ct witnesses were called by attorneys forth tinn-unlon men. They tcW of brutal attrcks by crowds of rnen. women and boys, and an attempt to bum the bouse cf non-union nan.

In most instances the witnesses testified that the alleged offender, were m-raber of the miners' union. The lawyer, for the miners objected frequently to the admission of testimony on hearsay and some times objected because of the Irrelevance of other statements. Chairman Gray was not bound by any rnles cf dence. but asked counsel to confine th-tn selves In ewminiiig 14 possible to direct evidence. He said was difficult, in tryhig to prove that no-cr5t.

to get lT.fcmu.tlon on the subject. Commission Wants to Know. The commission, be said. tto know whether a reign of terror the anthracite region, and It could i not get that information If the strict rules of evidence were applied. The ccward who will go to the stor-keepers." ne saii "and tell them not to th, necessaries of life to a poor woman usually seeks the obscurity that io evidence throws around ni.n.

If a girl Is discharged from her position In a. ore because rhe rode In a street car inclement weather, while a street car Itrlkwa. on. the coward who rg her is coward enonsh to refuse to teatlfj lie recognized, he said, why some mer-ehants wllfnot come forward and tel who oVced them to refuse to sell necessaries of to certain boyeottea he were a storekeeper be thought he would risk bis all in order to assist In breaking up the cowardly business. One man testing that a union man had threatened him and later on fired four shots at him because he would not stop work.

The vnlor.lst was sent to Jail. Try to Destroy ly Fire. A family of three, father, son and danghter-in-law. told how the son was chased from thtir home in Lpper LchiKh in the middle of the night, and how the crowd of 50 or OO smashed the furniture and ornaments In the house and then attempted to destroy the house with fire. Mrs.

Kate McNamara of Parsons, near Wilkesbarre. said her husband waa working in the mines and could not come home for fear cf bodily harm. One night when she and her four young cmiaren were alon In the house nnd in bed. the house was discovered on i re. The mother and chhdren escaped and the place was dc-atroved.

ohe did not prove that fUTaers fired the house, but Chairman Gray said hei testimony led to the Inference that it was "most probable- that the fire wa3 of incendiary origin Duncan Mclntyre of Nantlcoke, who was worked ns a blacksmith during the strike, Ustined that be and bis wife were hanged in effigy la tha rablic streets of Nanticcke. He was also otherwise annoyed. AiraiJ to Revolver. August Srhuech of Haileton, who worked for the Lehigh Valley company through the suspension, testified that he was attacked by a mob while he and his son were going to work, and that he was severely Injured by being hit by rock, that he was stabbod three times and had five ribs broken. He was acting as coal and iron policeman at tho time, but did not nee his revolver because he was afraid of hitting his son, who was being beaten by the crowd at the same time, and was bady used up.

Many of those men he said were strikers. Among these in the crowd and assisting in beating him, the witness said, was 'Squire McKelvey of Hazleton. The son of the witness corroborated the testimony of the father. Henry Vermiliye of Dorranceton said he was forced to join the union by the superintendent of the John C. Haddock Coal Company, Jn order to keep peace at the colliery.

This was before the Btrike began. he left the company because he thought the union was running the place, and went to work for another company while the strike was on. Necessities Denied Him. He was hanged in efhgy, stones were thrown at him while going to and from his and storekeepers were- compelled to refrain from selling his relatives the necessaries of life. John Doran.

manager of tho Wilkes barre lace mills. teisUned that because he would not discharsa two girls who had relatives working in the mines the 1,100 employes went on strike and Etayed out eight weeks until the matter was fixed up. Ajtother witness said he was a member cf tha union and while under a physician's care during the street car etrike here last year he was contpclled to ride on a car. His discharge was asked for by the union, but the mine superintendent refused. The union men made his occupation so unpleasant for him in the mines that he had to quit.

He left the. union, and when tlie Btrike came cn ne rerusea to leave nis work. He moved from one piace to an other, and finally located at Fittston. At that place the man who owned the house, who was a union miner, ordered him out and he had to leave. Tl.ese witnesses and others that were called testified that their wives were ln- 'lie- -Mm ssaa aim As long as this fellow ana bad fUSIOAT tonsilme WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT.

Tt VSILi Vi. laibiiutm ToBiillos cum sore 1 kia! eiy sadu a p.iti fcevrHatliiBUpeedeiir 1st 6.i Month, llasrseoeM ao (iui.iy A ull ij TtmiiiM lull loriijet any rOKt-Tnitn tT. ii. an4 fcO rsata fct ail 4rvgata. Tsit TCrsitr't eo.

f'f." JllilSt Mr AU.L.- 1 WAY 1 DO'N Will He- a Fast Flight. Tomoirow night 10-round contest at the Tarif" club. Natrona, between Mull P-owser and Vv'alter Burgo, the Boston boy, should he a rip, tang a.tair from start to finish, with the fur dyirg thick and fast, and the winner hard to pick. Bowser and Bunco met In one the. hardest contests ever seen in Cumberland, ltd tho decision -being a draw.

As both are anxious to have a decision over the othei. they bave agreed that there must be a winner even il it bas to be given on a slight margin. Lata and Lemon Matched. TEAVER FALLS, Pec. IS.

Lawrence Lutx of this place and Harry Lemon cf Cleve land are matched to box ten rounds before th Nonpareil A. C. in the auditorium of ttieir cloh here en the niirhL of Tueeday. cember 2M. men are training bard for tha event.

LORENZ HUMORIST AS WELL AS DOCTOR NEW YORK, Doc. IS At the Rankers association banquet tonight, Prcf. Lorenz. the Vienna raid: "I have hid mine curicus experlencch In this country. Perhaps the most curious was in Chicag-o.

The board of health thero made tuc un dergo ti.i examination in medicine, al-tliotifr'h I thibk 1 knew omrthtnjr, of my branch ot my prolessioti. Curiously enough, some WfeKs Inter made me a doctor of laws, thoufrn I know nothing-of law. Taught by that experience, i hnU not talk morf to you; because I fepr if 1 stay here longer you will mike me a hanker, because I know noth.nsr of bankitis." PITTSBURGH MAIDENS WILL BE BRIDESMAIDS NEW YORK, Dee. IS. iSpeciHl.) Miss Jeanneite de who to rna.

ry Mr. George F. T. Brittan on January V) at the Church cf the Heavenly Rest, huj chosen for tier briiievmacla Mms uerire Johnson and ills trcmt 1 of ttitluirgh; Miss Marion Birge Buffalo, illys Julie Calhoun and Miss fam 1'eter of thN c'ty. Ibr Mrs.

K. ii- neih M. Murcliison, will act ad utatr. ot honor. SENT TO PRISON EOR ATTEMPTING SUICIDE BEADING.

Dec. A mole if CoateavIIle today leaded Ct-tlty lit court to the cliarRo, attempt voluntary munsltightt in an endeavor to He was sentenct to pay 4 r.t.e of tJ titnl mortte r.rai lit. Arnold tanw this city lime go witli a Coitc-ville woman, liuvini; ejjienl to end their lives totr thcr. The; would 11 a effort was auecesafuL FRENCH STEAMER IN DANGEROUS POSITION TOULON. FRANCE.

Dec. 1 Tre Medoc with the Frtr.h cruiser Ijitouiha Trevilie she was leaving port. The Medoc frrounded on th? rocks and lies Ir a dangerous position. On board the, Medoe are the mails. pa.HfneVM-s for East Iodic and a number of eaiicrs intended for tne French waraUpa oa thj China station.

W.U rttvj i a si 1 I I Xmaa morning with I ii fvj 'Stt "a5 this In 1 viOr1-- front of tht-n I are no more enthusiastic over itt many atid rnerltorloue qualities ol THE PITTSBURGH BREWIUG Ml BEER, ALE AND, PORTER than me thousands of a'l-year-round famei brews, among which arc iROH GiTY, VAirilVniQSIT..

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